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    Human Cells Separation Via Imprinted Polymer

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sabaghi, Davood (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    The goal of this research is to elucidate the mechanism of Cell recognition in molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) using already utilized techniques. Our approach employs a more flexible non-covalent imprinting method which starts from a readily available polymer and utilizes an aqueous environment for both MIP synthesis and testing. Cell MIPs against MG-63 cell were synthesized. The synthesis procedure was optimized to obtain better binding characteristics to the targeted cell. Adsorption of target cell onto imprinted Alginate Spheres was facilitated by these macromolecular fingerprints as revealed by various microscopical examinations The imprinted Spheres showed high selectivity toward... 

    VEGF Isolation from Platelet Lysate

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sanaei, Reza (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Platelet-rich plasma as a juvenile to the narrow repertoire of orthopedic medicine, has risen hope to attain a generic autologous regenerative formula for different conditions. Vast plethora of GFs, cytokines and chemokines has endowed PRP with excellent regenerative properties, however not all of them would favor different conditions. Vascular endothelial growth factor has been demonstrated to be involved in the progress of Osteoarthritis by amplifying the catabolic processes which deteriorate the extracellular matrix of cartilage. Though cumbersome, the result of eliminating VEGF from platelet lysate would be promising. VEGF isolation from platelet lysate requires selectivity. By employing... 

    Biosensor for Fast Detection (Based on Thyroid Hormones)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradi, Farshid (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Thyroid gland is one of the important internal organs of the body that is responsible for T3 and T4 hormones secretion. Concentration of these hormones directly influences growth of body, thus measurement concentration of thyroid hormones is one of the most common experiments all of the world, specially in our country that Hypothyroidism is common among people. Secretion of hormones in thyroid gland controlled by TSH (thyroid Stimulating Hormone) that released from Pituitary gland. TSH concentration is opposite of level of thyroid secretion. Because of interconnected relationship between these three hormones, measurement of each of them is so important. Many researches for developing... 

    Fabrication of a Collagen-Based Scaffold for Corneal Regeneration

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alizadeh, Maryam (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Corneal diseases are one of the most common causes of blindness worldwide. The most common way to treat these diseases is to replace the damaged cornea with the donor cornea by corneal transplant. But limitations such as donor tissue deficiency, the risk of disease transmission and transplant rejection have made treatment of these diseases very difficult. A cornea made by tissue engineering can be used as a suitable alternative because of the limitations mentioned for corneal transplantation with donated tissue. At the same time, similarity of the scaffold to normal corneal tissue, both in terms of matrial and structural properties, is essential for proper repair of this scaffold by cells... 

    Intelligent Drug Delivery System for Cancer Treatment

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahrami, Flora (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Drug delivery systems (DDS), which, are sensitive to tumor medium have high importance. one of the most important problem of current treatment of cancer is damage of the normal tissue, which, it is expected to solve by smart drug delivery systems. In such cases, one or more features of cancer medium cause to release of the drug. One of features of cancer medium is high concentration of reactive oxygen species and hydrogen peroxide in the most common between them. The purpose of this study is to build a drug delivery system, which it is sensitive to hydrogen peroxide. This carrier has 4 main parts. The first part is anti-cancer drug, which, it is located in the carrier. Second part is... 

    Numerical Study of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Dispersion in Hospital Wards

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadian, Hossein (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has driven our attention to a simulation of virus dispersion to complete our understanding of airborne transmission. A myriad of studies have shown that respiratory diseases such as MERS, SARS, and COVID-19 can be transmitted by virus-laden droplets released during coughs, sneezing, and normal breathing. To mitigate and prevent the spread of such infectious diseases, investigation of the transmission routes is of great importance. This study has been fueled to harness the CFD tool to simulate the virus-laden droplets dispersion in hospitals inwards. Because of the limitations intertwined with experimental works such as the risk of infection of experimenters, and... 

    An Investigation on the Parameters Affecting Electrochemical Biosensors Performance to Detect Prostate Cancer

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saghafi, Mohammad Javad (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Early detection of prostate cancer using biosensors has been a subject of research for nearly two decades due to its critical importance. The timing of detection plays a crucial role in determining treatment success rates. However, a significant limitation of these studies has been the cost and limited sensitivity of the sensors. In this research, various treatments used in biosensors were compared and necessary parameters to develop a sensitive, low-cost sensor have been subject of optimization. For this reason, we used pencil graphite and graphite sheet electrodes, both of which have potential for low-cost production on a large scale. Additionally, we tested graphene oxide, amine-treated... 

