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    Evaluation of spatial and temporal variation in water quality by pattern recognition techniques: A case study on Jajrood River (Tehran, Iran)

    , Article Journal of Environmental Management ; Volume 91, Issue 4 , 2010 , Pages 852-860 ; 03014797 (ISSN) Razmkhah, H ; Abrishamchi, A ; Torkian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) methods have been used to investigate the water quality of Jajrood River (Iran) and to assess and discriminate the relative magnitude of anthropogenic and "natural" influences on the quality of river water. T, EC, pH, TDS, NH4, NO3, NO2, Turb., T.Hard., Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, SiO2 as physicochemical and TC, FC as biochemical variables have been analyzed in the water samples collected every month over a three-year period from 18 sampling stations along a 50 km section of Jajrood River that is under the influence of anthropogenic and natural changes. Exploratory analysis of experimental data has been... 

    The effect of organic loading rate on the performance of UASB reactor treating slaughterhouse effluent

    , Article Resources, Conservation and Recycling ; Volume 40, Issue 1 , 2003 , Pages 1-11 ; 09213449 (ISSN) Torkian, A ; Eqbali, A ; Hashemian, S. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2003
    Organic loading rate (OLR) is an important parameter significantly affecting microbial ecology and characteristics of UASB systems. In this study, UASB performance was evaluated in a 1000 1 reactor receiving feed from a traditional medium-size slaughterhouse. The initial seed for granules formed earlier was from a mesophilic municipal anaerobic digester sludge with a VSS content of 29gl-1. The temperature of influent was adjusted by an inline thermostat around 33°C. The reactor was started with an OLR of 5kg SCODm-3d-1 with gradual increase to 10kg SCOD m -3d-1 over a 2-week period. Examination of VSS data showed that on the average 89.3±11.3% of bioparticle mass was present at the lower 30%... 

    Effect of up flow velocity and temperature on the performance of UASB system treating slaughtery effluent

    , Article World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, Orlando, FL, 20 May 2001 through 24 May 2001 ; Volume 111 , 2004 ; 0784405697 (ISBN); 9780784405697 (ISBN) Torkian, A ; Hashemian, S. J ; Eqbali, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Temperature and up flow velocity are regarded as the two main parameters significantly affecting microbial ecology and characteristics of UASB systems. The 2.3 m high and 0.25 m2-cross-section UASB pilot used in this study received slaughtery effluent with SCOD in the range of 2000-5000 mg/L. Temperature was varied in the 28-35 °C mesophilic range using an in-line heat exchanger and three up flow velocities studied were 0.3, 0.57, and 1 m/h without any recycling. At least one-week adjustment time was allowed after any change in the conditions. Since granules had been formed previously, the start-up phase lasted for only two weeks and up flow velocity and temperature was maintained at 0.3 m/h... 

    Meta-analysis of bioenergy recovery and anaerobic digestion in integrated systems of anaerobic digestion and microbial electrolysis cell

    , Article Biochemical Engineering Journal ; Volume 178 , 2022 ; 1369703X (ISSN) Amin, M. M ; Arvin, A ; Feizi, A ; Dehdashti, B ; Torkian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2022
    In current study, a meta-analysis approach was used to identify and evaluate the impact of various factors on the performance of integrated systems of anaerobic digestion with microbial electrolysis cell. In this study, related articles on the topic were systematically identified and collected according to the considered criteria, and the effect size that refers to the value of the difference between variables mean (total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) removal rate and CH4 yield) was estimated. According to the meta-analysis, fed-batch operation mode, the range of 20< temperature ≤30 °C, metal cathodes, the range of 500< anode surface area ≤5000 cm2, HRT (hydraulic retention time) >20 days,... 

