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Explanation of Policy Process for the Legislative Bill to Establish Free Trade, Industrial and Special Economic Zones in 2018 in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Understanding and interpreting the process that policy goes through from the agenda-setting stage to the implementation and evaluation stages have many difficulties and complexities. One way to facilitate the understanding of this process is to use theories that explain the policy process. The purpose of this research is to explain the process that has passed through the legislative bill of eight free trade zones and one hundred and three special economic zones in Iran in 2018. To reach this goal using two theories of Multiple Streams Analysis (MSA) and the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF).Due to the nature and aims of this research, the qualitative approach and case study method have been...
Analyzing the Effects of Technology Domain’s Life Cycle on the Latecomers’ Catchup: Renewable Energy Industries Case Study
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Technological catchup has been one of the topics of interest for researchers and policymakers, especially in developing countries, and has been studied from various dimensions. The catchup in the renewable energy industries is important due to the possibility of benefiting from its economic dimensions along with responding to the growing energy demand in these countries, as well as accessing the sustainable sources of energy supply. In the literature, various dimensions have been studied to investigate the factors affecting the technological catchup, one of the most important of them is the technology life cycle. In answer to the question of what stages of the technological area life cycle...
Investigating the Process of Launching and Expanding the Virtual Platform of Public Education in Iran In Response to Educational Crisis Caused by the Outbreak of Covid-19 Virus Based on the Kingdon's Multiple Streams Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
The research is performed to study the process of policy making and policy implementation of initiating student education network (Shaad) as as the first official platform of virtual education in Iran. We want to compare this process with “Kingdon’s multiple stream model”; because shaad initiated shortly after the closure of school’s caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 virus, while in recent years there have been several failed attempts to launch formal e-learning plans. Data were gathered trough semi-structured interviews of experts with shaad founders (11 people), reviewing some of the related documents and news, and unstructured observation by researcher. The findings were coded using...
Identifying Crowdfunding Key Success Factors in Nonprofit Sector
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Social problems are growing rapidly while the resources including financial resources, available for third sector organizations are insufficient. Besides terms such as Social Innovation and Social Entreprenurship that concern effectiveness and efficiency of approaches trying to solve social problems, new forms of finance has been emerged in the fileld of Social Finance in order to increase the amount and diversity of fianacial resources available for social organizations in different stages of their lifecycle. Crowdfunding is a new form of finance that emerged due to 2008 economic crisis of America in order to increase the access of Entrepreneurs, Innovators and SMEs to financial resources....
Investigating Factors Affecting Petrochemical Value Chain Completion and Policies for Improvement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Mashyekhi, Ali Naghi (Supervisor)
Despite the growth in Iran’s petrochemical production, most of the plants are concentrated upstream; although the government has made various interventions to promote industrial development. The literature review shows that government intervention is necessary to solve market failures, especially in developing countries; but it should be tailored to the specific context and especially the distribution of the power. Most experts believe that the cause of the above phenomenon is feedstock rent and the reason for its continuation is the political influence of petrochemical companies. While not rejecting this view, we try to provide policy recommendations by looking more closely at the issue and...
Identifying the Distinctive Characteristics of Accelerators in Developing Countries: Iran Case Study
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
As accelerators develop, literature about their distinctive characteristics and functions grow. Primary studies about business accelerators focused on defining the model and finding the distinctive characteristics of business accelerators. Later studies started to ask different kind of questions about outcome, functions and especially different models of accelerators. . Accelerators in developing countries are new phenomenon. Considering the fact that economic and entrepreneurial ecosystem are different in developing countries, accelerators in these countries have some distinctive characteristics which are not studied deeply in small accelerators literature.Employing Pauwels’ design elements...
Analyzing Narrative Policy Framework of Innovation Policy in Development of Iran’s Innovation Ecosystem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
The development of innovation ecosystems has become a global trend. These ecosystems have proven their importance to governments by having a significant impact on the creation of technology companies and the economic growth of the country. In Iran, too, for many years, efforts have been made under various headings to develop the innovation ecosystems. In this dissertation, based on the narrative policy framework, the existing policy narratives of innovation ecosystems development policy in iran between 2013-20 years in the case of startup ecosystem have been analyzed. After analyzing these data, it was found that the three main narratives of catch-up, wealth creation and infiltration, have...