    Imprinting Technology in Tumor Marker Detection

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazemi Ahmadabadi, Roya (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Tumor markers are substances that are naturally found in blood and other fluids in body, but in abnormal conditions such as cancer and metastasis, their level increase. The aim of researching about tumor markers is to find a way for discovering cancer only with a blood test and replace with the current methods such as ELISA, and any type of cancer can be detected by these tests. In this study, molecular imprinted polymers were synthesized with biomolecules. To do that, silica microparticles were used as solid base and after functionalizing their surface, a thin film of polymer was synthesized on them. To optimize the components concentrations and the polymer thickness on the silica surface,... 

    Fabrication of Fibrin Sheets for Tissue Regeneration

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hajian Foroushani, Zahra (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    The cornea is a transparent, avascular, multilayer, connective tissue. When the erosion process of these cells occur, where natural and quick restoration is expected, corneal disorders begin. Regeneration of corneal tissue, using a biocompatible method is a great point of interest. Nowadays, scaffold based on amniotic membrane is used as a basement membrane in the regeneration of corneal tissue. Lots of researches focused on using auto graft scaffold to decrease the inflammation and infection of an allografts and synthetic scaffolds, while overcoming amniotic membrane’s weak mechanical properties. The aim of this survey is to construct an appropriate scaffold from patient’s own blood to... 

    Developing Protein-Loaded Modified Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel for Tissue Regeneration

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asadi Korayem, Maryam (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Growth factors play an important role in tissue repair and regeneration including articular cartilage tissue. Direct injection of growth factor is a common practice in clinics. However, it has been shown that this method is not very effective and, in some cases, induces some side effects. Moreover, incorporation of this valuable signals in systems where they are quickly released and washed out is not effective as well. Thereby the aim of this study was to design and fabricate an efficient system to effectively deliver growth factors for cartilage tissue engineering. The designed system is an injectable, in situ forming hydrogel, based on hyaluronic acid (HA) as a biocompatible and attractive... 

    Hybrid System for Growth Factor Delivery

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Torabi Rahvar, Parisa (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a blood-derived product containing concentrate of platelets, which are a rich source of autologous growth factors. PRP injection has been used clinically as a therapeutic method for cartilage repair. However, clinical efficiency of this method is unpredictable, maybe as a result of burst release of growth factors then fail cell-stimulating potential as most biomolecules are cleaned before they can exert a therapeutic effect. The aim of this project was to prepare a suitable scaffold for PRP delivery to regenerate cartilage injuries. In order to resemble polysaccharide-protein nature of the cartilaginous extracellular matrix, in this study, we developed an... 

    Development of a Polymeric Scaffold for Periodontal Regeneration

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi Nasrabadi, Kosar (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Periodontitis is a common inflammatory disease that affects the periodontium.Periodontium includes two hard tissues of cementum and alveolar bone and also soft tissue of periodontal ligament. The appropriate function is based on the consistency and accurate interaction of them. The complex structure, the low potential of the body for spontaneous healing, and technical problems such as bacteria accumulation, limited access, and small operating field cause no complete treatment can be achieved until now.In this project, at first collagen type I was extracted from Bovine Achilles tendon. Then, polymer modification was done to 39.95 µg/mg (Tyramine/ Collagen). An In situ gel based on modified... 

    Using Body Fluids for Early Prostate Cancer Detection

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jalali Dowlatshahi, Sayeh (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Today, despite the notable progress in diagnostics and therapeutics, cancer remains the second cause of death worldwide. This rather high mortality rate is often attributed to cancers diagnosed at late stages, including prostate cancer. Among the techniques approved for prostate cancer diagnosis, total or free prostate-specific antigen screening using blood serum samples is the sole method able to detect prostate cancer at an early stage. This test has led to a significant decrease in prostate cancer-related deaths. Nonetheless, it possesses several drawbacks, such as the complex, costly, and time-consuming conventional methods utilized in clinical laboratories to assess the concentration of... 

    Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Gas Injection in the Eye

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Noohi, Parisa (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor) ; Goodarznia, Iraj (Supervisor)
    Retinal detachment is a disorder of the eye in which a part or entire retina detaches from underlying layers. It is a medical emergency and if it is not treated, all vision may be lost. Surgery is the only way to treat retinal detachment. Pneumatic retinopexy (PR) is an office-based procedure for repairing some retinal detachment. PR has three cardinal steps: applying laser or cryopexy around all breaks to seal them, injection of gas into the vitreous cavity and appropriate head position so that the bubble closes the retinal breaks.
    In this thesis, we are trying to model PR procedure and predict the behavior of intraocular gas. In general, once the gas is injected into the eye, because... 

