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A continuous vibration theory for beams with a vertical edge crack
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 17, Issue 3 B , 2010 , Pages 194-204 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Ebrahimi, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, a continuous model for flexural vibration of beams with an edge crack perpendicular to the neutral plane has been developed. The model assumes that the displacement field is a superposition of the classical Euler-Bernoulli beam's displacement and of a displacement due to the crack. The additional displacement is assumed to be a product between a function of time and an exponential function of space. The unknown functions and parameters are determined based on the zero stress conditions at the crack faces and the concept of J-integral from fracture mechanics. The governing equation of motion for the beam has been obtained using the Hamilton principle and solved using a modified...
A new continuous model for flexural vibration analysis of a cracked beam
, Article Polish Maritime Research ; Volume 15, Issue 2 , July , 2008 , Pages 32-39 ; 12332585 (ISSN) ; Ebrahimi, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper a new continuous model for vibration analysis of a beam with an open edge crack is presented. A quasi-linear displacement filed is suggested for the beam and the strain and stress fields are calculated. The equation of motion of the beam is calculated using the Hamilton principle. The calculated equation of motion is solved with a modified weighted residual method and the natural frequencies and mode shapes are obtained. The results are compared with those obtained by finite element method and an excellent agreement has been observed. The presented model is a simple and accurate method for analysis of the cracked beam behavior near or far from the crack tip
Muscle-driven forward dynamics simulation for the study of differences in muscle function during stair ascent and descent
, Article Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine ; October 1, 2009 Vol.223: 863-874 ; Meghdari, A ; Vossoughi, G. R ; Sharif University of Technology
The main scope of this study is to analyse muscle-driven forward dynamics simulation of stair locomotion to understand the functional differences of individual muscles during the movement. A static optimization was employed to minimize a performance criterion based on the muscle energy consumption to resolve muscle redundancy during forward dynamics simulation. The proposed method was employed to simulate a musculoskeletal system with ten degrees of freedom in the sagittal plane and containing 18 Hill-type musculotendon actuators per leg. Simulation results illustrated that simulated joint kinematics closely tracked experimental quantities with root-mean-squared errors less than 1 degree. In...
Improved passivity criterion in haptic rendering: influence of coulomb and viscous friction [electronic resource]
, Article Advanced Robotics ; 2014 Volume 28, Issue 10 ; R. Bozorgmehry, R ; Nahvi, A ; Meghdari, A ; Asgari, P ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, a new criterion for passivity of haptic devices is obtained. This criterion creates a relationship between Coulomb friction coefficient, viscous friction coefficient, sampling rate, and the maximum simulated stiffness. The process of derivation of the passivity criterion is described in detail. This criterion is improved compared with other existing criteria and predicts passivity in haptic rendering more accurately. In particular, for speeds of less than 5 cm/s, the new passivity criterion should replace the previous criteria to avoid unwanted vibrations of stiff virtual walls. Analytical and numerical investigations are presented to validate the new criterion. A specific...
Design of an optimum torque actuator for augmenting lower extremity exoskeletons in biomechanical framework
, Article 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011 ; 2011 , Pages 1979-1983 ; 9781457721373 (ISBN) ; Ghafari, A. S ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This research presents virtual prototyping and performance evaluation of a series elastic torque actuator developed for augmenting lower extremity exoskeletal systems employing biomechanical framework. For this purpose, experimental kinematical data of the lower extremity were collected for walking and backpack load carrying. Forward dynamics simulation of the movements under investigation is performed in a biomechanical framework consisting of a musculoskeletal model with ten degrees-of-freedom actuated by eighteen Hill-type musculotendon actuators per leg to perform the muscle functional analysis. Muscle torque analysis results employed for optimal design and selection of components in the...
Technical English for mechanical engineers
, Book ; Meghdari,Ali
Sharif University Press
Local educational institutions produce in-house English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials according to the curriculum policies designated and developed by the Ministry of Higher Education In Iran. To this end, this book aims to be used in the Iranian setting at the tertiary level for undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Moreover, the style of English usage in this ESP textbook is American.
Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition,...
Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition,...
A biomechanical model to analyze normal, degenerated, and fused cervical spines using Iar's concept
, Article Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Engineering ; Volume 28, Issue 4 B , 2004 , Pages 423-433 ; 03601307 (ISSN) ; Bahrami, A. H ; Sharif University of Technology
During voluntary flexion/extension of the head-neck system, the cervical spine undergoes a stepwise motion from upper to lower regions with a specific pattern. The motion of each vertebra is composed of a translation and rotation with respect to lower vertebrae, which may be considered as an absolute rotation about an axis called instantaneous axis of rotation (IAR). The location of this axis is different between normal and degenerated spines. A biomechanical computer model of the head and cervical vertebrae, including eight separate rigid links and nine spinal muscles as actuating elements was developed to evaluate and compare inter-segmental force-moments and muscle forces in normal,...
