Investigating the Effect of Electric Fields on the Efficiency of Phase Micro Separator Using Simulation
Moradi, Mehdi | 2023
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 56919 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Mohammadi, Ali Asghar
- Abstract:
- In this study, the performance of electrocoalescence in a microfluidic device was investigated through numerical simulations. The microfluidic device consisted of two immiscible fluids, a continuous phase, and a dispersed phase, which were modeled as incompressible Newtonian fluids. The interface between the two phases was tracked using a phase-field model. A flow-focusing geometry was employed to crate water droplets in oil. The dispersed droplets were then pass over a set of electrodes. The merging of two adjacent droplets in the microfluidic device was observed by applying a constant electric field. The voltage of 60 V is the lowest voltage at which the regular merging of pairs of drops takes place. By applying an electric potential of 130 V, the droplets no longer merge into pairs, and in this case, the regular merging of 3 drops occurs. If a high voltage such as 150 and 175 V is chosen, the irregular merging of droplets and merge all the drops occurs. The force exerted on the droplets by the electric field was analyzed to determine its impact on the merging process. The mechanism of droplet coalescence under alternating and pulsed DC electric fields and the effect of frequency on the minimum voltage to merge two drops has also been studied. The results show that the pulsed DC electric field merges the droplets at a lower voltage, and with increasing frequency in both electric fields, we see an increase in the voltage for merging
- Keywords:
- Electric Field ; Microfluidic System ; Simulation ; Phase Field Model ; COMSOL Software ; Electrocoalescence ; Droplets Coalescence
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