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    In situ generation of highly active bis(N-heterocyclic)carbene palladium as an efficient catalyst in direct S-arylation of methylphenyl sulfoxide and the Heck reaction: Ligand steric effects in product selectivity

    , Article Applied Organometallic Chemistry ; 2016 ; 02682605 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Mousavi, N ; Jamali, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2016
    The use of 1,3-bis(N-heterocyclic)carbene ligands with different alkyl wingtip groups (alkyl = methyl, isopropyl and tert-butyl) is an effective method for the palladium-catalysed direct S-arylation of methylphenyl sulfoxide and C-C coupling of various of aryl halides with alkenes. The reactions proceed in moderate to good yields. Interestingly, it is shown experimentally that, by using bulkier bidentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, more selective catalytic systems towards cis products in Heck coupling reactions can be achieved  

    Reliable and energy efficient MLC STT-RAM buffer for CNN accelerators

    , Article Computers and Electrical Engineering ; Volume 86 , 2020 Jasemi, M ; Hessabi, S ; Bagherzadeh, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    We propose a lightweight scheme where the formation of a data block is changed in such a way that it can tolerate soft errors significantly better than the baseline. The key insight behind our work is that CNN weights are normalized between -1 and 1 after each convolutional layer, and this leaves one bit unused in half-precision floating-point representation. By taking advantage of the unused bit, we create a backup for the most significant bit to protect it against the soft errors. Also, considering the fact that in MLC STT-RAMs the cost of memory operations (read and write), and reliability of a cell are content-dependent (some patterns take larger current and longer time, while they are... 

    NoC design methodologies for heterogeneous architecture

    , Article Proceedings - 2020 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2020, 11 March 2020 through 13 March 2020 ; 2020 , Pages 299-306 Alhubail, L ; Jasemi, M ; Bagherzadeh, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2020
    Fused CPU-GPU architectures that utilize the powerful features of both processors are common nowadays. Using homogeneous interconnect for such heterogeneous processors can result in performance degradation and power increase. This paper explores the optimization of heterogeneous NoC design to connect heterogeneous CPU-GPU architecture in terms of NoC performance and power. This involves solving four different NoC design sub-problems simultaneously; processing elements (PEs) mapping, buffer size and virtual channel assignments, and links' bandwidth determination. Heuristic-based optimization methods were proposed to obtain a near-optimal heterogeneous NoC design, and formal models were used... 

    Enhancing reliability of emerging memory technology for machine learning accelerators

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing ; Volume 9, Issue 4 , April , 2021 , Pages 2234-2240 ; 21686750 (ISSN) Jasemi, M ; Hessabi, S ; Bagherzadeh, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2021
    An efficient and reliable Multi-Level Cell (MLC) Spin-Transfer Torque Random Access Memory (STT-RAM) is proposed based on a Drop-And-Rearrange Approach, called DARA. Since CNN models are rather robust, less important bits are dropped, allowing important bits to be written in safe and reliable Single-Level Cell mode. Also, bits are rearranged to make the representation better aligned with memory cell characteristics. Bits with higher impact on the features value are stored in safer bit positions reducing the chance of read/write circuits to malfunction. Experimental results show that our approach provides comparable to error-free scenario reliability level, while doubling the bandwidth and... 

    Carbon-based nanocomposite decorated with bioactive glass and CoNi2S4 nanoparticles with potential for bone tissue engineering

    , Article OpenNano ; Volume 8 , 2022 ; 23529520 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Aldhaher, A ; Ahmadi, S ; Baheiraei, N ; Rabiee, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2022
    In this work, for the first time, different forms of nanocomposites based on rGO and MWCNT were prepared in conjoining with the bioactive glass (BioGlass). In the carbonic layers, a highly toxic nanoparticle, CoNi2S4, was intercalated, and the role of this nanoparticle in the alkaline phosphatase activity, relative cell viability on different cell lines, and also the effect on the cell walls and cell morphologies were investigated. From another perspective, the ability of the chemotherapy drug loading to the prepared nanocomposites was investigated, and the use of leaf extracts was thought of as a green method to lower the cytotoxicity and regulate the genotoxicity of the generated... 

