Film Cooling Computational Simulation of the Trailing Edge a Gas Turbine Blade, Using Quasi-Radial Jets–Impact of Jet Height
Solati, Arya | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55807 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Taeibi Rahni, Mohammad; Javadi, Khodayar
- Abstract:
- The limitations of metals in tolerating thermal stresses is one of the main obstacles in increasing temperature of combustion products. In addition, strong desires to use higher temperatures than are allowed for metals, have led to use of different cooling methods for protecting surfaces adjacent to hot gases. Previous valid studies show that more than 25% of research in the field of gas turbine is related to their blades cooling. On the other hand, one of the very important methods of cooling such surfaces is film cooling. The results of this and previous researches conducted by the team of this thesis’ supervisors can for instance help designers to predict more suitable positions for installing cooling holes (especially at the trailing edges of the blades, considering that they are thin). It is obvious that, the trailing edge of gas turbine blades is more affected by thermal stresses and can suffer more serious microscopic cracks. These cracks grow with time and eventually cause the blade to break. A type of blade profile was selected from previous works and by solving the governing equations numerically, the problem under investigation was studied. Here, large eddies simulation (LES) approach was used for a more detailed investigation. The main innovation of this research is to obtain the optimal height of quasi-radial jets (an innovative geometry first introduded by the team of supervisors) and a suitable turbulence model. What is studied in this research is one of the most effective tools in development of the profile of quasi-radial film cooling jets. Our results show that the best cooling efficiency is obtained for the top mounted jet in the fifth case study (the lowest height of 7.5 mm and the highest spray angle of 60 degrees). Also, the sixth case study (height of 10 mm and spray angle of 60 degrees) was found for the lower jet to give the best cooling efficiency
- Keywords:
- Film Cooling ; Gas Turbine Blades ; Large Eddy Simulation (LES) ; Quasi-Radial Wall Jet ; Thermal Efficiency
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