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    Technical English for mechanical engineers

    , Book Alemi, Minoo ; Meghdari,Ali
    Sharif University Press  2014
    Local educational institutions produce in-house English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials according to the curriculum policies designated and developed by the Ministry of Higher Education In Iran. To this end, this book aims to be used in the Iranian setting at the tertiary level for undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Moreover, the style of English usage in this ESP textbook is American.
    Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition,... 

    Feedback control of the neuro-musculoskeletal system in a forward dynamics simulation of stair locomotion [electronic resource]

    , Article Proc. of IMechE Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine ; 2009, Vol. 223, No. 6, pp. 663-675 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation ; Volume 11, Issue 1, 30 April 2014, Article number 78 Selk Ghafari, A. (Ali) ; Meghdari, Ali ; Vossough, Gholam Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
    The aim of this study is to employ feedback control loops to provide a stable forward dynamics simulation of human movement under repeated position constraint conditions in the environment, particularly during stair climbing. A ten-degrees-of-freedom skeletal model containing 18 Hill-type musculotendon actuators per leg was employed to simulate the model in the sagittal plane. The postural tracking and obstacle avoidance were provided by the proportional—integral—derivative controller according to the modulation of the time rate change of the joint kinematics. The stability of the model was maintained by controlling the velocity of the body's centre of mass according to the desired centre of... 

    Design, Fabrication and Control of Swarm Robots

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farshchi, Mehdi (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Swarm robotics is a new approach to the coordination of large numbers of relatively simple robots. The approach takes its inspiration from the system level functioning of social insects which demonstrate three desired characteristics for multi-robot systems: robustness, flexibility and scalability. This research describes development of an autonomous miniature mobile robot for swarm robotics research and education. Several common platforms were studied and this prototype was designed. Wireless communication was selected to transmit robot’s messages. The design of this testbed aims for enhancing the sensing capability of the robotic agents, overcoming the constraints led by lack of... 

    Mechanical Design of an Anthropometric Lower Extremity Exoskeletal System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safavi, Sahba (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    The main scope of this research is to develop an anthropometric lower extremity exoskeleal system in a virtual environment for augmentation purposes. The main challenge in the process of doing this research is to employ the biomechanical analysis of the human locomotion to provide the necessary background information for the design of devices that closely mimic the dynamics of the operator's motion. In this case, the appropriate degrees-of-freedom and associated range of motions for each joint should be determined. In addition, the kind of necessary actuators and measurement systems should be selected based on the muscle torque consumption analysis provided by a musculoskeletal model,... 

    "The Paakshooy": A Robotics Cell for Washing and Preparation of a Cropse for Burial Compatible with Islamic Laws

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nasiri, Ehsan (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Washing a dead person’s body and dressing the corpse prior to burial is an act of love and necessity in many religions. Since the deceased loses all bodily functions at time of death, cleaning the body to eliminate odors is generally a hard and unpleasant task for many to perform. It has also been reported that tens of thousands of microbes are present on every square centimeter of a human corpse which is always a health risk to the persons performing the task. Among Islamic nations, preparation of the corpse is usually carried out in washing rooms (Ghassalkhaneh) of cemeteries in large cities. This preparation consists of two important operations namely as washing of the corpse (Ghosl)... 

    Employing humanoid robots for teaching english language in Iranian junior high-schools [electronic resource]

    , Article International Journal of Humanoid Robotics ; Vol. 11, No. 3 (2014) 1450022 Alemi, M. (Minoo) ; Meghdari, Ali ; Ghazisaedy, Maryam ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents the effect of robotics assisted language learning (RALL) on the vocabulary learning and retention of Iranian English as foreign language (EFL) junior high school students in Tehran, Iran. After taking a vocabulary pre-test, 46 beginner level female students at the age of 12, studying in their first year of junior-high participated in two groups of RALL (30 students) and non-RALL (16 students) in this study. The textbook used was the English book (Prospect-1) devised by the Iranian Ministry of Education for 7th graders, and the vocabulary taught and tested (pre-test and post-test) were taken from this book. Moreover, the treatment given by a teacher accompanied by a... 

    Improvement of Stability of Haptic Force Interaction with Virtual Environments Using a Haptic Interface with a Separate Tracker

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mashayekhi, Ahmad (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Nahvi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In the present study, a new version of haptic devices is presented in which user’s hand is in contact with the device just while collision with virtual surface. In this system, the position of user’s finger can be traced by using a camera and the haptic device follows user’s finger at the distance of about two centimeters. While the haptic device approaches to the virtual surface, gradually reduces its speed and stops about two centimeters distant of virtual plane. Then user’s hand collides with the haptic device which is static. Greater fidelity, transparency, more stability and also no need to large actuators are of the advantages of this system. In this project, first we present a new... 

