Urine Analysis by a Microfluidic Paper-Based Device for Renal Function Test
Pourghanbari Marvast, Mohadeseh | 2023
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 56153 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Saadatmand, Maryam
- Abstract:
- Chronic kidney disease is one of the silent diseases that progresses slowly, often without symptoms, and can eventually lead to kidney loss. Early detection of this disease can help diagnose it and prevent further problems. Urinary creatinine is an effective biomarker for early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease, but methods available in clinics are problematic for people living in disadvantaged areas because of the high cost and the need for 24-hour urine collection. Currently, paper-based microfluidic devices are being developed because they are easy to manufacture, inexpensive, the fluid is permeable by capillary force, and no additional equipment is needed. In this work, to fabricate a microfluidic paper-based device and create a hydrophobic barrier, the method of printing polycaprolactone polymer with a 3D bio-printer was used. This method is an easy and new way to create a paper system with precise hydrophobic boundaries for a variety of diagnostic systems. After printing, it was placed in an oven with a temperature of 150 degrees for 2 hours to penetrate the hydrophobic material in the paper. To check the accuracy of creating a hydrophobic boundary, experiments were designed and the results were analyzed. The scanning electron microscope images of the hydrophobic boundaries after heating showed that polycaprolactone penetrated well into the pores of the paper. the distance-based method with 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid reagent in an alkaline environment was used for the detection of creatinine on paper. The surface of the paper was improved by using different polymers to prevent the reagent from being washed away by the sample flow. Some polymers increase the adhesion of the reagent to the paper, such as polyvinyl alcohol and Polyvinylpyrrolidone were used. As the sample passes through the channel, the biomarker and reagent selectively react with each other. The range of creatinine changes in urine varies from 0.25 to 2.5 g/liter, therefore the standard solution of creatinine with several concentrations in this range was prepared for the examination. In the presence of creatinine, the color of this reagent changed from white to purple, and the distance of the color change from the end of the channel indicates the amount of creatinine. This method does not require a camera or smartphone. This microfluidic paper distance-based device is a simple and semi-quantitative method for determining urine creatinine. and can be a suitable method for point-of-care diagnosis
- Keywords:
- Urine ; Lab-on-a-Chip ; 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic Acid ; Distance-Based Detection ; Creatinine ; Kidney on Chip ; Kidney Diseases
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