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    Experimental Investigation of Formation Damage Caused by Wellbore Fluids Using Glass Micromodel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Mostafa (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    During all operations in oil and gas reservoirs, it is possible to cause formation damage. These damages can greatly reduce the rate of production. One of the major damages that can seriously affect the performance of a reservoir is the damage caused by drilling fluid. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the main mechanisms of formation damage caused by water-based drilling fluid using a glass micromodel for the first time. An accurate understanding of the mechanisms of formation damage can provide a good understanding of the selection of the type and concentration of materials used, as well as appropriate methods to control and eliminate damages. for controlling the drilling fluid... 

    Investigation of Formation Damage and its Remediation Caused by Wellbore Fluids by Using Micromodel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khanzadeh, Ahmad (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Various methods have been developed to improve the production capacity of hydrocarbon wells, one of the most successful method is hydraulic fracture. This method, despite improving well production and increasing production levels in a reservoir, causes secondary damages such as water blockage, which is a result of the leakage of fracturing fluid into the fracture matrix and the deformation of the reservoir. This damage can reduce the production rate of a well. Studies prior to this study have mainly examined the damages caused by the leakage of fracturing fluids on a core scale. In most of these studies, damages has been studied only by measuring the pressure and changes in the permeability... 

    Investigation of Formation Damage with Oil-Based Mud (Invert Emulsion) Using Microfluidic Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Madanchi, Parham (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Formation damage is one of the most important challneges in hydrocarbon production; drilling mud invasion is one of its common types. This damage is caused by the penetration of the drilling fluid into the porous media, which its filtrate and solid pareticles block the pores and cause permeability reduction. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the pore-scale mechanisms of the formation damage induced by invert-emulsion drilling fluid and to investigate the effect of adding nanoparticles to the drilling fluid on the severity of the damage using microfluidic technique. According to the latest published articles, there has not been any research conducted at the pore-scale with... 

    Core-scale Mechanistic Simulation of Engineered Salinity Waterflooding Using Bond-Product-Sum Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Almasian, Pourya (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Considering the world's diminishing oil reserves, as well as the growing demand for oil and energy consumption, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are becoming increasingly important in the attempt to improve oil production. Engineering salinity waterflooding has gained widespread attention and popularity in the last two decades due to its environmental friendliness, lack of expensive additives, low operating costs, and ease of use as an oil extraction process. The goal of this study is to use an innovative method to develop a mechanistic approach model that simulates and forecasts the mechanism and performance of the engineered water flooding process. Wettability alteration, the most... 

    Micromodel Investigation of the Non-Monotonic Effect of Injection Water Salinity on Wettability and Oil Recovery

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karimpour Khamaneh, Mehran (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Based on numerous laboratory and field evidence, low-salinity waterflooding or engineered salinity waterflooding can lead to enhanced oil production. According to the literature, the mechanisms involved in this process can be divided into two general categories: fluid-fluid interactions and solid-liquid interactions. These mechanisms are caused by intermolecular and electrostatic forces at the rock and fluid interfaces. The most important controlling factor of the electrostatic forces is the concentration of ions at/near fluids-rock interface. Therefore, improving the concentration of ions causes a shift in wettability toward a more water-wetting state, eventually leading to increased oil... 

    Pore-Scale Investigation of the Effect of Fracture and Mineralogy on Formation Damage Caused by Drilling Fluid

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nikbin, Hadi (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Formation damage in petroleum engineering is an important and fundamental phenomenon. During drilling operation, penetration of either the solid phase of drilling fluid or the base-fluid into the porous medium, reduces the permeability of the formation. While most experiments in the literature have focused on core-scale and beyond, there is lack of pore-scale studies. Moreover, presence of fractures has an undeniable effect on the extent of formation damage. Thus, the main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effects of fractures on the severity of formation damage caused by the water-based drilling fluid and the mechanisms of formation damage at the pore scale, using glass... 

    Coupling Flow and Geochemistry for Numerical Simulation of Low Salinity/Smart Waterflooding in Carbonates

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alipour, Sina (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Due to the decrease in oil reserves in the world, increasing population and the growing demands for oil consumption in the world, increasing the oil recovery from oil reservoirs has become more important. Increasing the amount of oil production efficiency by using low salinity water/modified salinity water has been highly appreciated during the last two decades. Low-salt water is a new method, due to its advantages such as low cost, simplicity of operation and low environmental hazards. It is believed that low salinity water can alter the rock wettability from a more oil-wetting state to a more water-wetting state. In order to be able to predict the performance of low salinity water... 