    Investigation of the Effect of Particulate Emissions From Steel Complex on Adjacent Urban Areas Using Source and Receptor Modeling Approaches

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Shervin (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoob (Supervisor)
    Expansion of city boundaries as a result of increased population has reduced the distance from industrial complexes and health effects of industrial air pollution have been intensified. As such, studies are needed to determine appropriate methodologies for quantifying the effect of these industries on the concentration of air pollutants in urban areas. In this study, particulate emissions from a steel mill complex was modeled using ADMS4 and the predicted results were compared with actual measurements made in the adjacent urban area. A receptor model (CMB8.2) was also used to quantify the share of the steel mill on the heavy metals' concentrations in the city by considering other sources... 

    Investigation and Modeling of Fouling and its Affecting Operational Parameters in Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) for Municipal Wastewater Treatment

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Pourabdollah, Mahdi (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor)
    This study aims to investigate the influence of important operational parameters on membrane fouling with the approach of fouling layers and to model these influences in the membrane bioreactor (MBR) for municipal wastewater treatment. At the first phase, 11 operational scenarios were executed using a pilot setup for identifying the system behavior and the optimal scenario. Protein and carbohydrate as the fouling components (SMP) and the transmembrane pressure (TMP) as the fouling criteria were measured in the tests. By studying the influence of operational parameters (sludge retention time (SRT), aeration rate and filtration mode), some useful results obtained for the next phase, including... 

    Spatial-temporal Variation of Urmia Lake Basin Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Novin, Soroush (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor)
    Water shortages resulting from macro-environmental climate changes as well as local inefficient agricultural practices and dam constructions activities have resulted in the gradual reduction of water level in Urmia Lake, located in the northwest of Iran. As such, restoration efforts were initiated to prevent further adverse impacts exacerbating the conditions and creating secondary problems such as regional salt dust generation and dispersion, resulting in health issues for the greater area population in the neighboring vicinities. The utilization of advanced forecast modeling based on deep learning algorithms can assist the authorities to manage better multi-dimensional issues affecting the... 

    Predicting the Optimal Operation Pattern of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hakimi, Mahdi (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor)
    With the growth of the population and the significant expansion of industries in the last century, many environmental problems have plagued developed and developing countries. One of these environmental problems is water pollution. Observing the effects of water pollution over time, sanitary and industrial wastewater treatment was proposed as a reliable solution. With technology development, wastewater treatment requirements have become stricter. The increase in energy consumption and wastewater treatment costs due to population growth and industrialization on the one hand and strict regulations, on the other hand, have forced those involved in this field to employ a variety of technical and... 

    Highly efficient one-pot three-component Mannich reaction in water catalyzed by heteropoly acids [electronic resource]

    , Article Org. Lett ; 2006, 8, 2079-2082 Azizi, N. (Najmodin) ; Torkian, L ; Saidi, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Heteropoly acids efficiently catalyzed the one-pot, three-component Mannich reaction of ketones with aromatic aldehydes and different amines in water at ambient temperature and afforded the corresponding β-amino carbonyl compounds in good to excellent yields and with moderate diastereoselectivity. This method provides a novel and improved modification of the three-component Mannich reaction in terms of mild reaction conditions and clean reaction profiles, using very a small quantity of catalyst and a simple workup procedure  

    The application of MODIS satellite remote sensing in estimation of particulate urban air pollution

    , Article 100th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association 2007, ACE 2007, 26 June 2007 through 29 June 2007 ; Volume 2 , 2007 , Pages 736-742 ; 9781604238464 (ISBN) Torkian, A ; Amid, F ; Keshavarzi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Air and Waste Management Association  2007
    Particulate matter (PM) pollution is a growing concern in urban areas in the developing countries because of its potential to aggravate cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. Traditional approaches in monitoring urban pollutants have relied on ground-based networks even though they essentially provide point measurements and are inadequate for health alerts on large spatial and long temporal scales. Recent advances in satellite imagery has attracted managers to look into this new alternative as a predictive tool for improving air quality at urban and regional scales by providing necessary data in advance of the onset of actual severe conditions. Moderate Resolution Imaging... 

    Biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in a compost biofilter

    , Article Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ; Volume 78, Issue 7 , 2003 , Pages 795-801 ; 02682575 (ISSN) Torkian, A ; Dehghanzadeh, R ; Hakimjavadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Two laboratory-scale biofilters filled with the same type of packing material were operated at different gas flow rates and influent concentrations of toluene and xylene in order to investigate their performance in treating waste gas streams. The columns contained a mixture of municipal compost as a base material and wood chips as a bulking agent in an 80:20 ratio; the porosity was 54%. Microbial acclimation was achieved by addition of nutrient-enriched solution along with pollutants for a week by daily mixing and natural aeration. During the start-up of the systems with inlet concentrations of 20 and 70 ppm for toluene and xylene, respectively, high biomass growth resulted in pressure drops... 

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Ametryn Herbicide in Drainage Water Based on Aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles Capped with Citrate

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rastgar, Mortaza (Author) ; Hormozi-Nezhad, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Torkian, A (Supervisor)
    Due to vast use of Ametryn herbicide in agricultural and even non-agricultural activities and the possibility of contamination of carp and natural water sources by this herbicide, determination of this herbicide in surface and ground water sources is very important. Therefor introducing simple and sensitive method for determination of Ametryn is critical.
    This study demonstrate a simple and sensitive colorimetric method for the detection and determination of Ametryn based on aggregation of citrate capped AuNPs. Studied method relies upon shape and distance dependent AuNPs surface plasmon resonance. By replacing the sulfide containing Ametryn herbicide with citrate molecules on AuNPs... 

    Design, modeling and optimization of a piezoelectric pressure sensor based on thin-film PZT diaphragm contain of nanocrystalline powders

    , Article 2009 6th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA 2009, Sharjah, 23 March 2009 through 26 March 2009 ; 2009 ; 9781424434817 (ISBN) Mohammadi, V ; Sheikhi, M. H ; Torkian, S ; Barzegar, A ; Masumi, E ; Mohammadi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper fabrication of a 0-3 ceramic/ceramic composite lead zirconate titanate, Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin film has been presented and then a pressure sensor based on multilayer thin-film PZT diaphragm contain of Lead Zirconate Titanate nanocrystalline powders was designed, modeled and optimized. This multilayer diaphragm in general acts as sensor or actuator. ANSYS was used for simulation of diaphragm. Dynamics characteristics of this multilayer diaphragm have been investigated. By this simulation the effective parameters of the multilayer PZT diaphragm for improving the performance of a pressure sensor in different ranges of pressure are optimized. The optimized thickness ratio of PZT... 

    Fate of intermediate biodegradation products of triethyl amine in a compost-based biofiltration system

    , Article International Journal of Environmental Research ; Volume 1, Issue 2 , 2007 , Pages 163-169 ; 17356865 (ISSN) Torkian, A ; Keshavarzi Shirazi, H ; Mehrdadi, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Biofiltration of Triethylamine (TEA) vapor used as a catalyst in casting operations was evaluated in this study The unit consisted of a 6-L three-stage biofilter containing a mixture of compost and wood chips (40:60 v/v) as the filter medium. Seed microbial population from municipal activated sludge was acclimated for a period of three weeks prior to the actual experimental runs. In the startup period, high pH values up to 10 was observed due to alkaline nature of TEA and inadequate formation of biofilm and low overall biodegradation. Steady increase of organic-N concentration along with gradual upward trend of pressure drop indicated sound establishment of microbial population. Operational... 

    Posttreatment of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket-treated industrial wastewater by a rotating biological contactor

    , Article Water Environment Research ; Volume 75, Issue 3 , 2003 , Pages 232-237 ; 10614303 (ISSN) Torkian, A ; Alinejad, K ; Hashemian, S. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Water Environment Federation  2003
    The performance of a rotating biological contactor (RBC) for posttreatment of the slaughterhouse effluent from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was investigated in this study. The 280-L, six-stage RBC pilot plant was operated at different organic loading rates (OLRs) and biodisk speeds. The overall removal efficiencies for soluble biochemical oxygen demand (SBOD), total biochemical oxygen demand (TBOD), and total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) decreased with increasing OLRs. Disk rotational speed did not have a significant effect on performance in the range studied. The results showed that satisfactory posttreatment to meet regulatory requirements for agricultural purposes... 

