
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Earth and Rockfill Dams Using the Finite Difference Method Considering the Effect of Vertical Earthquake Component

Babaee, Mohammad Saeed | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55267 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Haeri, Mohsen
  7. Abstract:
  8. Earth and rockfill dams are enormous three-dimensional structures constructed from earth and rockfill materials. They are mainly built for water supply, agricultural land irrigation, electricity generation, and flood control. Earthquake is one of the most significant natural hazards affecting the stability of these dams. Nowadays, with the development of computers and software, the seismic behavior of most dams are assessed by dynamic analysis. In a considerable part of technical literature, dynamic analysis of earth and rockfill dams have been performed by applying only the horizontal component of the earthquakes, and the effects of vertical component of the earthquakes have often been ignored. One of the most important part of this research is to find a practical approach for consideration of the vertical component of an earthquake in dynamic analysis of geotechnical structures. To evaluate the effect of vertical component of the earthquakes on the dynamic behavior and seismic response of earth and rockfill dams, the case study of the Masjed Soleyman rockfill dam was conducted in this research. Masjed Soleyman dam is one of the highest dams in Iran which is built in a seismic area near the active faults of Andika, Masjed Soleyman, and Lahbari, The dam has experienced significant vertical and horizontal deformations from the time of construction. So for the dynamic study in this research the deformed cross section of the dam was considered. Numerical modeling and nonlinear dynamic analysis of the dam have been performed by FLAC software using the finite difference method. For dynamic analysis at the seismic level of the maximum design earthquake with a return period of 2000 years, three earthquake records of the real seismic events with site conditions almost similar to Masjed Soleyman Dam were selected. After scaling the accelerograms of each record to the corresponding peak ground acceleration at Masjed Soleyman dam site, the modified acceleration time histories were considered for dynamic loadings. In order to study the effect of the vertical earthquake component, three scaled records were defined for horizontal and vertical loadings. Then for each record two analysis were conducted one with and another without the vertical component of the earthquakes. Finally, the numerical results of all six loading modes were investigated and compared. The findings of this research show that applying the vertical component of the earthquakes often increases the horizontal and vertical displacements of the dam body and increases the horizontal and vertical accelerations in the axis of the dam
  9. Keywords:
  10. Numerical Modeling ; Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis ; Finite Difference Method ; Seismic Performance ; Masjed-Soleyman Dam ; Earth-Rockfill Dam ; Earth Dam ; Rockfill Dam ; Vertical Component of Earthquake Effect

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