    Pore-Scale Investigation of the Roles of Oil Types and Pore Structure in Low Salinity Waterfloogin Using Glass Micromodel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Saheb (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahabodin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Oil composition plays an undeniable role on the low salinity water flooding (LSWF) efficiency. This property directly affects the kinetics of wettability alteration through electrostatic interactions and interfacial tension (IFT). For instance, mixing in stagnant zones through a thin water film is considered as one of the most important diffusion controlled phenomenon which is goverened by Non-Fickian solute transport model. The major two potentials controlling the solute transport in thin film are salinity gradient and electrostatic potentials, which can be affected by oil composition and surface charges. This study aims to investigate the effect of oil composition on low salinity... 

    Dynamic Simulation of Wettability Alteration Induced by Low-Salinity-Effect: Study of Phenomena within Thin Water Film

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pourakaberian, Arash (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Joekar Niasar, Vahid (Co-Supervisor)
    Recent experimental studies have demonstrated that the lowering of brine could alter the wettability of the oil-brine-rock systems from an oil-wetting state toward a more water-wetting state. This so-called “Low-salinity effect” (LSE) is one of the main effects of the enhanced oil recovery technology based on low-salinity waterflooding. “Double layer expansion” (DLE) in the thin brine film is proposed as the principal mechanism of this phenomenon. Nonetheless, the role of the electrical behavior of the oil/brine and rock/brine interfaces on the kinetics and dynamics of this process is not well understood. Moreover, since most of the previous works have either dealt with a thin film at... 

    Evaluation of the Impact of Rock Heterogeneity on the Efficiency of Engineered Salinity Water Flooding

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Toupchian, Amin (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor)
    Low salinity water flooding (LSWF) is one of the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods that can be applied in both secondary and tertiary recovery techniques. Some reports indicate no incremental oil recovery associated with this method, and the reason can be associated with the binary and tertiary interactions between oil-brine-rock (OBR) systems. In some OBRs, the initial conditions are not favourable in terms of initial wettability. One of the key factors is the local rock heterogeneities in permeability and mineralogy which can affect LSWF performance because the microscopic and macroscopic heterogeneities can impact the flow pattern of the injected water, oil displacement efficiency, and... 

    Low Salinity Water Assisted by Surfactants for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Mechanistic Study and Spontaneous Imbibition Tests

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heidari, Mehdi (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahabodin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques have become of the main priorities of the oil industry during the high oil price era. It is interesting to note that the common method to increase production from reservoirs is the water injection method, which recovers a very low amount of oil from the oil-wet matrices due to the lack of water imbibition. Previous studies have shown that changing the wettability of rock would critically increase the oil recovery efficiency. This could be achieved by the low-salinity water injection method. In recent years, extensive studies have been conducted on this technique to evaluate its effectiveness for various types of oil reservoirs. Simultaneous injection... 

    Study of Industrial Wastewater as Low-Salinity Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Hossein (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Considering the water tensions, especially in the Middle East, water resources for the implementation of water-based EOR methods are shown to be critically limited. Water sources such as industrial wastewater hold great potential to be used for this purpose due to their significant available volume and the need for their disposal because of environmental regulations. In this research, the potential of injecting industrial wastewater, as low-salinity water, in an Iranian carbonated oil reservoir has been thoroughly investigated by conducting core-scale experiments. In this regard, we also developed a guideline for designing various types of experiments to use this "unconventional" injection... 

    Cyclic Simulation of Field-Scale Underground Hydrogen Storage

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Izadi Amiri, Esmail (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Zivar, Davood (Co-Supervisor)
    Due to environmental concerns about fossil fuels energy sources, countries are striving to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. However, most alternative energy sources are highly dependent on weather and seasonal conditions. Underground hydrogen storage (UHS), unlike carbon dioxide storage which only experiences the gas injection phase, involves injection and production cycles. Therefore, it faces different challenges, each of which has different effects on the final hydrogen recovery rate and, consequently, cost estimation. Some of the major challenges ahead include the reservoir structure, heterogeneity of reservoirs, selection of suitable cushion gas, the impact of the... 