Simulation of imaging in tapping-mode atomic-force microscopy: a comparison amongst a variety of approaches
, Article Journal of Physics D: Applied Phyics ; Vol.44, Number 7, p.1-9, 2011 ; Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A. (Ali) ; Sharif University of Technology
Models capable of accurate simulation of microcantilever dynamics coupled with complex tip–sample interactions are essential for interpretation and prediction of the imaging results in amplitude modulation or tapping-mode atomic-force microscopy (AM-AFM or TM-AFM). In this paper, four approaches based on combinations of lumped and finite element methods for modelling of cantilever dynamics, and van der Waals and molecular dynamics for modelling of tip–sample interactions, are used to simulate the precise imaging by AM-AFM. Based on the simulated imaging and force determination, the efficiency of different modelling schemes is evaluated. This comparison is performed considering their...
Active vibration control of a cmos-mems nano-newton capacitive force sensor for bio application using PZT
, Article Advanced Materials Research, San Diego, CA ; Volume 628 , 2013 , Pages 317-323 ; 10226680 (ISSN) ; 9783037855706 (ISBN) ; Selkghafari, A ; Zabiholah, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper reports the design of an optimal controller to prevent suppressvertical vibration due to undesired out of plane excitations generated by environment or gripper during manipulation for a CMOS-MEMS Nano-Newton capacitive force sensor applied for biomedical applications. Undesired out of plane excitations generated by environment or gripper during manipulation is the most prevalent source of vertical vibration in this type of sensors. To suppress the vibrational movement a PZT 5A is used as actuation mechanism. Discrete element method DEM model and Modal analysis were used to find dominant natural frequencies and mode shape vectors. To eliminate out of plane excitation an optimal...
Multi-body simulation of a flapping-wing robot using an efficient dynamical model
, Article Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering ; Volume 38, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 133-149 ; 16785878 (ISSN) ; Selk Ghafari, A ; Ebrahimi, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
The aim of this article is to present an efficient dynamical model for simulating flapping robot performance employing the bond graph approach. For this purpose, the complete constitutive elements of the system under investigation, including the main body and accessories, flapping mechanism, flexible wings and propulsion system consisting of a battery, DC motors and gear boxes, are considered. A complete model of the system was developed appending bond graph models of the subsystems together utilizing appropriate junctions. The wings were also modeled using ANSYS only for an initial evaluation. Moreover, a computer model was developed employing the block-oriented structure of Simulink in...
Social robotics, education, and religion in the islamic world: an iranian perspective
, Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; Volume 26, Issue 5 , 2020 , Pages 2709-2734 ; Taheri, A. R ; Shariati, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media B.V
The social impact of robotics applied to domains such as education, religion, nursing, and therapy across the world depends on the level of technology as well as the culture in which it is used. By studying how robots are used in Iran, a technologically-savvy country with a long history and a rich culture, we explore their possible impact on interrelated areas of religious and ethical features in education in an Islamic society. To accomplish this task, a preliminary exploratory study was conducted using two social robots as teaching assistants in Islamic religion classes for 42 elementary students. More than 90% of the participants in the study absolutely preferred the robot-assisted...
Closed-loop finite element modeling for analysis of smart structures in ansys environment
, Article 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2006, Chicago, IL, 5 November 2006 through 10 November 2006 ; 2006 ; 10716947 (ISSN); 0791837904 (ISBN); 9780791837900 (ISBN) ; Shahidi, A ; Abedian, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
It would be promising if one can simulate the closed-loop behavior of a smart system in an available FEM software such as "ANSYS". The ANSYS/Multiphysics software has the ability of coupling different physical domains and also modeling smart materials such as piezoelectric and piezoresistives, i.e. it has the capability of modeling smart structures. The dynamic modeling of the controlled structures is then realized by the ANSYS programming tool. This aspect highly facilitates the overall system behavior analysis and at the same time various control methods can be tested without noticing the time consuming structural analysis involved. In this research work, it is tried the mentioned idea to...
