Effect of up flow velocity and temperature on the performance of UASB system treating slaughtery effluent
Torkian, A ; Sharif University of Technology | 2004
- Type of Document: Article
- DOI: 10.1061/40569(2001)14
- Publisher: 2004
- Abstract:
- Temperature and up flow velocity are regarded as the two main parameters significantly affecting microbial ecology and characteristics of UASB systems. The 2.3 m high and 0.25 m2-cross-section UASB pilot used in this study received slaughtery effluent with SCOD in the range of 2000-5000 mg/L. Temperature was varied in the 28-35 °C mesophilic range using an in-line heat exchanger and three up flow velocities studied were 0.3, 0.57, and 1 m/h without any recycling. At least one-week adjustment time was allowed after any change in the conditions. Since granules had been formed previously, the start-up phase lasted for only two weeks and up flow velocity and temperature was maintained at 0.3 m/h and 28 °C, respectively. In the operational phase of the study, organic loading was varied in the 9-49 kg COD/m3.d at 32 and 35 °C temperatures and velocities of 0.5 and 1 m/h. Results indicated an increase of temperature from 28 to 35 °C results in a 6% increase in TCOD removal efficiencies (83 to 89%). It was observed that 89, 89.6, and 62% of TCOD is removed at up flow velocities of 0.3, 0.57, and 1 m/h, respectively. Increasing up flow velocity in the above range decreased HRT from 6.7 to 2.3 h and increased organic loading from 16.3 to 49.5 kg SCOD/m3.d. Specific activity of granules varied in the 1.5-3.2 kg SCODr/kg VSS and biogas production fluctuated from 364 to 651 L/kg VSS.d. Since specific activity of granules did not seem to suffer at high OLRs, reduction of removal efficiency at an up flow velocity of 1 m/h to 67% was thought to be attributed to low HRTs of 2-2.5 h and insufficient time for absorption and dissimilation of substrate by granules. Copyright ASCE 2004
- Keywords:
- Anaerobic treatment ; Industrial wastewater ; Slaughterhouse ; UASB ; Upflow velocity
- Source: World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, Orlando, FL, 20 May 2001 through 24 May 2001 ; Volume 111 , 2004 ; 0784405697 (ISBN); 9780784405697 (ISBN)
- URL: https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/40569%282001%2914