    Performance Evaluation of Membrane Bioreactors in Treating Municipal Wastewater

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hatami Bahman Beyglou, Elnaz (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor)
    Membrane bioreactors can replace the activated sludge process and the final clarification step in municipal wastewater treatment. The combination of bioreactor and crossflow microfiltration allows for a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction of synthetic wastewater. In this study, experimental data from a laboratory scale membrane bioreactor are presented. In order to investigate the influence of various operating parameters such as hydraulic retention time (HRT), biomass concentration and organic loading rate on organic pollutant removal, the pilot scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with a Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane module was conducted using synthetic... 

    Characterization of Protein Content in Soluble Microbial Products Involved in Fouling of Membrane Bioreactor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tanhaee, Zahra (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor) ; Mousavi, Reza (Supervisor)
    Membrane bioreactors are increasingly being used for treatment of domestic and industrial effluents. A major operational drawback of this system is membrane fouling attributed to soluble microbial products (SMPs). In this study sampling were taken from microbial products on the surface and within the membrane pores and mixed liquir for mass characterization of protein content. Water-washing was used for surface and reversible portion of pore samples. Chemical wash with urea was used for further cleansing of SMPs within the pores. All samples were concentrate by precipitation with ammonium sulfate salt prior to analysis. Total protein content of samples was measured by lowry method. SDS-PAGE... 

    Evaluation of Vermifilter Efficiency in Petroleum Wastewater Treatment (BTEX)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kanani, Matin (Author) ; Torkian, Ayub (Supervisor) ; Mirzai, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The aim of this thesis was to find the optimum retention time for treatment of synthetic petroleum wastewater by a wastewater treatment system made with a bucket, mineral material and earthworms residing in a vermibed. In order to make the desired flow happen, height difference was utilized. The polluting substance used for making wastewater was BTEX. As the wastewater was synthetic, the concentration was also a variable. The ultimate soluble concentration was 3200 mg/l and more concentrations were not tested. Parameters such as number of worms, worm’s growth rate and their distribution pattern, humidity amount and distribution and worm’s acclimatization time during organic loading shock... 

    Investigation of the Membrane Characteristics on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nikousefat , Omid (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor) ; Gobal, Freydoon (Supervisor)
    The process of human populations growth, limited resources of fossil fuels and its environmental consequences have driven the international community to Renewable Energy. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) has ability of simultaneous wastewater treatment and electricity generation (Energy). This technology can be considered as one of the proposed solutions to reduce costs of wastewater treatment and power generation. Separators are one of the major components of the MFC that have direct impact on cell performance. On the other hand, high costs of the conventional types have caused to limiting development of the MFC in the last decade.
    In this study, inexpensive and available glass wool membrane... 

    Performance evaluation of UASB system for treating slaughterhouse wastewater

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 9, Issue 2 , 2002 , Pages 176-180 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Torkian, A ; Amin, M. M ; Movahedian, H ; Hashemian, S. J ; Salehi, M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2002
    Direct discharge of high-strength industrial effluent often upsets municipal wastewater treatment plant processes. This pilot study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of a UASB system in pre-treating effluent from a medium-size traditional slaughterhouse. Experiments were conducted in a continuous flow 500-1 pilot plant initially inoculated with 200 1 municipal anaerobic digested sludge. With an influent COD concentration of 3000-5000 mg/l, the system was started with a loading of 1.8 kg COD/m3.d (F/M of 0.24 kg COD/kg VSS.d) at 25°C. The granules formed after 4 months of operation were dark brownish with a diameter of 1-4 mm and a settling velocity of 20 m/hr. Once granules were...