
Tipping Cascades in Complex Networks: Dynamics and Control

Shahrabi, Ali | 2023

157 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56643 (04)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Physics
  6. Advisor(s): Rahimi Tabar, Mohammad Reza
  7. Abstract:
  8. Tipping points occur in diverse systems in various disciplines such as ecology, climate science, economy, sociology, and engineering. Critical thresholds in system parameters or state variables at which a tiny perturbation can lead to a qualitative change in the system exist in many subsystems in complex systems. These thresholds are called tipping points, and these subsystems are called tipping elements. Additionally, many systems with tipping points can be modeled as networks of coupled multistable subsystems. Domino-like tippings are called tipping cascades. Considering that these tipping cascades are primarily unprecedented, it is essential to study the dynamics and control of these systems. Here, we first investigate the effects of network topology on the occurrence of such cascades. Furthermore, by introducing a nonlinear control for tipping networks, we investigate the controllability and control cost of the tipping cascade dynamics by steering the system’s tipping elements undergoing the cascading transitions into the basin of attraction of the desired state. We find that clustering and spatial organization increase the vulnerability of networks and can lead to the tipping of the whole network. Specifically, we find a range in the coupling strength of the tipping network dynamics in which the system is most vulnerable to tipping cascades. Moreover, we find that in strongly connected networks, control energy goes to infinity when a cascade completely spans the network. These results could be helpful to evaluate which systems are vulnerable or robust due to their network topology and might help us to design or manage systems accordingly
  9. Keywords:
  10. Controllability ; Nonlinear Dynamics ; Complex Systems Control ; Complex Systems Physics ; Tipping Cascade ; Tipping Elements ; Tipping Point

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