
Developing the Bi-Level Optimization Model for Water Allocation Considering Wastewater Reuse under Climate Scenarios

Atarod, Mahsa | 2023

64 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56064 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Avami, Akram
  7. Abstract:
  8. Water and energy are among the sectors affected by climate change. In recent years, many effects of climate change have been observed. In 2021, average land and ocean temperatures are 0.84 degrees Celsius higher than the 20th century average. The impact of climate change on water resources is also reflected. Iran has dry and semi-arid climate and 41% of Iranians live in low water areas. Considering the population growth, industrial development and importance of agriculture in Qazvin, it is necessary to plan the management of the water sector in this area. In this project, a water supply network model is proposed to provide water between urban, industrial and agricultural consumers and treated wastewater is identified as an alternative water source. At the first level, a simulation was performed for the considered wastewater treatment routes. Then, using Delphi and statistical methods, the criteria were weighted to determine the ultimate importance of the technology. Anaerobic-anaerobic-aerobic (A2O) technology has been identified as Superior technology at this level. Among the achievements of the secondary model is the determination of the distribution of water among consumers. In this regard, an optimization was made taking into account the cost in the GAMS software. we conducted a study of the impacts of climate change Using Qazvin Observatory data at the microscale and using results from 6th IPCC report. Higher temperatures and lower precipitation with population growth will lead to higher plant water requirements and higher agricultural water requirements. Also, the demand in the industry and drinking sector has also increased due to the influence. The model results show the main distribution of water from groundwater sources in the drinking water sector and from surface water sources in the agricultural sector. With the increase in water consumption from surface and groundwater sources and the unresponsiveness of these sources, the amount of wastewater treated and transferred has increased. By comparing the results of the management scenarios applied, the high-emissions sector scenario with total operating costs over 20 years is reduced to a base year equivalent to 166228 million $ and total water consumption over 20 years equivalent to 62573 million cubic meters is the highest cost and water consumption between scenarios and Agriculture-moderate scenario with total operating costs over 20 years is reduced to a base year equivalent to 120108 million $ and total water consumption consumption in 20 years equals 50896 million cubic meters is the lowest cost and water consumption between scenarios
  9. Keywords:
  10. Climate Change ; Downscaling ; Modeling ; Bi-level Model ; Water Allocation ; Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic System ; Wastewater Reclamation ; Water Consumption Reduction Scenarios

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