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Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Thick Cylindrical Shell with Variable Thickness Using Improved Finite Element Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In this thesis the dynamic behavior of the thick-walled shell with variable thickness is investigated. Such structures are used in a variety of industries including aerospace, oil, gas and petro-chemistry. In this study, the dynamic behavior of a rotating truncated conical thick-shell with various geometries is investigated. For this purpose, modal analysis is performed using the refined finite element method. Then,the natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes are calculated for several different geometries. Also, the relationship between geometrical variables such as thickness, the ratio of length to radius, ratio of cross-sectional radius and so on, with the natural frequency of...
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion into Brine: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Pourkhiabani, Nahid (Co-Supervisor) ; Esmaeilbeig, Mohammad Amin (Co-Supervisor)
The high consumption of worldwide fossil energy and its detrimental effects on the environment and climate have prompted a transition toward renewable energy sources. The availability of renewable energy sources depends on weather and seasonal changes; therefore, an imbalance between supply and demand would be unavoidable. Hydrogen storage as an energy carrier, can fulfill this energy mismatch. Storing hydrogen in underground formations, such as aquifers, has been the subject of extensive research recently. In these storage reservoirs, hydrogen contacts the resident brine which will be lost through the dissolution-diffusion mechanism. Therefore, successful design of these storages requires...
Experimental Investigation of Formation Damage Caused by Wellbore Fluids Using Glass Micromodel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
During all operations in oil and gas reservoirs, it is possible to cause formation damage. These damages can greatly reduce the rate of production. One of the major damages that can seriously affect the performance of a reservoir is the damage caused by drilling fluid. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the main mechanisms of formation damage caused by water-based drilling fluid using a glass micromodel for the first time. An accurate understanding of the mechanisms of formation damage can provide a good understanding of the selection of the type and concentration of materials used, as well as appropriate methods to control and eliminate damages. for controlling the drilling fluid...
Investigation of Formation Damage and its Remediation Caused by Wellbore Fluids by Using Micromodel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
Various methods have been developed to improve the production capacity of hydrocarbon wells, one of the most successful method is hydraulic fracture. This method, despite improving well production and increasing production levels in a reservoir, causes secondary damages such as water blockage, which is a result of the leakage of fracturing fluid into the fracture matrix and the deformation of the reservoir. This damage can reduce the production rate of a well. Studies prior to this study have mainly examined the damages caused by the leakage of fracturing fluids on a core scale. In most of these studies, damages has been studied only by measuring the pressure and changes in the permeability...
Treatment of diatomaceous earth to obtain its catalyst support
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 10, Issue 3 , 2003 , Pages 350-356 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Kazemeini, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
Treatment of diatomaceous earth with sulfuric acid reduces mineral and organic impurities, such as Fe2O3, Al2O3 and alkali metal oxides (CaO, MgO and Na2O). In addition, wettability and porosity of the acid-treated diatomite are greatly enhanced. Acid-treated diatomite is suitable to be used as a siliceous support for catalysts, due to high silica content (> 90%), amorphous structure with low cristobalite and quartz phases, appropriate Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area, high absorptive capacity, good mechanical strength after calcinations and low cost of production. In the first part of this study, the influence of temperature, sulfuric acid concentration, acid-diatomite mass ratio and...
Investigation of Formation Damage with Oil-Based Mud (Invert Emulsion) Using Microfluidic Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
Formation damage is one of the most important challneges in hydrocarbon production; drilling mud invasion is one of its common types. This damage is caused by the penetration of the drilling fluid into the porous media, which its filtrate and solid pareticles block the pores and cause permeability reduction. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the pore-scale mechanisms of the formation damage induced by invert-emulsion drilling fluid and to investigate the effect of adding nanoparticles to the drilling fluid on the severity of the damage using microfluidic technique. According to the latest published articles, there has not been any research conducted at the pore-scale with...
Core-scale Mechanistic Simulation of Engineered Salinity Waterflooding Using Bond-Product-Sum Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
Considering the world's diminishing oil reserves, as well as the growing demand for oil and energy consumption, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are becoming increasingly important in the attempt to improve oil production. Engineering salinity waterflooding has gained widespread attention and popularity in the last two decades due to its environmental friendliness, lack of expensive additives, low operating costs, and ease of use as an oil extraction process. The goal of this study is to use an innovative method to develop a mechanistic approach model that simulates and forecasts the mechanism and performance of the engineered water flooding process. Wettability alteration, the most...
