An Investigation on the Effects of Porous Media on Propagation of Aero-acoustic Waves, Using LBM
Oveisi, Saeed | 2015
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47893 (45)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Aerospace Engineering
- Advisor(s): Tayyebi Rahni, Mohammad; Massah, Hamid Reza
- Abstract:
- With advances in technology, production and propagation of sound waves in the air has become very important. One of the main goals of study of these waves is controlling them. The environment plays the most important role in sound propagation. Therefore, the properties of the environment and their effects should be studied. One such concern studied widespread previously, is porosity and porous media effects on the properties of a fluid flow and sound waves through it. An important application of this study is sound proofing systems. In this project two-dimensional numerical simulation of aeroacoustic waves passing through a porous media is carried out, using Lattice Boltzmann Method. The aim of this study is to evaluate different properties of the environment, such as porosity, pore shape, the distance from the source and the effect of source characteristics (like frequency) on the wave behavior passing through the porous media. Such investigation has not been carried out before and it is innovative. Development of multi-purpose code for the simulation of different geometries may be considered as other innovation. It is shown that the frequency of waves that leaving the porous media is as same as the waves entering it. It is also shown that the amplitude of waves with greater frequency decreased more by passing through the porouse media
- Keywords:
- Porous Media ; Numerical Investigation ; Lattice Boltzmann Method ; Sound Waves ; Aeroacoustics Waves
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- چكيده
- فهرست مطالب
- فهرست شکلها
- فهرست علائم و اختصارات
- فصل اول: مقدمه
- فصل دوم: الگوسازی ریاضی
- فصل سوم: شیوهی شبکهی بولتزمن و امواج هواصوتی
- فصل چهارم: اعتبارسنجی، نتایج و تحلیل
- نتیجهگیری و پیشنهادهای ادامه کار
- مراجع
- واژهنامه
- پیوست الف: حل تحلیلی معادله موج
- Abstract