Core-scale Mechanistic Simulation of Engineered Salinity Waterflooding Using Bond-Product-Sum Method
Almasian, Pourya | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55457 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mahani, Hassan
- Abstract:
- Considering the world's diminishing oil reserves, as well as the growing demand for oil and energy consumption, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are becoming increasingly important in the attempt to improve oil production. Engineering salinity waterflooding has gained widespread attention and popularity in the last two decades due to its environmental friendliness, lack of expensive additives, low operating costs, and ease of use as an oil extraction process. The goal of this study is to use an innovative method to develop a mechanistic approach model that simulates and forecasts the mechanism and performance of the engineered water flooding process. Wettability alteration, the most important effect of engineered waterflooding, as well as variations in brine/oil and brine/rock interactions, have all been implemented in this simulator. To accomplish this goal, an approach to calculating the measure of the electrostatic bond between oppositely charged surface complexes was developed, which could also be an indicator of wettability or the tendency of oil to stick to the rock surface; hence, BPS includes electrostatic charge and surface potential, as well as interactions of various species. This model, which takes into account for fluid flow and mass transfer in a porous medium, is implemented in MATLAB software, and then the IPHREEQC module, which is one of the open source modules in the PHREEQC program's geochemical package, is used to model geochemical reactions (including surface complexation reactions and surface species concentration). One noteworthy feature of this method and the simulator that has been developed is that it includes both the rock/brine and the oil/brine interactions, which are not included in typical simulation methods. The developed simulator's results were validated against the Buckley-Leverett analytical solution and the laboratory results of the core-scale experiment. Computation and prediction of wettability alteration in carbonate rocks, the rate of oil recovery factor, and optimum composition of injected water in the engineered waterflooding process are all possible with this simulator. Other applications of this simulator include analyzing the results of core flooding with low-salinity water and developing new applications.
- Keywords:
- Matlab Software ; Enhanced Oil Recovery ; Simulation ; Wettability Alteration ; PHREEQC Software ; Geochemical Reaction ; Engineered/Low Salinity Water ; Water Flooding ; Surface Complexation Reactions
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