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Revenue Management in Airline Industry
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eshghi, Kourosh (Supervisor)
The Revenue management concept has been studied and noticed by researchers for more than forty years. Although the applications of revenue management grow in different industries continuously, airline industry which is the origin of this research area is the pioneer of developing and representing new models. In the last few years, there has been a trend to enrich traditional revenue management models. In this thesis we first, reviewed most aspects of revenue management studies especially in airline industry, then choice-based customer behavior concept is introduced. Also a case sample study in customer choice behavior has been developed with time scale considering and remodeled. According to...
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Selective Withdrawal From Two Layer Fluid With Topographic Effects
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jamali, Mirmosaddegh (Supervisor)
Selective withdrawal is withdrawing water with desired quality from a reservoir and has many applications in water quality management of reservoirs. Topographic effects such as a sill alter the withdrawal layer properties. In this study, the effect of a sill on selective withdrawal of a two-layer fluid through a line sink at the bottom of a rectangular reservoir is studied using two-layer hydraulics theory, numerical model and laboratory experiments. Experiments were done for studying surge, and the results are compared with two-layer hydraulics theory and numerical model. After reservoir gate is opened, some disturbances upstream of sill lead to creation of a surge. The results show this is...
A new comprehensive framework for ranking accepted orders and supplierselection in make-to-order environments
, Article 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009, 6 July 2009 through 9 July 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 919-924 ; 9781424441365 (ISBN) ; Ahmadi, G ; Kian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper presents a new decision making framework for supplier selectionin a make-to-order-system (MTO) while establishing an information loop between"sale"and"purchasing" functions which play important rolesin successful satisfying of customers. The order entry stage outputs, includingaccepted orders' requirements and their priorities are reflected into thesupplier selection phase; and in return, the outputs of the supplier selectionmodel are fed back into the sale department to revise the orders attributesaccording to the system's supplying capabilities. A ranking procedure usingFuzzy data-envelopment-analysis (DEA) and multi attribute utility model (i.e.similarity to ideal solution...
Assessing the Cross-Border Impact of Climate Change Response Measures on Iran's Economics Status
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Khajehpour, Hossein
Maleki, Abbas
This research uses systems dynamics modeling to present an integrated assessment of the energy-economic damage caused by climate change in Iran under different climate scenarios. Implementing these policies will cause a change in the use of global oil, followed by a change in the outlook for oil price changes in the future. Due to the high dependence of the country's economy on fossil fuels, oil price changes affect the country's economy. In the first step of this thesis, the system dynamics method examines the prospect of oil price change in climate scenarios. Then, according to the oil supply and production, in different scenarios, the assessment of the future conditions of the oil market...
Generation expansion planning of stand-alone micro-power systems under uncertainty using advanced planning methodology
, Article Energy Exploration and Exploitation ; Volume 26, Issue 4 , 2008 , Pages 221-239 ; 01445987 (ISSN) ; Rahimi Kian, A ; Ehsan, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper a strategic planning framework for selecting the best configuration and capacity of different power generating technologies including renewable energy resources in stand-alone micro-power systems is proposed. The proposed framework is composed of three decision making techniques to identify the most feasible and efficient plans according to attributes and uncertain parameters in the planning environment. The framework considers the robustness and risk analysis of different plans exposed to uncertainties in the planning environment and selects the configurations that meet the objectives with the least risk exposure. The proposed methodology is implemented as a case study of a...