    Synthesis of Bone graft Substitute for Clinical Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khodabakhshi Tabar Ahangar, Zahra (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    The natural tissue of the bones consists of organic and inorganic parts. The bone mineral part contains calcium phosphate and its organic part is mainly of collagen fibers. The combination of these fibers and calcium phosphate makes the bone flexible and resistant to stresses. Many conditions, including osteoporosis and crashes, lead to fractures and cavities in bone. Bone cements are the most used materials used in orthopedic surgeries and spinal cord.The purpose of this study was to synthesis acrylic bone cement with properties determined by ASTM F 451 and Iso5833 for orthopedic applications, including joint replacement. Polymethyl methacrylate polymer was synthesized as the main component... 

    Targeted Delivery of Curcumin by Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle Coated with Liposome

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hedayati, Mohammad Hassan (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor) ; Akbari, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Several studies based on anti- cancer, anti- metastatic and anti- tumor effects of curcumin have been reported . Besides these benefits, the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin is limited due to its poor aqueous solubility, extensive first-pass metabolism, inadequate tissue absorption and degradation at alkaline pH, which severely diminishes its bioavailability. In this project we seek to solve some of the problems with nanoscience to work more effectively. In the past decade, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) have found widespread application as controlled drug delivery systems. Recent reports on the design of capped and gated MSN-based systems have shown promise in preventing premature... 

    Prediction of Thermodynamic Parameters in Solutions with Similar Composition to Plasma or Blood

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi, Masoud (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor) ; Ghotbi, Cyrus (Co-Advisor)
    Serum osmolality is an important physiological quantity that is directly related to health condition of human body. Glucose, urea, and NaCl are the main components which determine the value of serum osmolality. Besides, calcium and potassium are vital inorganic cations for the body. Thus, it is of high importance to investigate the interactions between these physiological solutes in aqueous solution. Thermodynamic quantities like osmotic and activity coefficients contain enthalpic and entropic information and thus are a direct measure of interactions in these complex systems. Thus, theoretical and experimental methods were applied to investigate these thermodynamic parameters in multi-solute... 

    Simulation of Optimum Nutrition in Bioreactors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Radfar, Marjan (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor) ; Mehrvar, Mehrab (Supervisor)
    In this study, a semi-structured model for the growth and production of lactase in an aerated bioreactor by Kluyveromyces marxianus, growing on cheese whey, was developed. Three modes of culture, consisting of batch, fed-batch and a controlled-release system were investigated. Modeling was based on three metabolic pathways, representing the growth of Kluyveromyces marxianus. Lactose and oxygen consumption, cell growth, and also lactase and ethanol production rates were determined in the model. Induction was considered as the governing mechanism for enzyme production. The model showed good agreement with the experimental data in batch and fed-batch cultures. Controlled-release system is a... 

    Developing Polymeric Carriers for Delivery of Platelet Lysate Aiming Tissue Regeneration

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Jooybar, Elaheh (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor) ; Mousavi, Abbas (Supervisor)
    The goal of tissue engineering is the restoration of a tissue function based on combination of cells, scaffolds, and biological signals in an engineered structure. The best way to develop this issue is mimicking the body and host tissues. In the present thesis, it was tried to improve cartilage tissue regeneration from two aspects. In the first part, an injectable hydrogel based on hyaluronic acid (HA) biomaterial was developed which was incorporated with platelet lysate (PL), as an autologous source of growth factors. The human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were encapsulated in the hydrogel and the effects of PL on the cell attachment, viability and differentiation toward chondrocytes were... 

    Biosensor Fabrication for Fast Detection of Stroke Biomarkers

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Shabani, Ehsan (Author) ; Mousavi, Abbas (Supervisor) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Co-Supervisor)
    Stroke is the second most frequent cause of death and the leading cause of disability in the world. Some effective drugs have been developed for ischemic stroke, while the golden time of use is three hours. Therefore, if stroke is diagnosed quickly, its side effects can be greatly avoided. However, it is not possible to use conventional diagnostic methods in many cases at a short time. In this work, S100β, MMP-9 and D-Dimer biomarkers were selected for rapid diagnosis of stroke based on previous studies.For this purpose, electrochemical immunosensors were developed with advantages such as low cost, ease of use, the possibility to automating the device, suitable sensitivity, reproducibility,...