A Comprehensive Review of Studies Conducted in Entrepreneurship Education in Order to Achieve a Codified Framework
Emamjome, Fatemeh Sadat | 2022
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 55851 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Feyzbakhsh, Alireza
- Abstract:
- In the current situation and considering the economic conditions, entrepreneurship and self-employment are important factors of business growth. To prepare people in this field, there is a need for effective training that can motivate people. Identifying the effective methods and different dimensions of the entrepreneurship education framework that can lead to setting up a successful program for training people and facilitate the way to achieve the goal of education is one of the important goals of this research. By studying the literature from 2010 onwards, this research systematically examined 96 articles and tried to improve the framework of entrepreneurship education that was stated in 2010. The dimensions of the framework of the current model are more complete than in 2010, and it has been able to take into account the concerns of educators in the new and post-corona era. The dimensions of the initial model included the concepts of education, goal, educational program, curriculum content, teaching methods, audience group, and evaluation methods, which were completed in the present study and the contextual features of the audience, teaching platforms, and instructors were added to it. Also, in the previous model, some information about the mentioned dimensions was neglected, which has been expressed and considered in the supplementary model. The improvement of this framework can help the correct planning for the education of students in the Setara Sharif project and help the planners and administrators to achieve the educational goal. Also, by studying the literature, this research has been able to draw the path of the past and present in entrepreneurship education and clearly identify the research gaps. This topic can help entrepreneurship education scholars in their research so that they can take an effective step towards solving these gaps by reading other articles or setting up targeted experiments
- Keywords:
- Training Effectiveness ; Innovation ; Innovative Entrepreneurship ; Entrepreneurship Education Program ; Teaching Method ; Entrepreneurship Education
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