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    Analyzing the Interplay of Power Management and Communication Reliability of Wireless Networks in Embedded Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Elahe Sadat (Author) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Due to safety critical applications of the embedded systems, reliability is one of the most important properties of these systems. Wireless networks also have error prone data transmission channels and limited power consumption. Therefore reliability and power conservation are two vital characteristics of the wireless network especially in embedded applications. Since achieving to a desirable level of data reliability is power consuming, we must consider a trade-off between power consumption and data reliability. In wireless networks power consumption can be categorized into: power consumption in wireless devices and power consumption in data transmission. For decrement of wireless devices... 

    Confidential Access to the Outsourced Relational Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology NajmAbadi, Elahe Sadat (Author) ; Jalili, Rasool (Supervisor)
    In recent years, there has been a trend toward outsourcing data to the cloud provider. These companies must tackle the data security challenges. Generally these parties are assumed to be honest but curious. In past years, the research communities have been investigating different solution to ensure confidentiality.
    In addition to data confidentiality access and pattern confidentiality is a high-priority issue in some cases so. potential adversary should be unable to drive information from the observed access pattern to the outsourced data. Despite the fact that there are more investigation in the field of data confidentiality, concern over data security are the rise in outsourcing data,... 

    Study & Analysis of Delays Causes of Gas Projects in Tehran Gas Company & presenting Optimized Solutions by Applying Project Management Principles

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi, Elahe (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    To deliver gas in time to different consumers like as industrial, commercial and domestic users is one of the most important parts in gas industry. So it is very important to utilize these projects in the specified time. There are huge harms for client, contractors and consumers when there is a delay in project utilization. To identify effective parameters on delays to remove them in future is an essential factor. In this research, all delay causes for TPGC (Tehran Province Gas Company) projects are analyzed and some solutions to remove these delays are presented. 10 hypotheses in relation of gas delivery have been assumed as delay causes. Then some questions have been discussed in relation... 

    An Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Model for the Evaluation of Urban Development Decisions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi, Amir (Author) ; Poorzahedy, Hossain (Supervisor)
    Land-use and transportation are inter-related, such that land-use may be used to control transportation. This study aims to design a suitable combination of the residential and service land-use on one side, and the transportation system on the other side. The model presented in this study has two external and internal levels, and its objective is to minimize the cost of residence, receiving goods and services, and transportation. The performance of any combination of spatial allocation of population and employment, as well as transportation, is evaluated by the internal level of the model which determines the interaction between population, employment, and transportation. This is done by a... 

    Cramér’s Model for Random Primes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi, Mohammad (Author) ; Alishahi, Kasra (Supervisor)
    With Cramer’s model we have a probability measure on the power set of N. This probability measure is concentrated on the set that its elements are that subsets of N which number of their elements up to a certain natural number is asymptotically equal with the number of primes up to the same number. Let Pc be a sample obtained from this probability measure and consider 8n 2 N, an counts the number of ways that ncan be represented as a multiplication of some elements of Pc, such that changing the arrangement of factors in a representation does not introduce a new one. In this thesis, we prove that limn!1 a1++an n almost surely exists and is positive  

    Chemometrics-assisted isotope ratio fingerprinting based on gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry for saffron authentication

    , Article Journal of Chromatography A ; Volume 1657 , 2021 ; 00219673 (ISSN) Ghiasi, S ; Parastar, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    In the present contribution, the capability of isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) for saffron authentication and detection of four common plant-derived adulterants (marigold flower, safflower, rubia, and saffron style) was investigated. For this purpose, 62 authentic saffron samples were analyzed by elemental analyzer-IRMS (EA-IRMS) and gas chromatography-combustion-IRMS (GC-C-IRMS). In this regard, EA-IRMS and GC-C-IRMS isotope fingerprints of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 isotopes of saffron components were provided and then analyzed by chemometric methods. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed two different behaviors regarding two main regions. Then, a representative saffron sample... 

