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Wind and Turbulence Effects on Long-range Sound Propagation in Troposphere Layer
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taeibi-rahni, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Massah, Hamid Reza (Co-Advisor)
Considering atmospheric wave propagation as a complex phenomenon, it can be represented as a function of variety of parameters such as: properties of atmosphere, boundary conditions, surface characteristics, source related parameters and etc. the aim of this work is to study the propagation of sound mechanisms in troposphere layer and numerical simulation of sound field in order to investigate the wind effect and turbulence in wave propagation. In this manner, the Green’s function parabolic equation (GFPE) is hired to solve the governing equation for sound propagation in a moving inhomogeneous atmosphere. To achieve this, a code is generated using MATLAB software to predict the long range...
Numerical Simulation of Bubble Cluster Dynamics, Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Tayyebi Rahni, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Massah, Hamid Reza (Co-Advisor)
Bubble cluster has attracted the interests of many researches since the early twentieth century. Despite its easy generation and numerous occurrences, its study is extremely complex. Describing the dynamical behavior of bubble clusters is possible when quite a few simplifying assumptions are utilized. In other words, one can observe that with current approaches, the relevant theoretical researches are not very valuable. In this research, however, lattice Boltzmann method, a rather recent mesoscopic approach, was used to study the behavior of bubbles in a bubble cluster. Of course, this is only the beginning and there is a long way before getting close to experimental results. However, there...
An Investigation on the Effects of Porous Media on Propagation of Aero-acoustic Waves, Using LBM
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Tayyebi Rahni, Mohammad
Massah, Hamid Reza
With advances in technology, production and propagation of sound waves in the air has become very important. One of the main goals of study of these waves is controlling them. The environment plays the most important role in sound propagation. Therefore, the properties of the environment and their effects should be studied. One such concern studied widespread previously, is porosity and porous media effects on the properties of a fluid flow and sound waves through it. An important application of this study is sound proofing systems. In this project two-dimensional numerical simulation of aeroacoustic waves passing through a porous media is carried out, using Lattice Boltzmann Method. The aim...
Numerical Simulation of Acoustics Wave Propagation in Bubbly Media, Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taeibi Rahni, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Massah, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
The Phenomena of generation and propagation of pressure waves (e.g. sounds) are of fundamental importance in studying fluid dynamics. Conventional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations has always been part of the investigation. On the other hand, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has been developed into an alternative and promising numerical method for simulating sound propagation in heterogeneous media with complex geometries. In this project, propagation of sound waves in a liquid was simulated, using lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and particularly phononic model. To survey effect of different viscosities on this phenomenon, the kinematic viscosity of the medium was varied and...
Numerical Modeling of Propagation of Sound Waves in an Inhomogeneous and Moving Medium of the Atmospheric Troposphere Layer
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taeibi Rahni, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Massah, Hamid Reza (Co-Advisor)
Troposphere layer includes complex flows which their effects in acoustic sensors are indicated as acoustic wave noise.It is essential to analyze these complex flows to recognize how to reduce the noise. In this thesis we have perused and modeled the sound wave propagation in troposphere layer.Given data are some thermal and velocity profiles of atmospheric flowsthe assumptions are: 1- gravity waves are negligible, 2- air density depends only on altitude, 3- sound waves parabolic equation assumptions are applied. Our goal Is to find the sound pressure level originated from a sound source in troposphere layer.This thesis emphasizes on analysis, recognition and modeling of the problem. Main...
Computational Aeroacoustics Simulation of a Stringing Cavity
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taeibi Rahni, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Massah, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
In the present project, a stringed cavity, specifically the body of the Persian Setar, was studied using computational simulation. This study was carried out via acoustic approaches, based on structural and sound wave interactions. At first, the effects of different structural components were considered, separately. Based on vibrational modal analysis, dynamic characteristics of the elastic structure was investigated in terms of calculated vibrational normal modes. Then, the details of the whole structure was analyzed and the effects of these details on the quality of the produced sounds were investigated by applying some specific changes. The eigenmodes of Setar’s sound board and body, and...