On the general Kalman filter for discrete time stochastic fractional systems
, Article Mechatronics ; Volume 23 , Issue 7 , October , 2013 , pp. 764-771 ; ISSN: 09574158 ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper the derivation of Kalman filter for discrete time-stochastic fractional system is investigated. Based on a novel cumulative vector form model for fractional systems, a general Kalman filter is introduced. The validity of the proposed method has been compared with a previously presented method via simulation results. It is shown that this method can be better applied for discrete time stochastic fractional systems with slower dynamics
On the control of chaos via fractional delayed feedback method
, Article Computers and Mathematics with Applications ; Vol. 62, Issue 3 , 2011 , pp. 1482-1491 ; ISSN: 8981221 ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper the problem of controlling unstable fixed points (in discrete systems) and periodic orbits (in continuous system) is investigated via a new scheme involving fractional derivatives. This method is based on applying feedback of measured states and using the period of fixed points and periodic orbits. In this method there is no need of information for fixed point and periodic orbits, just the period is enough. The effectiveness of this method is investigated via some demonstrative example
Optimal sliding mode control of AFM tip vibration and position during manipulation of a nanoparticle
, Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings ; Vol. 12, Issue. PART A , 2010 , pp. 205-214 ; ISBN: 9780791843857 ; Khorsand, M ; Meghdari, A ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This research regards to a two-dimensional lateral pushing nanomanipulation using Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Yet a reliable control of the AFM tip position during the AFM-based manipulation process is a chief issue since the tip can jump over the target nanoparticle and then the process can fail. However, a detailed Modeling and understanding of the interaction forces on the AFM tip is important for prosperous manipulation control and a nanometer resolution tip positioning. In the proposed model, Lund-Grenoble (LuGre) dynamic friction model is used as friction force on the contact surface between the nanoparticle and the substrate. This model leads to a stick-slip behavior of the...
Stochastic piecewise affine control with application to pitch control of helicopter
, Article Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems ; Vol. 15 , 2015 , pp. 86-97 ; ISSN: 1751570X ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, at first the stability condition which gives an upper stochastic bound for a class of Stochastic Hybrid Systems (SHS) with deterministic jumps is derived. Here, additive noise signals are considered that do not vanish at equilibrium points. The presented theorem gives an upper bound for the second stochastic moment or variance of the system trajectories. Then, the linear case of SHS is investigated to show the application of the theorem. For the linear case of such stochastic hybrid systems, the stability criterion is obtained in terms of Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) and an upper bound on state covariance is obtained for them. Then utilizing the stability theorem, an output...
On the linear-quadratic regulator problem in one-dimensional linear fractional stochastic systems
, Article Automatica ; Vol. 50, issue. 1 , 2014 , pp. 282-286 ; ISSN: 00051098 ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, for one-dimensional stochastic linear fractional systems in terms of the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, the optimal control is derived. It is assumed that the state is completely observable and all the information regarding this is available. The formulation leads to a set of stochastic fractional forward and backward equation in the Riemann-Liouville sense. The proposed method has been checked via some numerical simulations which show the effectiveness of the fractional stochastic optimal algorithm
On the fractional-order extended Kalman filter and its application to chaotic cryptography in noisy environment
, Article Applied Mathematical Modelling ; Vol. 38, issue. 3 , 2014 , pp. 961-973 ; ISSN: 0307904X ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper via a novel method of discretized continuous-time Kalman filter, the problem of synchronization and cryptography in fractional-order systems has been investigated in presence of noisy environment for process and output signals. The fractional-order Kalman filter equation, applicable for linear systems, and its extension called the extended Kalman filter, which can be used for nonlinear systems, are derived. The result is utilized for chaos synchronization with the aim of cryptography while the transmitter system is fractional-order, and both the transmitter and transmission channel are noisy. The fractional-order stochastic chaotic Chen system is then presented to apply the...
On the control of chaos via fractional delayed feedback method
, Article Computers and Mathematics with Applications ; Volume 62, Issue 3 , 2011 , Pages 1482-1491 ; 08981221 (ISSN) ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper the problem of controlling unstable fixed points (in discrete systems) and periodic orbits (in continuous system) is investigated via a new scheme involving fractional derivatives. This method is based on applying feedback of measured states and using the period of fixed points and periodic orbits. In this method there is no need of information for fixed point and periodic orbits, just the period is enough. The effectiveness of this method is investigated via some demonstrative example
On the general Kalman filter for discrete time stochastic fractional systems
, Article Mechatronics ; Volume 23, Issue 7 , 2013 , Pages 764-771 ; 09574158 (ISSN) ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Meghdari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper the derivation of Kalman filter for discrete time-stochastic fractional system is investigated. Based on a novel cumulative vector form model for fractional systems, a general Kalman filter is introduced. The validity of the proposed method has been compared with a previously presented method via simulation results. It is shown that this method can be better applied for discrete time stochastic fractional systems with slower dynamics