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    A Method for Incremental Learning of Stream Data

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kashani, Elham Sadat (Author) ; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Today, the pace of information generation, fast processing and instant decision-making is increasing. In this regard, one of the main needs in the field of data management and processing is stream data processing. Today's world needs new methods to deal with and analyze these data. Two of the most challenging aspects of data streams are (i) concept drift, i.e. evolution of data stream over time, which requires the ability to make timely decisions against the high speed of receiving new data; (ii) limited memory storage and the impracticality of using memory due to the large amount of data. Clustering is one of the common methods for processing data streams, without having basic knowledge... 

    Identifying and Rating Indicators for Measuring Iranian Entrepreneurship Ecosystem based on OECD Framework’s Domains with ANDE Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Barati, Amir (Author) ; Yavari, Elham (Supervisor) ; Sharif, Hossein (Co-Advisor)
    “Entrepreneurship ecosystem” is defined as the elements – individuals, organizations or institutions – apart from the individual entrepreneur that are conducive to, or inhibitive of, the choice of a person to become an entrepreneur, or the probabilities of his or her success following launch. Entrepreneurial businesses operate locally or regionally and are therefore subject to local or regional contextual influence. Moreover particularly in larger countries there can exist significant variation in industry structure and economic base across regions, emphasizing the importance of regional focus. Adopting appropriate policies at the regional level need to have a deep and accurate... 

    Applying Gamification in Corporate Entrepreneurship Culture, Specially Missionary Organizations; Through SafirFilm Case Study

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jafarian, Hamid Reza (Author) ; Yavari, Elham (Supervisor) ; Banki, Sara ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Although existing literature on organizational culture and its change process contains meaningful and rich theories but our studies show that there is no perfect and detailed framework on linking organizational culture change and corporate entrepreneurship culture. In addition to that, Gamification –defined as taking the game design elements into non-game contexts– is a fruitful and academically rich research area. Fortunately an idea proposed recently to explain a method for enhancements in organizational culture in general, and in corporate entrepreneurship culture in particularby Yavari and Jafarian based on using game mechanisms. In their paper "A Gamification-Based Method for Corporate... 

    Cluster-based adaptive SVM: a latent subdomains discovery method for domain adaptation problems

    , Article Computer Vision and Image Understanding ; Volume 162 , 2017 , Pages 116-134 ; 10773142 (ISSN) Sadat Mozafari, A ; Jamzad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Machine learning algorithms often suffer from good generalization in testing domains especially when the training (source) and test (target) domains do not have similar distributions. To address this problem, several domain adaptation techniques have been proposed to improve the performance of the learning algorithms when they face accuracy degradation caused by the domain shift problem. In this paper, we focus on the non-homogeneous distributed target domains and propose a new latent subdomain discovery model to divide the target domain into subdomains while adapting them. It is expected that applying adaptation on subdomains increase the rate of detection in comparing with the situation... 

    The Effect of Travel Time Reliability on Morning Peak Travellers route choice in Large Metropolitan Area

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Mirjafari, Parisa (Author) ; Poorzahedy, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Data collected from street networks show that travel time in urban street networks is a stochastic variable, whose range of variation increases with the congestion level. Work and school trips comprise the major part of morning peak volumes, whose common characteristic is that they need to be made on time. For this reason, these travelers are pessimistic in their route choice, and try to choose routes which are more reliable. Travel time standard deviation is one of the common measures for estimating travel time reliability that is related to properties of day-to-day travel time distribution on a particular route. Based on the empirical data collected from Tehran street network, this paper... 

    Indoor Noise Pollution Modeling: A Case Study on Resalat Tunnel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Mortazavi, Mandana (Author) ; Vaziri, Manouchehr (Supervisor)
    Noise or noise pollution, is defined as an unwanted sound, produced mostly by motor vehicles in urban areas. If the noise exceeds its limit, adverse effects on users and citizens are expected. Thus the assessment of the noise level and its comparison with allowable values is mandatory. Traffic induced noise depends upon different factors such as traffic, weather, and, sound barriers. Noise pollution study has a long history all over the world. Many studies, mostly representing the outdoor noise pollution models, have been done in recent years. This paper presents an assessment of traffic-induced noise in a heavily traveled tunnel, locally referred to as Resalat tunnel, which is located in... 