    In situ generation of highly active bis(N-heterocyclic)carbene palladium as an efficient catalyst in direct S-arylation of methylphenyl sulfoxide and the Heck reaction: Ligand steric effects in product selectivity

    , Article Applied Organometallic Chemistry ; Volume 31, Issue 8 , 2017 ; 02682605 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Mousavi, N. A ; Jamali, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2017
    The use of 1,3-bis(N-heterocyclic)carbene ligands with different alkyl wingtip groups (alkyl = methyl, isopropyl and tert-butyl) is an effective method for the palladium-catalysed direct S-arylation of methylphenyl sulfoxide and C–C coupling of various of aryl halides with alkenes. The reactions proceed in moderate to good yields. Interestingly, it is shown experimentally that, by using bulkier bidentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, more selective catalytic systems towards cis products in Heck coupling reactions can be achieved. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  

    Preparation of novel and highly active magnetic ternary structures (metal-organic framework/cobalt ferrite/graphene oxide) for effective visible-light-driven photocatalytic and photo-fenton-like degradation of organic contaminants

    , Article Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ; Volume 602 , 2021 , Pages 73-94 ; 00219797 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, B ; Kazemeini, M ; Mahmoodi, N. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press Inc  2021
    Herein, MIL-101(Fe), CoFe2O4, novel binary (MIL-101(Fe)/CoFe2O4, MIL-101(Fe)/GO and CoFe2O4/GO), and ternary (MIL-101(Fe)/CoFe2O4/(3%)GO and MIL-101(Fe)/CoFe2O4/(7%)GO) magnetic composites based upon the MIL-101(Fe) were synthesized. The XRD, FESEM, TEM, EDX, BET-BJH, FTIR, VSM, DRS, PL, EIS and other electrochemical analyses were applied to characterize samples. The MIL/CoFe2O4/(3%)GO demonstrated the best performance compared to other samples for visible light photocatalytic and photo-Fenton-like degradation of Direct Red 23 (DtR-23), Reactive Red 198 (ReR-198) dyes as well as Tetracycline Hydrochloride (TC-H) antibiotic. Degradation of dyes using the ternary composite after 70 min of... 

    Optimization of selenization process to remove Ga-induced pin-holes in CIGS thin films

    , Article Solar Energy ; Volume 236 , 2022 , Pages 175-181 ; 0038092X (ISSN) Khosroshahi, R ; Dehghani, M ; Tehrani, N. A ; Taghavinia, N ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    In thin-film solar cells, deposition of pinhole and the crack-free absorber layer, with the right chemical stoichiometry is highly important for high-performance solar cell devices. In solution-based CIGS solar cell technology, a nanoparticle ink approach provides phase stability of the final chalcogenide absorber layer. However, the sintering of small nanoparticles to form large grains with reduced grain boundaries is an important challenge in the fabrication process. This is usually realized by annealing in the Se atmosphere, i.e. selenization process. However, the presence of Ga in CIGS films leads to pinholes after selenization. In this study, the synthesis and deposition of high-quality... 

    A study of the DR23 dye photocatalytic degradation utilizing a magnetic hybrid nanocomposite of MIL-53(Fe)/CoFe2O4: Facile synthesis and kinetic investigations

    , Article Journal of Molecular Liquids ; Volume 301 , 2020 Bagherzadeh, S. B ; Kazemeini, M ; Mahmoodi, N. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    In this research, cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) magnetic nanoparticles as well as MIL-53(Fe) structure were synthesized by the hydrothermal and solvothermal methods, respectively. Moreover, magnetic composites of MIL-53(Fe)/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles with different cobalt ferrite loadings (i.e.; 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 g) were prepared via the solvothermal method. The main novelty of the present research was to synthesize a magnetic composite of MIL-53(Fe)/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles in order to perform rapid photodegradation of Direct Red 23 (DR23) dye under the LED visible light irradiation. Good magnetic properties of the fabricated composite led to easy separation and rapid retrieval of the catalyst from the... 

    COVID-19 and picotechnology: Potential opportunities

    , Article Medical Hypotheses ; Volume 144 , 2020 Rabiee, N ; Rabiee, M ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Rezaei, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Churchill Livingstone  2020
    Humanity's challenges are becoming increasingly difficult, and as these challenges become more advanced, the need for effective and intelligent action becomes more apparent. Meanwhile, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which has plagued the world, could be considered as an opportunity to take a step toward the need for atomic engineering, compared to molecular engineering, as well as to accelerate this type of research. This approach, which can be expressed in terms of picotechnology, makes it possible to identify living cell types or in general, chemical and biological surfaces using their atomic arrays, and applied for early diagnosis even treatment of the disease. © 2020... 

