
Analyzing Narrative Policy Framework of Innovation Policy in Development of Iran’s Innovation Ecosystem

Vaezi, Amir Mohammad | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55410 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Maleki, Ali
  7. Abstract:
  8. The development of innovation ecosystems has become a global trend. These ecosystems have proven their importance to governments by having a significant impact on the creation of technology companies and the economic growth of the country. In Iran, too, for many years, efforts have been made under various headings to develop the innovation ecosystems. In this dissertation, based on the narrative policy framework, the existing policy narratives of innovation ecosystems development policy in iran between 2013-20 years in the case of startup ecosystem have been analyzed. After analyzing these data, it was found that the three main narratives of catch-up, wealth creation and infiltration, have formed the discursive space around the development of this ecosystem. In the first part of the analysis, which was related to representing the structuring of narratives, it was found that the narrative of catch-up and wealth creation during their coalition with each other, marked the birth and initial development of the startup ecosystem in Iran. The narrative of infiltration entered the policy arena some time later as a negative force and inflicted the existing coalition to policy failure. In order to examine the possibility of policy learning by these narrations, in the continuation of the analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of narrations are examined and finally, by intersecting the narrations and explaining their mutual agreements and rejections, the potential grounds for a coalition between these narrations are presented. In this section, it was found that the former alliance between the catch-up and wealth creation narratives still persists despite its relative weakness. However, the ground has been created for a moderate coalition between the narrative of wealth creation and infiltration, because the narrative of infiltration, despite serious opposition to the proponents of the catch-up narrative, has given up its total opposition to the development of the startup ecosystem and made a Positive entry to this policy arena with a relatively different approach.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Innovation Ecosystem ; Infiltration Narration ; Narrative Policy Framework ; Wealth Creation Narration ; Policy Narration ; Catch-up Narration

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