An Investigation into Entanglement in Electrical Transport in a One-dimensional Model Using Transfer Matrix Method
Safari, Maryam | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 54818 (04)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Physics
- Advisor(s): Rezakhani, Ali; Shokri, Ali Asghar
- Abstract:
- This thesis analyzes the scattering of a propagating electron from a single bound electron .The study demonstrates how the scattering of the propagating electron from the bound electron causes entanglement between two electrons. The study then considers the impact of spin-dependent scattering in the presence of Hartree and exchange potentials. In the first step, only an exchange potential is studied. Transmission coefficients are calculated for spin-flip and non-spin-flip states by solving the Hamiltonian equation in different regions, applying the continuity boundary conditions for the wave function and its derivative in each region, and using the transfer matrix method. Transmission probability is then determined for singlet and triplet states. Furthermore, the dependence of the transmission coefficients in different states on the width of the potential barrier, an applied voltage, and the depth of the potential barrier are examined. The second step analyzes the effects of spin-dependent scattering in the presence of both the Hartree and exchange potentials
- Keywords:
- Entanglement ; Transfer Matrix ; Scattering ; Electrical Transport Properties ; Coulomb Interaction Parameters ; Hartree Potential