    Dynamic stereochemistry of rutin (vitamin P) in solution: Theoretical approaches and experimental validation

    , Article Carbohydrate Research ; Volume 345, Issue 12 , 2010 , Pages 1760-1766 ; 00086215 (ISSN) Ghiasi, M ; Taheri, S ; Tafazzoli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The 3D structure of vitamin P, an important bioflavonoid, has been studied in solution by 2D NMR spectroscopy and QM calculations. Rutin, vitamin P, was extracted from Salvia macrosiphon and identified by 1H, 13C, 1H-1H COSY, HMQC, and HMBC spectroscopy. In parallel, density functional theory (DFT) using B3LYP functional and split-valance 6-311G basis set has been used to optimize the structures and conformers of rutin. Also experimental and theoretical methods have been used to correlate the dependencies of 1J, 2J, and 3J involving 1H and 13C on the C5″-C6″ (ω), C6″-O6″ (θ), and C1‴-O6″ () torsion angles in the glycosidic moiety. New Karplus equations are proposed to assist in the... 

    Knee Joint Torque Estimation using EMG Signals for Sharif Exoskeleton Control Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi Noughaby, Amir (Author) ; Vossoughi, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    The human body has more than 600 muscles that cause movement. Disability and motor disorders are some of the problems that people may face due to some factors such as accident, spinal cord injuries, disorders and brain damage, and the presence of a problem in neurological commands due to stroke. One of the proposed methods for solving the problems of people with motor disorder is the use of exoskeletons to generate stimulus. Exoskeletones are electromechanical devices designed to assist human movement, and patients are used to correct their movements using specific motor patterns. Exoskeletones can also be used as an auxiliary device for carrying heavy loads. Many studies have been conducted... 

    Chrysin/β-cyclodextrin supramolecular system: a quantum mechanical investigation

    , Article Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society ; Volume 15, Issue 10 , 2018 , Pages 2401-2410 ; 1735207X (ISSN) Ghiasi, M ; Gerayeli, N ; Tafazzoli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Chrysin is a bioflavonoid which possesses a wide range of important biological activities. In present study, we used a quantum mechanical approach to shed light on the antioxidant ability and antioxidant mechanism of chrysin to scavenge hydroxyl radical (˙OH) in solution phase. The analysis of the theoretical bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) values and spin density of the radicals to determine the delocalization possibilities at B3LYP/6-311++G** level clearly shows the importance of the A-ring and the 7-OH group in antioxidant reactivity. In the next step, the inclusion of chrysin with β-CD has been investigated extensively using theoretical methods. Density functional theory (M05-2X)... 

    The Control of an exoskeleton and the reduction of interaction force using human intent detection by EMG signals and torque estimation

    , Article Proceedings of the 6th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, IcRoM 2018, 23 October 2018 through 25 October 2018 ; 2019 , Pages 536-541 ; 9781728101279 (ISBN) Ghiasi Noughaby, A ; Vossoughi, G. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    Disability and motor disorders are some of the problems that people may face due to some factors such as accident, spinal cord injuries, brain damage, and the presence of a problem in neurological commands due to stroke. One of the proposed methods for solving the problems of these people is the use of exoskeletons to generate movement. The main goal of this paper is the control of Sharif Exoskeleton Robot and the reduction of interaction force between user and robot by using human intent detection. This goal is done by estimating the knee torque of one degree of freedom in a swing phase using Hill model based on the EMG data from the thigh muscles. Accordingly, the calibration algorithm is... 

    Development of Chemometric Methods Combined with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) for Isotope Pattern Recognition and Adulteration Detection in Foods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi, Ali (Author) ; Parastar Shahri, Hadi (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the capability of Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) in the detection of four common natural plant frauds in saffron, namely Marigold flower, Safflower, Rubia and Saffron Style. For this purpose, first natural saffron isotopes were analyzed and used to investigate fingerprints of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 isotopes by Elemental Analyzer Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry (EA-IRMS) and carbon-13 isotopic ratio of saffron components by Gas Chromatography Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). Then, according to the isotopic behavior of the original saffron, they were sampled to form a mixture of saffron that is representative of the... 

