
Investigating the Effect of Communication of the Family Nature of Business on the Organizational Reputation, Measuring the Mediating Role of Brand Equity and Corporate Social Responsibility

Ghasempour, Dana | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54458 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Khalili Nasr, Arash
  7. Abstract:
  8. According to official statistics, family businesses form the majority of businesses around the world. When we talk about businesses, we are more likely to say that those firms face issues related to family businesses.One of the trending topics that has recently been considered by researchers and a lot of research has been done in this regard, is specific issues related to marketing and branding of family businesses.In this study, we tried to examine the family business brand in terms of reputation. Reputation is the perception in the minds of brand stakeholders about the brand and the organization. So we tried to take as fair and accurate a sample as possible, to seek the opinions of individuals who are potential customers of this type of business.In the theoretical model of the present study, we first examine the effect of announcing or concealing the family nature of the business on the perceived brand equity, which is the price premium for the product or service when it belongs to a particular brand, and the perceived social responsibility of the organization which is the business’s effort to help or at least reduce the harm caused by its activities to the various direct or indirect stakeholders of the organization. Then we examined the impact of the three variables on customers' buying intention. As theoretical backbone, we used signaling theory, which examines the effect of limited information in the absence of information on its receiver.The results of the research briefly show that for the Iranian population, the communication of the family nature of the business has a positive and significant relationship with the buying intention of customers. Although, the effect of family nature on brand equity and social responsibility as well as the mediating effect of these two variables for the relationship between family nature and purchase intention was not proven.One of the operational results that can be deduced from this research is that family business managers in the existing hyper-competitive market can leverage this positive family change in the minds of stakeholders by expressing the family status of the business to customers in various ways. Cautiously, this advantage can be used to benefit the performance of family firms
  9. Keywords:
  10. Family Business ; Brand Equity ; Corporate Social Responsibility ; Customer Buying Intention ; Branding ; Marketing

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