
A micromechanical model for coupled interaction of thermomechanical and corrosion fatigue in microelectronics thin-film metallizations

Shodja, H. M ; Sharif University of Technology | 2001

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Publisher: 2001
  3. Abstract:
  4. Having studied the intergranular crack nucleation in bicrystalline materials under fatigue [1], the concepts are extended to innovative treatise of crack initiation in thin-film metallizations under coupled interaction of thermomechanical fatigue (IMF) and corrosion. The pile-up of dislocations under thermal cycling and diffusion of corrosive agents have interacting effects in accelerating crack nucleation. It is shown that the corresponding evolutionary partial differential equation (PDE), which governs diffusion of the corrosive agent, contains two terms that involve the first and second spatial derivatives of hydrostatic pressure. Through dependence of the hydrostatic pressure on normal stresses caused by dislocations within the highly localized cyclic deformation persistent slip band (PSB), TMF and corrosion are coupled phenomena and the corresponding governing equations must be solved simultaneously. Using the theory presented in this paper, for elastic-perfectly plastic ploycrystalline material the evolution of the hydrogen concentration is computed
  5. Keywords:
  6. Source: Fifth International Conference on Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Treatment Effects, Surface Treatment V, Seville, 20 June 2001 through 22 June 2001 ; Volume 6 , 2001 , Pages 429-438 ; 1853128643 (ISBN)
  7. URL: https://www.witpress.com/elibrary/wit-transactions-on-engineering-sciences/33/3521