
Investigating the Role of Open Data Intermediaries in the Stability and Value Creation of the Open Data Ecosystem: a Case Study of Rasmio Company and Vinsabt Group in Iran

Saberi, Maryam | 2023

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56443 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Maleki, Ali; Honarvar, Rohollah
  7. Abstract:
  8. Open data intermediaries, as the key species of the ecosystem, and since they are the primary consumers of open government data, are crucial to the ecosystem's growth. Without them, the data would be useless during the dissemination phase. This study aims to define the roles of open data intermediaries and explain how they are compatible with the value creation and sustainability of the open data ecosystem in order to fill a gap in the literature in this area. Two Iranian open data intermediaries, Rasmio company and Vinsabt group, which have been involved in the field of data pertaining to companies, have been studied for this purpose. The data for this study is qualitative and was gathered through semi-structured interviews with ecosystem actors associated with intermediaries as well as reading news articles and online documents. The results demonstrated that the user-driven, inclusive, cyclical, skill-based, and network-oriented functions of open data intermediaries are compatible with the stability and value creation of the open data ecosystem. As an extreme case and a country with weak open data policies, Iran's observation about these intermediaries is seen as a valuable finding. Additionally, it was found that non-data-oriented functions can be crucial to the ecosystem's development despite receiving little attention in the literature. In addition, based on the results, it appears that these intermediaries had a greater impact on the economic dimension than the social and governmental dimensions. As a result, future studies should delve deeper into the factors that influence how open data intermediaries develop social and governmental goals. Finally, this research has made suggestions for data providers, policymakers, and intermediaries to improve their performance
  9. Keywords:
  10. Loenen et al Framework ; Open Data Intermediary Impacts ; Functions of Open Data Intermediary ; Open Data Ecosystem ; Open Data Intermediary ; Open Governance Data ; Iran's Vinsabt Group ; Rasmio Company

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