    Using Information Beyond Text to Generate Language Embedding Vectors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinab Sadat Taghavi (Author) ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we introduce a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) system inspired by the philosophical and psychoanalytical concept of imagination as a ``Re-construction of Experiences". Our AI system is equipped with an imagination-inspired module that bridges the gap between textual inputs and other modalities, enriching the derived information based on previously learned experiences. A unique feature of our system is its ability to formulate independent perceptions of inputs. This leads to unique interpretations of a concept that may differ from human interpretations but are equally valid, a phenomenon we term as ``Interpretable Misunderstanding". We employ large-scale models,... 

    Deformation and Annealing Behavior of an Austenitic Stainless Steel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Alavi, Parisa (Author) ; Serajzadeh, Siamak (Supervisor)
    In this research, non-isothermal annealing process at temperatures ranging between 400°C to 830 °C was investigated in warm and cold-rolled austenitic stainless steel 304L. First, the wide variety of austenitic to martensitic structure was produced by the multi-pass rolling process at room temperature -8 °C, 200 °C, and 280°C. The n exponent in Olson-Cohen equation was governed 2.83 after non-linear curve fitting to assess the fraction of deformation-induced martensite as a function of strain. Afterward, Abaqus/Explicit method was utilized to achieve the stored energy and plastic strains distribution through the thickness. Then, Cellular automata and Galerkin-finite element models were... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kashani, Massoud (Author) ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
    The paper presents the results nonlinear analysis of steel base plates subjected to different combinations of axial and bending forces. The bending forces range from small moments representing small eccentricities to large moments from seismic actions. The results of analyses proved to be in good agreement with experiments. The parameters investigated in this study are as follows: distribution of strain and stresses in the concrete foundation and the steel plate, the strains and stresses in the tensile anchorage bolts, the location of neutral curve under the base plate, the centre of compressional reaction forces in concrete, the flextural rigidity of the base plate connection, and the axial... 

    Assessment of Seismic Retrofit Policies for Buildings

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Movahedi, Ali (Author) ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquake could seriously damage most buildings especially those with insufficient resistance located in urban worn-out textures. In order to reduce unpleasant consequences of an earthquake, appropriate policies need to be considered to persuade the beneficiaries to follow retrofitting standards in the process of planning, designing, and construction of buildings. These policies shall be implemented through institutions in arbitrary or obligatory forms, by encouragement or penalty mechanisms. In order to consider these policies, first of all we need to identify the beneficiaries and their particulars. By studying and considering subjects discussed in... 

    Probabilistic Framework to Quantify the Resilience of Urban Gas Distribution Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Baratian, Amin (Author) ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
    This study proposes a probabilistic framework to quantify the seismic resilience of urban natural gas distribution networks. Infrastructure resilience is defined as the ability to maintain performance after a hazard or, in case of a loss of performance, return to the minimum desired level in the optimal time. The framework presented in this research is comprised of multiple interconnected probabilistic models. These models work in harmony to characterize the impact of the earthquake on various infrastructures such as the buildings and urban gas distribution network components, as well as the probable consequences of the earthquake. The post-earthquake recovery of the gas distribution network... 

    Machine Learning Models for Estimating House Prices

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sharifi, Mohammad (Author) ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Optimal use of available resources for construction projects depends on proper decision-making on how to spend resources. Optimization of resource consumption should be done taking into account project revenue. In this regard, investors need a suitable mechanism to predict the selling price of the construction project and the resulting profit. Therefore, investors and stakeholders need a suitable model with the help of which they can make decisions such as choosing materials to guarantee the desired profit from the sale. This research will provide a framework for constructing models for estimating the price of residential units by considering some features of the building and some economic... 

    Probabilistic Modelig of the Earthquake-induced Losses Resulted from the Shock to Capital and Labor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Doroudi, Omid (Author) ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Estimation of indirect economic losses due to natural disasters, especially earthquakes, is one of the essential issues in disaster management. This study presents a framework that uses an economic model of the community under study and calculates the indirect economic losses caused by an earthquake. To this end, first, the earthquake-induced direct economic losses are quantified using appropriate risk analysis models. The direct losses are used to characterize the consequent shock to labor and capital. These shocks are then used as inputs to the regional economic model. In the proposed framework, a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model uses various data about the state of the community... 

    Real Options Analysis Framework for the Optimal Timing of Network Infrastructure Systems Retrofits

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Roghani, Mehran (Author) ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Natural disasters can damage the infrastructure of society. Damages to the infrastructure components of society can disrupt their service delivery. Disruption in providing services to society's infrastructure can disrupt social and economic activities and impose various significant costs on society. The cost of repairing the damaged infrastructure and reducing the income of households are among the economic damages of accidents. The decline in the quality of life, as well as the death and injury of people due to the breakdown of the infrastructure or the disruption in their services, are among the social damages caused by accidents. In the same way, natural disasters are considered a... 