Evaluation of Methanol Value Chain
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Abbas (Supervisor) ; Hosseini, Ali (Supervisor)
In this research, a general model is proposed aiming at establishment of optimized application of Methane gas with maximum added value. That is, maximum added value of methane for different applications of methane including consumption as fuel, export and injection-to-wells are calculated and compared. Accordingly, results of this study are used for decision making regarding Iran’s most important gas reservoirs. In this study, maximum present net value of investment concerning comparison of petrochemical industry input and export to a number of selected countries in addition to injection in 20 years is calculated based on a specific discount rate. It is noteworthy that the scope of this...
Explore Reasons for Rejection of Agricultural Technologies in Underdeveloped Areas with Water Scarcity Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Respect to increasing water scarcity in the world, it is necessary to ameliorate agriculture methods in order to efficiency enhancement. However, it seems that in underdeveloped counties faced with the water problem, barriers exist which prevent farmers from adopting new technologies. For researching this problem, drop pressure technology studied in Salmas County locate in West Azerbaijan state in Iran. The purpose of this research is to explore factors of lack of diffusion of new agricultural technologies in underdeveloped areas with water scarcity problem. The research problem is that notwithstanding government facilities, the diffusion rate of drop pressure technology in this area is very...
The Effect of Bureaucracy on the Integration of Technical Knowledge and Market Knowledge in the Process of Product Development
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
In this research, the effect of organizational Bureaucracy on the integration of technical knowledge and market knowledge in the process of developing new products, along with other factors mentioned in previous literature, has been studied. To this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared which measured both the degree of integrity and the effect of bureaucracy on integrity. This questionnaire was completed by marketing and research and development managers of 39 innovative companies in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). Regression analysis was used for data analysis. The results of this research show that bureaucracy as an organizational factor, along with other...
On the Distortion Value of the Multi-Candidate Elections
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abam, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
One of the most famous criteria to measure the optimality of the election result in the metric space is the amount of distortion. In this framework, the cost of choosing each candidate is considered equal to the total distance of the community members from that candidate. With this definition, the candidate who has the lowest selection cost among all the candidates is called the optimal candidate. The amount of distortion for an electoral mechanism is equal to the maximum amount of the cost of selecting the selected candidate divided by the cost of selecting the desired candidate. It turns out that no deterministic voting mechanism can guarantee a distortion value better than 3. Various...
Agency and Large-Scale Institutional Changes; The Study of the Creation of the Biopharmaceutical Industry in Iran
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhi, Ali Naghi (Supervisor) ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
Neither state planning nor economic liberalization has been the answer for developing countries to escape from the middle-income trap, mainly due to presence of institutional voids and due to the governance of hindering institutions. Therefore, we need another explanation for how of the development, which must include how institutions change and how new institutions and new institutional fields emerge. Developing countries are full of institutional voids and the governance of hindering institutions. Therefore, the process of economic development in these countries, is beyond the power of market and state, and needs agency. Responding to the recent call by the literature for doing more...
Performability Modeling and Analysis in Grid Computing
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Movaghar Rahimabadi, Ali (Supervisor)
In this thesis, three different mathematical models named Markov Reward Model (MRM), Stochastic Reward Net (SRN) and Stochastic Activity Network (SAN) are used to model and evaluate the performability of grid computing environments consisting of many grid resources. The proposed models consider the arriving and servicing process of grid tasks inside a resource together with the failure-repair behavior of processors of the resource. Since the proposed MRM cannot be extended to model a grid environment with some realistic assumptions, we switch to use SRNs in modeling a single grid resource with more number of processors. Although the proposed SRN models for a single grid resource can...
Investigating the Role of Open Data Intermediaries in the Stability and Value Creation of the Open Data Ecosystem: a Case Study of Rasmio Company and Vinsabt Group in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Honarvar, Rohollah (Co-Supervisor)
Open data intermediaries, as the key species of the ecosystem, and since they are the primary consumers of open government data, are crucial to the ecosystem's growth. Without them, the data would be useless during the dissemination phase. This study aims to define the roles of open data intermediaries and explain how they are compatible with the value creation and sustainability of the open data ecosystem in order to fill a gap in the literature in this area. Two Iranian open data intermediaries, Rasmio company and Vinsabt group, which have been involved in the field of data pertaining to companies, have been studied for this purpose. The data for this study is qualitative and was gathered...