    Partition pruning: Parallelization-aware pruning for dense neural networks

    , Article 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2020, 11 March 2020 through 13 March 2020 ; 2020 , Pages 307-311 Shahhosseini, S ; Albaqsami, A ; Jasemi, M ; Bagherzadeh, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2020
    As recent neural networks are being improved to be more accurate, their model's size is exponentially growing. Thus, a huge number of parameters requires to be loaded and stored from/in memory hierarchy and computed in processors to perform training or inference phase of neural network processing. Increasing the number of parameters causes a big challenge for real-time deployment since the memory bandwidth improvement's trend cannot keep up with models' complexity growing trend. Although some operations in neural networks processing are computational intensive such as convolutional layer computing, computing dense layers face with memory bandwidth bottleneck. To address the issue, the paper... 

    Zn-rich (GaN)1−x(ZnO)x: a biomedical friend?

    , Article New Journal of Chemistry ; Volume 45, Issue 8 , 2021 , Pages 4077-4089 ; 11440546 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Rabiee, N ; Fatahi, Y ; Dinarvand, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Royal Society of Chemistry  2021
    A Zn-Rich (GaN)1−x(ZnO)xnanostructure was synthesized with the assistance of a high-gravity technique in order to reduce the reaction time and temperature. The synthesized inorganic nanomaterial has been applied in both drug and gene delivery systems, and as the first fully inorganic nanomaterial, it was investigated in a comprehensive cellular investigation as well. In order to increase the potential bioavailability, as well as the interactions with the pCRISPR, the nanomaterial was enriched with additional Zn ions. The nanomaterial and the final nanocarrier were characterized at each step before and after any biological analysisviaFESEM, AFM, TEM, FTIR and XRD. The polymer coated... 

    Engineering of CIGS nanoparticle inks for colloidal stability, uniform film formation and application as HTL for perovskite solar cells

    , Article Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ; 2021 ; 1226086X (ISSN) Khosroshahi, R ; Tehrani, N. A ; Forouzandeh, M ; Behrouznejad, F ; Taghavinia, N ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry  2021
    In this work, synthesis of CuIn0.75Ga0.25S2 (CIGS) nanoparticles, the formation of stable dispersion, deposition of high-quality films and, fabrication of thin-film Perovskite solar cells are reported. The stability of nanoparticle ink is crucial in the formation of device-quality films. The chalcogenide-based materials are widely used in thin-film solar cells; in particular, Cu(In,Ga)S2 are used as an absorber and hole transporting layer. In the present study, the nanoparticles of about 20 nm size and bandgap of 1.5 eV are synthesized using a heat-up method. A variety of solvents are used as dispersing media and the stability of the inks is evaluated by precise optical monitoring. We... 

    Engineering of CIGS nanoparticle inks for colloidal stability, uniform film formation and application as HTL for perovskite solar cells

    , Article Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ; Volume 106 , 2022 , Pages 253-261 ; 1226086X (ISSN) Khosroshahi, R ; Tehrani, N. A ; Forouzandeh, M ; Behrouznejad, F ; Taghavinia, N ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry  2022
    In this work, synthesis of CuIn0.75Ga0.25S2 (CIGS) nanoparticles, the formation of stable dispersion, deposition of high-quality films and, fabrication of thin-film Perovskite solar cells are reported. The stability of nanoparticle ink is crucial in the formation of device-quality films. The chalcogenide-based materials are widely used in thin-film solar cells; in particular, Cu(In,Ga)S2 are used as an absorber and hole transporting layer. In the present study, the nanoparticles of about 20 nm size and bandgap of 1.5 eV are synthesized using a heat-up method. A variety of solvents are used as dispersing media and the stability of the inks is evaluated by precise optical monitoring. We... 

    Stimuli-responsive emissive behavior of 1- and 1,3-connectivities in azulene-based imine ligands: Cycloplatination and Pt-Tl dative bond formation

    , Article Dalton Transactions ; Volume 46, Issue 34 , 2017 , Pages 11327-11334 ; 14779226 (ISSN) Jamali, S ; Mousavi, N. A ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Kia, R ; Samouei, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Royal Society of Chemistry  2017
    The preparation of two new azulene-based imine ligands N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-6-tBu-1-azulenylmethaneimine, 3, and N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-6-tBu-3-(2,6-diisopropylphenyliminomethyl)-1-azulenylmethaneimine, 4, is described. These imine ligands display stimuli responsive emissive behavior and their fluorescence can be switched on and off by protonation and neutralization with trifluoroacetic acid and trimethylamine, respectively. The cyclometalation of the monoimine ligand by platinum gave the cyclometalated complex [PtMe(SMe2)(3′)], 5, (where the prime denotes the cyclometalated ligand 3). The reaction of 5 with TlPF6 yields the trinuclear bent Pt2Tl complex {[PtMe(SMe2)(3′)]2(μ-Tl)}PF6,... 