Synthesis & Characterization of Au-HKUST-1 Nanocomposite and Evaluation of Plasmonic Properties of Gold Nanoparticles in this Nanocomposite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Madaah Hosseini, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
In the past few years, many research works on the controllable integration of metal nanoparticles and metal-organic frameworks were done, since the obtained composite material shows a synergism effect in catalysis and photocatalysis, drug delivery applications, gas, and energy storage, as well as sensing. For the first time, in this study, we employed template-assisted growth to synthesize Au-HKUST-1 Nanocomposite. XRD analysis entirely confirms that employing this strategy in synthesizing Au-HKUST-1 was wholly successful, and the plasmonic properties of this nanostructure were studied via UV-visible spectroscopy. In the course of synthesis, gold nanoparticles with 70nm diameter were...
Identification of the Set of Single Nucleotide Variants in Genome Responsible for the Differentiation of Expression of Genes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor) ; Beigi, Hamid (Supervisor)
Single nucleotide polymorphs, There are changes caused by a mutation in a nucleotide in the Dena sequence. Mononucleotide polymorphisms are the most common type of genetic variation. Some of these changes have little or no effect on cells, while others cause significant changes in the expression of cell genes that can lead to disease or resistance to certain diseases. Because of the importance of these changes and their effect on cell function, the relationships between these changes are also important. Over the past decade, thousands of single disease-related mononucleotide polymorphisms have been identified in genome-related studies. Studies in this field have shown that the expression of...
Live Layered Video Streaming over Multichannel P2P Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Nowadays, video streaming over peer-to-peer networks has become an interesting field to deliver video in large scale networks. As multi-channel live video streaming networks increase,distributing video with high quality among channels faces many challenges. The most significant challenges cause from frequent channel churns, unbalanced channel resources, network heterogeneity and diversity of users’ bandwidths. They include: nodes’ unstability, low users participations, large startup and playback delays, low video quality received by users and lack of resources in unpopular channels.In order to solve the above problems, we have proposed several solutions such as: 1- using distribution groups...
Improving Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning in Computer Vision Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) is an extremely useful approach in many applications where unlabeled data can be easily obtained. Graph based methods are among the most studied branches in SSL. Since neighborhood graph is a key component in these methods, we focus on methods of graph construction in this project. Graph construction methods based on Euclidean distance have the common problem of creating shortcut edges. Shortcut edges refer to the edges which connect two nearby points that are far apart on the manifold. Specifically, we show both in theory and practice that using geodesic distance for selecting and weighting edges results in more appropriate neighborhood graphs. We propose an...
Investigating Conformal Vector Field on Riemannian Manifolds
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Fanai, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
At first the killing vector fields will be investigated. Conditions are introduced for the hypersurface of a Riemannian manifold with a killing vector field to be equipped with the same killing vector field. Then 2-killing vector field is studied and its relation with killing vector fields and monotone vector fields is presented. After that conformal vector fields are discussed and conditions are introduced in order that the Riemannian manifold equipped with a conformal vector field, isisometric to n-dimensional sphere with constant curvature. Finally we will present the conditions which conformal vector field is a 2-killing vector field. Then we will present the results in which the...
Network Topology Inference from Incomplete Data
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
During the last decade, there have been a great number of researches on complex networks.Data aggregation is the first step in the analysis of these networks. However, due to the large scale of them, almost never is there complete information about a network’s different aspects. Therefore, analysis of a complex network is usually done based on the incomplete data. Al-though a good sampling approach in a way that the achieved sample is a good representative of the whole network has its own challenges, analysis of incomplete data causes a significant alternation in the estimation results. Consequently, one of the first problems emerging after sampling is the possibility of predicting the...
Local Community Detection in Social
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
The fast growth of social networks and their wide range of applications have made the anal-ysis of them an interesting field of research. The growth of concern in modeling large social networksand investigation of their structural features leads studies towards community detec-tion in such networks. In recent years, a great amount of effort has been done for introducing community detection algorithms, many of which are based on optimization of a global cri-terion which needs network’s topology. However, because of big size of most of the social networks , accessing their global information tends to be impossible. Hence, local commu-nity detection algorithms have been introduced. In this...
