
Estimating the Amount of Evaporation, Salinity, Precipitation and Dissolution of Salt on Lake Urmia

Hosseinzadeh, Ahmad | 2023

45 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56174 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Tajrishy, Masoud
  7. Abstract:
  8. Lake Urmia is the largest hypersaline lake in Iran, as well as a significant aquatic habitat. In recent decades, extreme increasing of extent plans and exploitation of water resources in this basin, cause decreasing inflow, water level and creating several environmental and economic issues. In recent decades, the excessive expansion in the development and exploitation of this basin's water resources has resulted in a drop in the flows into the lake, a decline in the lake's water level, and the creation of several environmental and economic issues. In recent years, these stressors have caused the lake's salinity to exceed 400 g/L, and salt deposits have emerged on the lake bottom and shoreline. Using remote sensing technology and field data, this study estimated the amount of evaporation and its effect on the spatial changes of salinity (density) and precipitation and dissolution of salt in Lake Urmia. First, using remote sensing technology, the density and salinity of the water's surface were estimated for this purpose. After obtaining the density distribution, the rate of evaporation was estimated using the modified Penman method under the assumptions that the amount of stored heat energy is significant and that the effect is negligible. The results indicated that the amount of stored heat energy has no impact on the estimation of the evaporation rate at Lake Urmia. Using two-layer hydraulic theory and geochemical equations, the amount of salt precipitation and dissolution has been simulated in the final stage of the research. There was a strong correlation between precipitation and salt dissolution and the amount of evaporation and incoming surface water, as shown by the results. When the amount of incoming surface water exceeded the amount of evaporation, the halite mineral was undersaturated and salt dissolution occurred, and when the evaporation factor predominated, the halite mineral was supersaturated and salt precipitation occurred. From 05/01/2013 to 12/31/2017, the simulation revealed that 94 cm of salt were deposited in the northern portion of the lake and 53 cm of salt were dissolved in the southern portion of the lake
  9. Keywords:
  10. Urumieh Lake ; Evaporation ; Flamingo ; Brine Leaching ; Remote Sensing ; Density ; Precipitation

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