    Role of axial ligand on the electronic structures of active intermediates in cytochrome P-450, peroxidase and catalase

    , Article Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM ; Volume 820, Issue 1-3 , 2007 , Pages 18-25 ; 01661280 (ISSN) Ghiasi, M ; Tafazzoli, M ; Safari, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    DFT method (B3LYP) with 6-31G* basis set was utilized in the computation of a fully optimized structure, net atomic charges and spin densities of the intermediate of cytochrome P-450-oxoiron(IV) porphyrin cation radical, compound I - in the presence of axial ligand such as thiolate (SMe-) imidazole (IM), phenoxide (OPh-), methoxide (OMe-) and chloride (Cl-). The results show doublet states in compound I are about 2-4 kcal/mol more stable than quartet states for all aforementioned ligands, and the doublet state is the ground state in all cases. However, electron donor ability of the ligands are in the order of SMe- > IM > OMe- > OPh- > Cl-. Also the active oxidant intermediate of cytochrome... 

    Throughput-memory footprint trade-off in synthesis of streaming software on embedded multiprocessors

    , Article Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems ; Volume 13, Issue 3 , December , 2013 ; 15399087 (ISSN) Hashemi, M ; Foroozannejad, M. H ; Ghiasi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    We study the trade-off between throughput and memory footprint of embedded software that is synthesized from acyclic static dataflow (task graph) specifications targeting distributed memory multiprocessors. We identify iteration overlapping as a knob in the synthesis process by which one can trade application throughput for its memory requirement. Given an initial processor assignment and non-overlapped task schedule, we formally present underlying properties of the problem, such as constraints on a valid iteration overlapping, maximum possible throughput, and minimum memory footprint. Moreover, we develop an effective algorithm for generation of a rich set of design points that provide a... 

    Low-Frequency model for hand-calculations in circuit design with TMDC-based transistors

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ; Volume 66, Issue 11 , 2019 , Pages 5011-5018 ; 00189383 (ISSN) Omdeh Ghiasi, H ; Safarian, A ; Pourfath, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    This article presents an applicable intuitive current-voltage model for long-channel transistors based on 2-D materials. This model carefully predicts the transistor behavior in the saturation and triode regions, which are important for analog and digital applications. Moreover, the effect of mobility degradation on the characteristics of the transistor is probed. As a case study, the developed model has been applied to a transistor with mono-layer MoS2 as the channel material. The excellent agreement with experimental data verifies the accuracy of the model. Finally, the introduced model has been utilized to design an amplifier, a differential pair, and a low-frequency common source mixer... 

    Centrality-based group formation in group recommender systems

    , Article 26th International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2017 Companion, 3 April 2017 through 7 April 2017 ; 2019 , Pages 1187-1196 ; 9781450349147 (ISBN) Mahyar, H ; Khalili, S ; Elahe Ghalebi, K ; Grosu, R ; Mojde Morshedi, S ; Movaghar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee  2019
    Recommender Systems have become an attractive field within the recent decade because they facilitate users' selection process within limited time. Conventional recommender systems have proposed numerous methods focusing on recommendations to individual users. Recently, due to a significant increase in the number of users, studies in this field have shifted to properly identify groups of people with similar preferences and provide a list of recommendations for each group. Offering a recommendations list to each individual requires significant computational cost and it is therefore often not efficient. So far, most of the studies impose four restrictive assumptions: (1) limited number of... 

    Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Polyphenols of Green Tea in the Presence of Oxidation of Transition Metals

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghiasi Shirazi, Mohammad Amin (Author) ; Akhavan, Omid (Supervisor)
    In this research, we have used green tea polyphenols as green reductants for reduction of graphene oxide. Furthermore, for the first time, the presence of some metals such as iron, tungsten and copper in the efficiency of reduction is investigated. XPS spectra indicate that iron can be considered as one of the best choices for helping polyphenols in the reduction process. Hence, we used AFM, XPS, Raman spectroscopy and I-V diagram to characterize graphene oxide reduced by polyphenols and iron. In recent years, hydrazine has been recognized as one of the standard reducing agents for effective reduction of graphene oxide. In our analysis, it is found that the conductivity of our reduced... 

    A new model reference adaptive control structure for uncertain switched systems with unmodeled input dynamics

    , Article Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control ; Volume 37, Issue 10 , 2015 , Pages 1171-1180 ; 01423312 (ISSN) Sinafar, B ; Rikhtehgar Ghiasi, A ; Karimi Fazli, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Ltd  2015
    In this paper, a new model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) for uncertain switched linear systems is developed. A class of uncertain switched linear systems with parametric mismatched and input matched uncertainties, control input effectiveness and unmodeled dynamics is studied in this paper. The difference in input matrix for different switching modes which means the input channel degradation is investigated through this paper. By using common Lyapunov function method and developing new linear matrix inequality based sufficient conditions, uniform ultimate boundedness of the reference tracking error is guaranteed by switched MRAC and by using a novel nonlinear controller term, the size... 

    The Study of Antioxidant Mechanism of some Flavonoids without and in Presence of Cyclodextrins: Theoretical Point of View

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Gerayeli, Narges (Author) ; Tafazzoli, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Ghiasi, Mina (Co-Supervisor)
    Antioxidants are compounds with anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-aging and anti-allergic properties. In the present study, a quantum mechanical approach has been used to shed light on the presence effect of glycoside group on the antioxidant ability of chrysin as one of the most important consumable flavonoids and two glycoside derivatives, chrysin-6-C-fucopyranoside and chrysin-3-malonyl-6-C-fucopyranoside which has electron-withdrawing group (EWG) in its C3 of glycoside group. Density functional theory (DFT) using B3LYP and UB3LYP functional and split-valance 6-311++G ** basis set were used to optimize chrysin, its different derivatives, and their radicals. Analysis of... 

    Investigate Laboratory Production of Hydroxyurea

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nejati, Poorya (Author) ; Bastani, Dariush (Supervisor) ; Seifkordi, Ali Akbar (Supervisor) ; Zegordi, Elahe (Co-Advisor)
    Hydroxyurea is an anticancer drug that is commonly used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia (white blood cell cancer in bone marrow), polycythemia vera (red blood cell cancer), sickle cell anemia, solid tumors, and in particular leukemia. In this research, in addition to analyzing all available methods for synthesis of hydroxyurea, the most economical method for synthesis of hydroxyurea which is Hantzsch method was chosen; then we synthesized hydroxyurea crystals using a precipitation or crystallization process. To do so, two hydroxylamine hydrochloride and potassium cyanate reactants have been used in the semi batch reactor. Since the reaction efficiency and purity of the synthesized... 

    Formless: scalable utilization of embedded manycores in streaming applications

    , Article Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES) ; 2012 , Pages 71-78 ; 9781450312127 (ISBN) Hashemi, M ; Foroozannejad, M. H ; Ghiasi, S ; Etzel, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Variants of dataflow specification models are widely used to synthesize streaming applications for distributed-memory parallel processors. We argue that current practice of specifying streaming applications using rigid dataflow models, implicitly prohibits a number of platform oriented optimizations and hence limits portability and scalability with respect to number of processors. We motivate Functionally-cOnsistent stRucturally-MalLEabe Streaming Specification, dubbed FORMLESS, which refers to raising the abstraction level beyond fixed-structure dataflow to address its portability and scalability limitations. To demonstrate the potential of the idea, we develop a design space exploration...