
Modeling and Evaluation of the Role of Authorities in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Seismic Vulnerability Reduction Policies

Habibi Moshfegh, Peyman | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54742 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Kashani, Hamed
  7. Abstract:
  8. The purpose of study is the modeling and evaluation of the role of authorities in enhancing the effectiveness of seismic vulnerability reduction policies. Seismic vulnerability reduction of infrastructures depends on the measures that must be taken before a disaster occurrence. In addition to increasing disaster preparedness, an important part of the pre-disaster measures is taken to increase the robustness of the infrastructure. In some cases, measures to reduce the vulnerability of infrastructure, such as the resilience of residential buildings, require the coordinated role’s implementation of relevant organizations. Evidence shows that in many cases, policies to reduce the vulnerability of community infrastructure have not obtained the desired result. The failure of these policies can be attributed to the inconsistency or inefficiency of the relevant organizations, as well as the inappropriate feedback of citizens to the implemented policies. The impact of relevant organizations’ policies on citizens and community vulnerability has not been studied in previous research. In order to address this shortcoming, the present study presents a model that uses a hybrid model of agent-based and system dynamics modeling, to evaluate performance of relevant organizations in reducing of infrastructure vulnerability. Agent-based and system dynamic simulation is a suitable tool for simulating complex systems such as the system under study. In this study, first the relevant organizations in the process of reducing the vulnerability of infrastructure are identified, then the roles of each of them and the communication network between organizations and citizens are reviewed and finally the impact of the performance of organizations' policies is evaluated. Presenting a model of interaction between relevant organizations and citizens and examining the impact of organizations’ performance by simultaneously examining citizens' feedback can be introduced as a scientific achievement of this research
  9. Keywords:
  10. Community Resilience ; Risk Mitigation ; Disaster Recovery ; Agent Based Simulation ; System Dynamic ; Logistic Regression (LR)Analysis ; Game Theory ; Machine Learning ; Tenure Choice ; Retrofit

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