The Effect of Online Service Failure Stability, Service Recovery, and E-Service Quality on the Customers' Willingness to Value Co-Creation in an E-Retailer
Fazel Dehkordi, Mehdi | 2021
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 54549 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Khalili Nasr, Arash
- Abstract:
- Nowadays, customers hold a pivotal role as co-creators of value in service industries. Therefore, companies usually try to encourage customers to interact and co-create value effectively with the company or with each other. However, if a service provider fails to meet customer expectations, service failure occurs and may influence customer evaluations to co-create value. In this situation, companies usually try to redress the problem that happened to reduce their negative perceptions. Research related to the drivers of customers' value co-creation intentions has gained interest in recent years. However, there has not been an integrated view to simultaneously examine the negative role of customers' perception about the stability of service failure and the positive effects of service recovery on willingness to value co-creation. E-retailing context is selected to conduct the study. As the online shopping experience has some differences from in-store shopping, e-service quality plays a critical role in determining customers' behavioral intentions. The study explores the effects of service failure stability, service recovery, and e-service quality on the customers' willingness to value co-creation through the mediating role of overall satisfaction. For this purpose, a sample of 187 online shoppers from an Iranian e-retailer (Digikala) is collected. PLS-SEM is employed to analyze data. We found that service failure stability negatively affects customers' willingness to value co-creation while overall satisfaction is a complementary mediator in their relationship. Although customers' co-creation intentions are not directly affected by distributive, procedural, or interactional justice in service recovery, it is affected indirectly by the dimensions of perceived justice through the full mediation role of overall satisfaction. Finally, e-service quality significantly affects willingness to co-create value, with overall satisfaction having a complementary mediation effect. Our study contributes to the literature on value co-creation, service failure, service recovery, and e-service quality by providing a holistic model for antecedents of customers' value co-creation intentions. The study also presented important implications for e-retailer managers
- Keywords:
- Service Recovery ; Satisfaction ; Service Quality ; Electronic Services ; Electronic Retailer ; Value Co-Creation ; Service Failure ; Service-Dominant Logic
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