Continuous Time Modeling of Marked Events
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
A great deal of information are continuously generated by users in different contexts such as social networks and online service providers in terms of temporal marked events. These events indicate that what happened to who by when and where.Modeling such events and predicting future ones has interesting applications in different domains such as item recommendation in online service providers and trending topic prediction in online social networks. However, complex longitudinal dependencies among such events makes the prediction task challenging. Moreover, nonstationarity of generative model of events and large size of events, makes the modeling and learning the models challenging.In this...
Analysis and Modeling of User Behavior over Social Media
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Nowadays many of us spend a big part of our daily times on social media.One of the most important research problems in social media analysis is how to engage users. The trace of user activity over these websites is a valuable resource for user understanding and engagement, but this data is very huge and unstructured. An approach to deal with this problem is user behavior modeling. In this process, first a behavioral model is considered for users, then using the activity data and the behavioral model, some parameters are learned. Finally, using the learned parameters, a user profile is constructed for each user. This profile can be used for user engagement and many other applications....
Relations Between Dynamical Systems And Knot Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Fanaii, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
In fact knot theory is working by an elastic string. A knot is A smooth embedding of in . We say that two knots are equivalent if there is an ambient isotopic between them. In knot theory we study equivalent classes of knots. As it seems from its name, a dynamical system is the study of motions, mechanics and dynamics of a system. We will observe some systems and stability of orbits in theme. Then we define templates which contain orbits in themselves. At last, we observe relations between discrete dynamical systems and knot theory. Then for any arbitrary chaotic knot we observe that there exist an universal template that contain a copy of any kind of not. Finally we will study some open...
Improving QoS in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) for Multimedia Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiei, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Multimedia applications which exploit the network resources are best provided in broadband networks. Additionally, broadband wireless access systems enable broadband access in places where the wired solutions are not applicable. The IEEE 802.16 standard is designed to provide broadband wireless access and addresses the PHY and MAC layers of wireless metropolitan area networks. This standard has been designed to support quality of service for different applications, and due to their various requirements has considered four classes of service for connections. However, quality of service support mechanisms (such as admission control and packet scheduling), are out of the scope of the standard....
Using Statistical Pattern Recognition on Gene Expression Data for Prediction of Cancer
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
The classification of different tumor types is of great importance in cancer diagnosis and drug discovery. However, most previous cancer classification studies are clinical based and have limited diagnostic ability. Cancer classification using gene expression data is known to contain the keys for addressing the fundamental problems relating to cancer diagnosis. The recent advent of DNA microarray technique has made simultaneous monitoring of thousands of gene expressions possible. With this abundance of gene expression data, researchers have started to explore the possibilities of cancer classification using gene expression data and quite a number of Pattern Recognition approaches have been...
Applications of Hidden Markov Models in Activity Recognition in an Ambient Intelligent Environment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiei, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is an environment in which devices are embedded and connected to each other with a communication network, working in concert to predict users’ wishes according to the context of the environment (devices and people) to help them with their everyday activities. An ambient intelligent environment should be context-aware. One of the most complicated problems in context-aware computations is recognition of the activities in which users of the environment are engaged. These activities could be recognized by means of the information hidden in communication networks of the devices, especially different sensors embedded in the environment to ease up the process. Most of...
Content Aware Packet Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
The accessibility of broadband Internet to home users has pushed video broadcasting applications up, in the list of most favorite applications in todays Internet. Such applications involve delivering the data which generated in a single sender to a set of users which are scattered around the world. While it was formerly believed that the IP-Multicasting is the mean to provide this kind of services, the trend has altered to the use of Application Layer Multicasting techniques due to their deployment simplicty. Since their advent, Peer to Peer applications has mitigated many problems previously unsolved in the field of communication. File sharing, distributed file systems, distributed data...