    Analysis of Seismic Vulnerability Reduction Policies of Residential Buildings Using a Multi-agent Evolutionary Game Model Based on Prospect Theory

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Ahmad (Author) ; Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Due to the vulnerability of urban fabric and residential buildings to earthquakes and considering its destructive social and economic effects on society, the need to adopt appropriate policies to prevent and reduce vulnerability, has been increasingly considered by policy makers. Despite the laws, regulations, incentives and penalties that policymakers have envisioned to prevent unprincipled and unsafe construction, evidence shows that a significant number of new buildings being built in the country are not earthquake resistant and there are many violations in design, implementation and supervision that is done by the stakeholders. To solve this problem, research has been done on the... 

    Analysis of Launch Time in New Product Development With Risk Considerations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Sharifonnasabi, Zahra (Author) ; Sheikhzadeh, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The importance of New Product Development (NPD) projects has been realized more and more in recent years. Among different decisions to be made in NPD process, one of the most critical decisions is about the best time to launch new product(s). Due to existence of many internal and external influential factors, determining the optimal launch time is often too complicated and it is quite hard to systematically analyze it. Despite risky nature of NPD, risk considerations in determining the optimal launch time have not been addressed in literature due to the mentioned complexity. In this research, we developed a model that takes in to account risk considerations while systematically determining... 

    Using Machine Learning Approaches for Persian Pronoun Resolution

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadat Moosavi, Nafiseh (Author) ; Ghasem Sani, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Coreference resolution is an essential step toward understanding discourses, and it is needed by many NLP tasks such as summarization, machine translation, question answering, etc. Pronoun resolution is a major and challenging subpart of coreference resolution, in which only the resolution of pronouns is considered. The existing coreference resolution approaches can be classified into two broad categories: linguistic and machine learning approaches. Linguistic approaches need a lot of linguistic information for the resolution process. Acquisition of such information is an error- prone and time-consuming process. In contrast, learning approaches need less linguistic information and provide... 

    Utilizing network coding for file dessimination in peer-to-peer systems

    , Article 3rd International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2009, 20 December 2009 through 23 December 2009, Cairo ; 2009 ; 9781424462735 (ISBN) Hosseini Sohei, M ; Movaghar, A ; Sadat Bathaee, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Network coding was first introduced in information theory for increasing the multicast rate in the networks with directed links. We can model many of the content distribution networks and overlay networks with such a network. Therefore, the solutions introduced in information theory can be used in these networks. In this paper, we analyze using of network coding in uncoordinated cooperative content distribution systems. Reaching the optimum performance in an uncoordinated system needs blocks of the system to be "equally important". In that case, we can retrieve the whole data without need of central controller or complex algorithms. In part of this paper, we exactly define the concept of... 

    Controlling longitudinal safe distance between vehicles

    , Article Promet - Traffic - Traffico ; Volume 21, Issue 5 , 2009 , Pages 303-310 ; 03535320 (ISSN) Sadat Hoseini, S. M ; Fathi, M ; Vaziri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Controlling the safe distances between vehicles on freeways can be used to prevent many accidents. In this research, image-processing techniques have been used to develop an online system that calculates the longitudinal distances between vehicles. This system facilitates controlling safe distances between vehicles without the need for high technology devices. Our approach is real-time and simple, but efficient operations have been used to reduce the image occlusion problem. The main concept of this system is using simple, quick, and effective algorithms for calculating the position of each vehicle in each image. In this way, traffic parameters like speed and distances between vehicles can... 

    A novel structure of dithered nested digital delta sigma modulator with low-complexity low-spur for fractional frequency synthesizers

    , Article COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ; Volume 35, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 157-171 ; 03321649 (ISSN) Sadat Noori , S. A ; Farshidi, E ; Sadoughi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Emerald Group Publishing Ltd  2016
    Purpose - Digital Delta Sigma Modulator (DDSM) is used widely in electronic circuits including Radars, class-D power amplifiers and fractional frequency synthesizers. The purpose of this paper is to propose an implementation for MASH DDSMs named as Multi Modulus Reduced Complexity (MMRC) architecture. Design/methodology/approach - This architecture will use a very simple pseudorandom Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) dither signal with period N-d to randomize the digital MMRC modulator used for fractional frequency synthesizers. Using error masking methodology, the MMRC modulator can decrease the hardware consumption and increase accuracy of the fractional frequency synthesizer. Rules...