Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Thick Cylindrical Shell with Variable Thickness Using Improved Finite Element Method
Khalili Mahani, Amin | 2020
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 52763 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali
- Abstract:
- In this thesis the dynamic behavior of the thick-walled shell with variable thickness is investigated. Such structures are used in a variety of industries including aerospace, oil, gas and petro-chemistry. In this study, the dynamic behavior of a rotating truncated conical thick-shell with various geometries is investigated. For this purpose, modal analysis is performed using the refined finite element method. Then,the natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes are calculated for several different geometries. Also, the relationship between geometrical variables such as thickness, the ratio of length to radius, ratio of cross-sectional radius and so on, with the natural frequency of the shell is determined. Finally, the Campbell diagram is extracted. It can be seen that the refined finite element method reduces the degrees of freedom of the structure. The finite element method is also applicable for all shell geometries and in constant volume, the truncated cone with high similarity to a cylinder in geometry point of view has a higher first natural frequency
- Keywords:
- Dynamic Behavior ; Modal Analysis ; Thick-Walled Cylinder ; Finite Element Method ; Campbell Diagram
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