    The Effect of Fluid Velocity and Rock on Emulsion and Asphaltene Stability in Engineered Salinity Waterflooding

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Balavi, Ali (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahabeddin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Water-flooding, has been known as one of the most effective techniques to increase oil recovery efficiency. Many studies especially in the past decade have shown that by controlling the amount and type of ions of the injected water the recovery efficiency is significantly improved. It should be noted that inadequate design of flooding operation can disturbed the prevailing balance between the rock and fluids in the reservoir, hence damage the formation. Several different damages are reported such as the formation of unwanted emulsion, mineral and organic material deposition (such as asphaltene) that would affect the operation and hinder the recovery efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to... 

    Experimental Investigation of Stimulation Fluid Induced Formation Dmaged Using Micromodel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirkhoshhal, Mehdi (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Co-Supervisor)
    Acidizing as the most frequent stimulation technique in the field, has been extensively used to increase the production rate. Even though acidizing treatments is well established, there is still an inherent risk for self-induced formation damage through incompatibilities of the fluids involved in this process.
    A main potential problem during acidizing is the incompatibility of the acid and the reservoir’s crude oil. Acid interaction with crude oil can produce two major damage mechanisms that could offset partially, if not totally the benefit of the acid stimulation. These mechanisms are the rigid film emulsion formation and the acid-sludge precipitation, result in well productivity... 

    Pore Scale Modeling of Fluid-Fluid Intercations During Low Salinity Waterflooding

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kamani, Ahmadreza (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)

    Recent studies have shown that the injection of low-salinity water would enhance the oil recovery factor for both the core scale and the field test. The evidence obtained from laboratory studies showed that the control of salinity and the composition of injected water has successfully affected the oil release, hence enhancing the oil recovery efficiency. In this method, by changing the type and amount of dissolved ions in the injected water, the water/oil/rock interactions are altered. Based on this, extensive studies have been focused on the mechanisms for the trapped oil release at the pore scale. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, which can be divided... 

    Underground Storage of Ammonia: CFD Simulation at Pore-Scale

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karimzadeh, Hadi (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor)
    Underground gas storage has been a topic of discussion and investigation in recent decades. In recent years, with the increasing focus on clean energy and the rise in its production, hydrogen has emerged as a potential option for storing this type of energy. However, there are numerous challenges and obstacles to the large-scale commercialization of underground hydrogen storage. The most significant challenges relate to its physical properties and thermodynamic behavior. These challenges necessitate the exploration of alternative candidates for large-scale energy storage alongside hydrogen. In this research, ammonia is examined as a potential energy carrier, and the novel idea of using it... 

    Investigation of Low Salinity Waterflooding Predictive Capability and the Development of a Tool for Screening Candidates

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Golmohammadi, Meysam (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor)
    Among different enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods, low salinity waterflooding (LSWF) has been attractive to researchers because of its relative simplicity and lower environmental problems compared to other conventional EOR methods. Numerous researchers have attempted to find the main cause of the low salinity effect (LSE). According to previous studies, several experimental techniques have been proposed for predicting LSE and screening potential field candidates. However, there is a lack of a systematic investigation of all (or even some of) the methods to compare and determine their LSE predictive capability. Predictive capability development is essential because it saves costs and time... 

    Pore-Scale Investigation of Polymer Enhanced Low Salinity Water flooding EOR

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Posht Panah, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Rostami, Behzad (Supervisor)
    Low salinity water flooding (LSWF) is a relatively new EOR method in which low salinity or modified ionic composition water is injected into the reservoir to alter its wettability toward a more water-wettable state to accelerate oil recovery. Ease of field deployment and relatively low cost, as well as laboratory results confirming the positive effect of this method in improving the oil recovery factor, have made this technique attractive in the oil industry.Despite the many advantages of this method, overcoming the mixing between low and high salinity water which occurs due to a high mobility ratio between these two fluids is essential because it negatively affects the efficiency of LSWF.... 

    Mechanistic Investigation of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Engineered Water Using Computational Fluid Dynamics at Pore Scale

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Namaee Ghasemi, Arman (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Despite the proven advantage of the engineered water flooding technique, a coherent and mechanistic understanding of the fundamental phenomena occurring at pore scale is lacking. Most of the available simulation models have a phenomenological approach and have limited predictive capability. One of the key questions is how to justify and relate large (Darcy) scale observations to effects and phenomena that essentially occur at much smaller scales (i.e. pore and molecular level). Furthermore, two-phase flow dynamics and the effect of complex interplay between wettability, capillary number, and ions dispersion in a heterogeneous porous medium on the trapping and mobilization of oil at pore...