The Durability of Geopolymer Concrete Confined with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials
Anvari Sakhvidi, Mohammad Amin | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 54931 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Toufigh, Vahab
- Abstract:
- Material durability is quite critical in corrosive environments. In this study, two hundred and seventy geopolymer concrete specimens with different mix designs were prepared and then wrapped with two different fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials. For 12960 hrs (eighteen months), the specimens were exposed to four different pHs (2.5, 7, 7.25, 12.5). The reliability and SEM analysis were performed after modeling the compressive strength over time. Based on the results, the reduction of the compressive strength was up to 22% in an acidic environment. The compressive strength of the specimens was increased up to 11 percent after alkaline solution exposure. The ductility of all specimens was decreased 9 to 40 percent in the vicinity of aggressive conditions. Over all, GPC has better durability performance than OPCC. The reliability analysis results show that with the probability of 64%, the ACI 440-2R recommendations might be optimistic. These probabilities for the alkaline solution, salty water, and water are 28, 26, and 20 percent, respectively. In the end, suggestions for the reduction factor were presented based on sensitivity analysis
- Keywords:
- Geopolymer Concrete ; Fly Ash ; Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) ; Durability ; Corrosion ; Reliability Analysis ; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) ; Ground Granulated Glast-Furnace Slag
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