Strategic Studies on Bioproducts Supply at the Present Situation of Local and Global Markets
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roostaazad, Reza (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Co-Advisor)
in the present situation most of the bioproducts are supplied at the global markets. hence newcomers and also existing suppliers should study the economic and social trends to make strategic decisions in order to enter new markets. analysis of the effect of different parameters on the market entrance strategy is the main focus of this thesis. the pivotal subject of this thesis is the analysis of Enzyme industry value chain in Iran and the role of each actor and their interactions with each other. after visualizing the Enzyme industry value chain, we want to answer this question: what are the main obstacles for entering the Enzyme industry due to the interactions between the industry...
Investigating the Effect of Innovation Partnerships on Iranian Firms Innovation Performance and Compare It in Different Industries Based on National Innovation Survey
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Souzanchi Kashani, Ebrahim (Supervisor)
The thesis attempts to investigate one of the factors influencing enterprise innovation, namely, innovation cooperation, its types and its diversity by using the data of about 2,500 companies in different fields of industry of national innovation survey that had been collected in 1395 hijri. In this research, firstly, by reviewing the literature on the field of innovative cooperation and the performance of enterprise innovation, the model of the association of colleagues with innovation performance has been extracted. In the following, it answers to this question is whether the cooperation with colleagues is essentially affecting the innovation performance of Iranian firms or not? The...
Analysis and Evaluation of Routing in Large-Scale Delay Tolerant Networks
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Movaghar, Ali (Supervisor) ; Entezari Maleki, Reza (Co-Supervisor)
Delay-tolerant networks refer to the networks that lack stable end-to-end paths due to the high mobility of nodes. In order to tackle the intermittent connections, nodes of delay-tolerant networks store the data packets and carry them. Nodes forward data packets according to routing protocols once they enter each other's communication range. In order to increase the probability of delivery, several or many copies of a packet can be disseminated in the network. Over the past years, various routing protocols have been proposed for delay-tolerant networks. These protocols differ from each other in the number of copies that are disseminated in the network or the information used to make routing...
Explain the General Policies of Iran (Government)in the Field of Cryptocurrencies
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Mirzapour, Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
This research deals with one of the current issues in the world and in Iran, which is named the field of cryptocurrencies. Domain that is managed decentrally due to the use of blockchain platform. This decentralization has caused different challenges (security problems, disruption of economic governance, etc.) for governments and has created different advantages and disadvantages for each country. This study seeks to investigate how Iran is facing the challenges in the field of cryptocurrencies. In this research, three main questions have been asked to determine the situation of Iran in the field of cryptocurrencies. In the first question, what are the policies of Iran is questioned and then...
Explain the General Policies of Iran (Government) in the Field of Cryptocurrencies
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Mirzapour, Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
This research deals with one of the current issues in the world and in Iran which is called the field of cryptocurrencies. This research has tried to map the situation of cryptocurrencies in the world and then the situation of Iran in this field.In order to understand the situation of Iran in the field of cryptocurrencies, three main questions have been defined. The Questions that first express the nature of Iran's policies and then determine the position of these policies in relation to the conceptual framework, and then it will discover the reason of the adoption of these policies in Iran.Therefore, this research has an exploratory approach and its research method is qualitative. In order...
Investigation and Study of Microstructure, Dielectric and Non-ohmic Properties of tin and Cobalt Oxide Systems Co-Doped with Electron Donor and Acceptor Elements
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor) ; Maleki Shahraki, Mohammad (Supervisor)
In recent years, there are continuous researches on replacing new dielectrics with suitable dielectric properties (including high dielectric coefficient, low loss factor, high breakdown voltage, and high nonlinear coefficient simultaneously). One of these new materials is co-doped titanium oxide with donor and acceptor of electron, which in spite of having high dielectric coefficient and low loss factor. it has low breakdown voltage and researches on improving the disadvantages of this dielectric are ongoing. Due to the structural similarities between tin oxide and titanium oxide, the tin oxide can be an interesting system for studying and improving disadvantages in this field. In this study...