Investigation of Ionic Diffusion and Mixing Phenomena in Polymer-Enhanced Low-Salinity Waterflooding Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Esmaeilbeig, Mohammad Amin (Co-Supervisor) ; Pourkhiabani, Nahid (Co-Supervisor)
Various studies have confirmed that water salinity and its composition significantly affect the efficiency of the waterflooding process. Field-scale operation of low-salinity water injection has been proven to be a cost-effective enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method which is also compatible with the environmental regulations. Although this method has satisfactory results, it faces some challenges, such as in-situ mixing of the injection low-salinity water with the saline water in the host reservoir. The salinity of the injected water increases, as it contacts the high-salinity reservoir brine in the pores. This phenomenon significantly impairs the efficiency of this technique, and increases...
Introducing a Simulation-Based Model to Improve the Design and Layout of Workstations Inside Airport Terminals in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
The airport terminal is difficult to plan and design due to the different components and the intricate complexity of its parts. At the airport terminal, we face a queue system which simulation is always a good way to analyze. In addition, computer simulation using modern softwares with the capability to model different types of systems, including the airport terminal, while being less realistic than analytical models, is less costly than operational Exercise.In this study, a supportive approach for better and specific management of Iranian airport terminal buildings with discrete-event simulation is proposed, considering the need for managing the airport terminals building in the country and...
A study on subsequent static aging and mechanical properties of hot-Rolled AA2017
, Article Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance ; Vol. 23, issue. 8 , 2014 , p. 2894-2904 ; Serajzadeh, S ; Sharif University of Technology
In this work, the effects of rolling parameters, cooling media, and deformation path on mechanical properties and aging behavior of hot-rolled AA2017 were studied. First, hot-rolling experiments were conducted under different working conditions, and the rolled strips were then aged at room temperature for up to 57 days during which hardness and tensile tests were carried out to record the changes in the mechanical properties of the alloy. Furthermore, due to the importance of static recrystallization on subsequent aging behavior, the rate of recrystallization was also computed. To this end, a mathematical model was developed to predict thermomechanical responses during hot rolling using the...
The Energy of Rotational Barrier of C-N Bond in 2-Cyanoethyl Piperidine-1-Carbodithioate Via DNMR
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tafazzoli, Mohsen (Supervisor)
In this project the energy of rotational barrier of C-N bond in 2-cyanoethyl piperidine-1-carbodithioate has been studied by using Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. Spectra were taken at various temperatures in two different solvent; acetone and chloroform. For simulation of line-shape broadening SpinWorks software was used. This with two interfaces made possible simulation with two band-shape simulator programs; DNMR and MEXICO. The rate constants obtained from simulations were used for calculation of thermodynamic activation parameters (ΔG#. ΔH#. ΔS# and Ea#). The computational calculations were done by using Gaussian03 in several level and basis sets that are in good...
Design and Developing the Production Know-How of Large Servo-Hydraulic Valves
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Durali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
The focus of this project was on gaining the knowledge of design characteristics and manufacturing of a hydraulic servo valve. Hence, in the first stage, the model of the valve was considered. After investigating the important parameters which influence the performance of the valve, the effect of each parameter on the valve's efficiency was examined. One of the most important characteristics of the valve is the amount of lapping between the spool and sleeve. Numerical analysis was done and all the characteristic curves were elicited. Equations governing the dynamics of the plant including a servo valve, servo actuator and dynamic model of the turbine and waterway were presented. Then the...
A fast and accurate gate model for small field scattering proton beam therapy
, Article 15th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2020, 1 June 2020 through 3 June 2020 ; 2020 ; Vosoughi, N ; Mahani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Proton beam therapy (PBT) is a modern external beam radiation therapy characterized by superior dose distribution. Small field PBT refers to the treatment of tumor sizes less than 7 cm in diameter. In this study, a fast and accurate GATE model was developed and then validated for a small field scattering PBT delivery. To this aim, a fixed single scattering nozzle was modeled in the GATE platform. To accelerate the GATE simulations, a variance reduction technique (VRT) was also incorporated by ignoring the tracking of the secondary particles having a range below a predefined cutoff. In addition, the influence of collimator material on the model performance was evaluated. Beam uniformity,...
Development and validation of an optimal GATE model for double scattering proton beam delivery
, Article Journal of Instrumentation ; Volume 16, Issue 2 , 2021 ; 17480221 (ISSN) ; Vosoughi, N ; Mahani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
IOP Publishing Ltd
Proton therapy (PT) is an emerging external beam radiation therapy characterized by superior dose distribution compared to conventional modalities. In the present study, an optimal GATE model was developed and then validated for a double scattering proton nozzle based on the previously constructed model. To this aim, a double scattering treatment nozzle was modeled in the GATE platform. To accelerate the GATE simulations, a virtual range modulation wheel (vRMW) and a variance reduction technique (VRT) were implemented. Proton beam flatness, symmetry, and delivery efficiency, secondary neutron dose, and dosimetric performance were characterized through a set of GATE simulations. The findings...