    Highly stretchable, self-adhesive, and self-healable double network hydrogel based on alginate/polyacrylamide with tunable mechanical properties

    , Article Journal of Polymer Science ; Volume 58, Issue 15 , 2020 , Pages 2062-2073 Pourjavadi, A ; Tavakolizadeh, M ; Hosseini, S. H ; Rabiee, N ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Inc  2020
    A number of synthetic hydrogels suffer from low mechanical strength. Despite of the recent advances in the fabrication of tough hydrogels, it is still a great challenge to simultaneously construct high stretchability, and self-adhesive and self-healing capability in a hydrogel. Herein, a new type of double network hydrogel was prepared based on irreversible cross-linking of polyacrylamide chains and Schiff-base reversible cross-linking between glycidyl methacrylate-grafted ethylenediamine and oxidized sodium alginate (OSA). The combination of both cross-linkings and their synergistic effect provided a novel hydrogel with high strength, stretchable, rapid self-healing, and self-adhesiveness... 

    Diastereoselective synthesis and catalytic activity of two chiral cis-dioxidomolybdenum(VI) complexes

    , Article European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ; Volume 2018, Issue 22 , 15 June , 2018 , Pages 2549-2556 ; 14341948 (ISSN) Haghdoost, M. M ; Zwettler, N ; Golbaghi, G ; Belaj, F ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Schachner, J. A ; Mosch Zanetti, N. C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wiley-VCH Verlag  2018
    Two enantiomerically pure chiral dioxidomolybdenum(VI) complexes (1 and 2) of the type [MoO2L] (L = dianionic, tetradentate ONNO-ligand) were synthesized and investigated in enantioselective oxidation reactions. The solid-state structures of complex 1 and 2, determined via single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis revealed two fundamentally different coordination geometries: a C1-symmetric cis-β isomer (Λ-1), and a C2-symmetric cis-α isomer (Δ-2). In both cases, only one of the two possible helical enantiomers (Λ- or Δ-helix) was formed. The complexes were examined as precatalysts in the epoxidation of the challenging prochiral substrate trans-stilbene, using either tert-butyl hydroperoxide... 

    Green composites in bone tissue engineering

    , Article Emergent Materials ; 2021 ; 25225731 (ISSN) Jouyandeh, M ; Vahabi, H ; Rabiee, N ; Rabiee, M ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Saeb, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Nature  2021
    Natural and biodegradable polymers are of particular interest as green sources with low-cost and environmentally friendly features, and have been widely used for polymer composite development. The term “Green Composites” refers to polymer/filler systems in which polymer, filler, or sometimes both components are green in view of sources from which they are yielded or their biodegradability. Natural fibers obtained from plants, animals, and/or geological processes are a big class of green sources widely applied in green composite development. There has also been continued research on recycling of green composite as well as developing hybrid systems for advanced applications. In view of their... 

    Green composites in bone tissue engineering

    , Article Emergent Materials ; Volume 5, Issue 3 , 2022 , Pages 603-620 ; 25225731 (ISSN) Jouyandeh, M ; Vahabi, H ; Rabiee, N ; Rabiee, M ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Saeb, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Nature  2022
    Natural and biodegradable polymers are of particular interest as green sources with low-cost and environmentally friendly features, and have been widely used for polymer composite development. The term “Green Composites” refers to polymer/filler systems in which polymer, filler, or sometimes both components are green in view of sources from which they are yielded or their biodegradability. Natural fibers obtained from plants, animals, and/or geological processes are a big class of green sources widely applied in green composite development. There has also been continued research on recycling of green composite as well as developing hybrid systems for advanced applications. In view of their... 

    Tris[(2-oxazolinyl)phenolato]manganese(III) as catalyst for mild and efficient oxidation of sulfides to sulfones with Oxone®

    , Article Journal of Chemical Research - Part S ; Issue 12 , 2003 , Pages 765-767 ; 03082342 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Scientific Reviews Ltd  2003
    Tris[(2-oxazolinyl)phenolato]manganese(III), Mn(phox)3, catalysed oxidation of dialkyl, diaryl, dibenzyl, and alkyl aryl sulfides to the corresponding sulfones is carried out by Oxone® in biphasic conditions (CH2Cl2/H2O), in the presence of tetra n-butylammonium bromide as phase transfer agent at room temperature in very short reaction times (5 min.) with quantitative yields