Investigation of the Effect of Slip Length on the Electrokinetic Behavior of Conical-Shaped Nanochannels
Roostaei, Mahmoud | 2023
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 56519 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mohammadi, Ali Asghar
- Abstract:
- Conical nanochannels have desirable electrokinetic properties due to asymmetry,including ionic current rectification and ion selectivity. The present study numerically addressed the effect of slip length on the ionic current rectification and ion selectivity in conical-shaped electrolyte-loaded nanochannels with and without a coated polyelectrolyte layer. The electrolyte was considered a salted incompressible Newtonian fluid. The polyelectrolyte layer was also modeled as a rigid and charged porous solid saturated with a salted Newtonian fluid. The electrolyte-polyelectrolyte layer interface was modeled as a surface, considering ion partitioning with distinct physical properties across the interface. The results indicated the dependence of relationship between the slip length and the rectification factor on the surface charge density, the concentration of the electrolyte solution, and the type of nanochannel. Moreover, the effect of slip length on the ion selectivity factor is remarkably higher in type I nanochannel compared to its type II counterpart. Furthermore, the slip length considerably enhances the ion selectivity factor in type I nanochannel. The significance of this influence rose by enhancing the surface charge density. Considering a bulk concentration of 100 mM, a surface charge density of -20 mC m^(-2), and a charge density of 60 mol m^(-3), the ionic rectification factor was degraded by 49% and enhanced by 43%, respectively, for type I and II nanochannels when the slip length is taken into account
- Keywords:
- Electrokinetic Process ; Electroosmotic Flow ; Polyelectrolyte ; Slip Length ; Ion Selectivity ; Surface Charge Density ; Ion Partitioning Effect ; Ionic Current Rectification
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