A comprehensive survey of proton beam therapy research and development in Iran
, Article Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies ; Volume 8, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 9-19 ; 23455829 (ISSN) ; Vosoughi, N ; Mahani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Purpose: Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) is an emerging radiotherapy technique using beams of proton to treat cancer. As the first report addressing the topic, the principal aim is to highlight the present status of PBT research and development in Iran as a developing country. Materials and Methods: To do so, the demand for PBT in Iran and Iran National Ion Therapy Center (IRNitc) was investigated and introduced. Then, Scopus and PubMed were searched for studies that dealt with PBT research in Iran and subsequently 6 major subfields of interest were identified. Furthermore, international collaborations were extracted from the bibliographic data. To combine both research and development sides, a...
Modeling and optimization of respiratory-gated partial breast irradiation with proton beams - A Monte Carlo study
, Article Computers in Biology and Medicine ; Volume 147 , 2022 ; 00104825 (ISSN) ; Vosoughi, N ; Mahani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
The selection of a suitable duty factor (DF) remains a major challenge in respiratory-gated treatments. Therefore, this study aims at presenting a new methodology for fast optimizing the gating window width (duty factor (DF)) in respiratory-gated proton partial breast irradiation (PBI). To do so, GATE Monte Carlo simulations were performed for various target sizes and locations in supine and prone positions. Three different duty factors of 20, 25, and 33% were considered. Sparing factors (SF) for four organs-at-risk (OARs) were then assessed. The weighted-sum method was employed to search for an optimal DF. The results indicate that an SF higher than unity was obtained for all plans. The SF...
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Warm Rolling of Al Alloy 2017
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Serajzadeh, Siamak (Supervisor)
A mathematical model was developed to assess thermomechanical behavior of work rolls during warm rolling processes of AA2017. A combined finite element analysis-slab method was first developed to determine thermal and mechanical responses of the strip being rolled under steady-state conditions; Then, the calculated roll pressure and temperature field were utilized as the governing boundary conditions for the thermomechanical problem of the work roll. Finally, the thermomechanical stresses within the work rolls were predicted by a thermoelastic finite element approach. The results indicate that, in warm strip rolling, thermal and mechanical stresses developed in the work rolls are comparable....
Experimental and numerical investigation of the thermal performance of a novel sintered-wick heat pipe
, Article Applied Thermal Engineering ; Volume 94 , 2016 , Pages 59-75 ; 13594311 (ISSN) ; Shafii, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Thermal performance of a novel sintered wick heat pipe was investigated in this study. Two types of sintered wick heat pipes were fabricated and tested at different filling ratios of water, and their thermal resistances in different modes were compared. In the first type, wick was sintered annularly (conventional type), and in the other one (novel type of sintered wick) it was sintered only in one third of cross-section. Results showed that dry-out occurs at higher heat input by an increase in the filling ratio. Moreover, the best filling ratio is 20% for both heat pipes. Thermal resistances of the partly sintered wick heat pipe are approximately 28%, 17% and 47% lower than those of the...
Investigating thermal performance of a partly sintered-wick heat pipe filled with different working fluids
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 23, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 2616-2625 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Shaii, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
Heat pipes are important cooling devices that are widely used to transfer high heat loads with low temperature differences. In this paper, thermal performance of a novel type of sintered-wick heat pipe, namely, partly sintered-wick heat pipe, was investigated. The heat pipe was filled with degassed water and acetone, as working uids, and effects of filling ratio, orientation, and heat inputs were tested. Moreover, conditions at which dryout occurred were presented. The results showed that the best filling ratio for both working uids is about 20%. The heat pipe filled with water has better thermal performance than that filled with acetone; thus, the thermal resistances of the 20% water-filled...
Object modeling for multicamera correspondence using fuzzy region color adjacency graphs
, Article 13th International Computer Society of Iran Computer Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, CSICC 2008, Kish Island, 9 March 2008 through 11 March 2008 ; Volume 6 CCIS , 2008 , Pages 637-644 ; 18650929 (ISSN); 3540899847 (ISBN); 9783540899846 (ISBN) ; Kasaei, S ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, a novel moving object modeling suitable for multicamera correspondence is introduced. Taking into consideration the color and motion features of foreground objects in each independent video stream, our method segments the existing moving objects and constructs a graph-based structure to maintain the relational information of each segment. Using such graph structures reduces our correspondence problem to a subgraph optimal isomorphism problem. The proposed method is robust against various resolutions and orientations of objects at each view. Our system uses the fuzzy logic to employ a human-like color perception in its decision making stage in order to handle color inconstancy...