
A Comparative Study of the University-industry Collaboration and Networks in China and United States, According to their Artificial Intelligence (AI) Articles by Using Bibliometrics

Setayesh Valipour, Raheleh | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54230 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Souzanchi Kashani, Ebrahim
  7. Abstract:
  8. After several decades, artificial intelligence has been able to turn a science fiction dream into a reality and enter the arenas of international competition. Given the capacity of artificial intelligence to bring about change in society and the economy, experts refer to it as a new industrial revolution that can also affect national power and bring about change at the international level. Due to the growing importance of this technology, the world's powerful countries are seeking to achieve this knowledge and progress in it. But among the countries worldwide, the main competition in the field of artificial intelligence is between China and the United States. China has grown significantly in publishing academic papers and patents over the past 20 years, surpassing the United States. Also, according to the literature review, it is thought that China as a developing country, and the United States as a developed country, differ in terms of organizational structure and cooperation network. Given the high power of China and the United States in this field and the fierce competition between them, various researches have examined the policies of each country in artificial intelligence and their situations. However, research that uses bibliometric methods and a network analysis approach to examine Chinese and American scientific publications in artificial intelligence and their inter-organizational communication network has not been done yet. In this regard, the present study has examined and compared the organizational structure of China and the United States and the differences between the affiliations of English-language articles published in the Web of Science (WOS) database from the year 2000 to 2020 in the field of artificial intelligence in these two countries and outlines its inter-organizational cooperation network. In this study, due to the very high number of data and the impossibility of visual analysis for this volume of data, organizations based on the frequency of repetition in the third and fourth quarters of articles with 20 or more citations were used. The components selected in the Gephi network drawing and analysis software to examine and compare the network of these two countries are as follows: degree centrality and its mean, betweenness centrality, clustering coefficient, graph density, network diameter, and average path length. This study shows that according to the research hypothesis, the two countries are different in terms of organizational structure and cooperation network. As a developing country, China has a government-centric network. In contrast, in the United States, which is considered a developed country, the government is less involved, power is distributed in this network, and universities play an essential role in the relationship between the three types of actors (Government, University, Industry). As a developed country, its network has a fragmented, decentralized, and non-state-oriented structure, and unlike China, its triple helix model has matured
  9. Keywords:
  10. Artificial Intelligence ; Network Analysis ; Communication Networks ; China ; United States ; Bibliometric

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