    Simulation of the Biomolecule Imaging and Manipulation Via AFM by Molecular Dynamics Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kheiroddin, Mohsen (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we try to find optimized parameters for imaging and manipulation of a biosample with AFM. For this we have prepared a numerous Molecular Dynamics simulation and find some reliable result. So, first we have focused on imaging process in Non contact mode (the less harmful mode). Then we headed into the manipulation process. The main problem about manipulating a biosample is the environment. In imaging section, the process of imaging a biomolecule by AFM is modeled using molecular dynamics simulations. Since the large normal force exerted by the tip on the biosample in contact and tapping modes may damage the sample structure and produce irreversible deformation, the non-contact... 

    Dynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis of atomic force microscope pushing force in nanoparticle manipulation on a rough substrate [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine ; 2013, Vol. 5, pp. 1-10 Babahosseini, H. (Hesam) ; Mahboobi, Seyed Hanif ; Meghdari, Ali ; Sharif University of Technology
    An Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a capable tool to manipulate nanoparticles by exerting pushing force on the nanoparticles located on the substrate. In reality, the substrate cannot be considered as a smooth surface particularly at the nanoscale. Hence, the particle may encounter a step on the substrate during a manipulation. In this study, dynamics of the nanoparticle on a stepped substrate and critical pushing force in the manipulation are investigated. There are two possible dynamic modes that may happen in the manipulation on the stepped substrate. In one mode, the nanoparticle may slide on the step edge and then climb up to the step which is a desired mode. Another possible mode is... 

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoscale Effects in Nanomanipulation

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Mahboobi, Hanif (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Metallic clusters are among the best candidates that may be utilized as building blocks for constructing nanostructures. Despite their great potential, a variety of questions arises about their suitability as building blocks at the nanoscale level. One of the key factors in the assembly of nanoclusters is the precise positioning that is required by a manipulation system. The response of clusters, which are subjected to this process, is of great importance. Currently, the size of clusters used as building blocks is shrinking down to a few nanometers. In such cases, the particle nature of matter plays an important role in manipulator/cluster/substrate interactions. Having a deeper insight into... 

    Modeling and Control of Atomic Force Microscope Based Nanoparticle Manipulation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babahosseini, Hesam (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    In the recent years, there has been great interest in exploring methods for assembly and manipulation at the micro/nanoscale to build miniaturized systems, devices, structures, and machines. This thesis aims at two-dimensional manipulation of nanoparticle using Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) probe. The nanoprobe is used to push the spherical micro/nanoparticle. Continuum based modeling and simulation of the manipulation task is presented. The proposed nanomanipulation model consists of all effective phenomena in nanoscale. Nanoscale interaction forces, elastic deformation in contact areas, and friction forces in tip/nanoparticle/substrate system are considered. The utilized friction models... 

    Dynamic Simulation of the Propulsion System of a Flapping Wing Vehicle

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beheshtkar, Negin (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Flapping wing vehicles produce aerodynamic forces through the flapping motion of their wings. A sample flapping wing mechanism is studied in this project, which propulsion system consists of a battery, a DC motor, a gearbox, a flapping mechanism and a flexible membrane wing. The purpose of this study is simulation of the whole propulsion system through identification and simulation of each sub-system. In the current research, after an introduction to the flapping wing vehicles, literature of the flapping vehicles is reviewed. By studying relevant articles, lack of a comprehensive simulation of all sub-systems is observed. So the goal of this research is obtaining an appropriate tool for... 

    Developing a Method for the Dynamic Analysis of Flexible Flapping Wing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jahanbin, Zahra (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Flapping is one of the most usual solutions to produce aerodynamic lift and propulsive force in natural flights, in low Reynolds number. A sample flapping wing mechanism in which propulsion system consists of a battery, two very small DC electrical motors, two gearboxes, a flapping mechanism and flexible beams as wings is studied in this project.Different methods have been proposed to derive the governing equations of motion and simulate the flapping wing system. The main disadvantage of the previous proposed works is the lack of a comprehensive dynamical analysis of the complete system including its components.Therefore, the main objective of the present research is to propose an efficient... 

    Cracked Rotors Modeling for Vibration Analysis and Control

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ebrahimi, Ali Reza (Author) ; Behzad , Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    The main aim of this thesis is to develop a mathematical model for vibration analysis of cracked rotors. This model should be a simple and precise model for prediction of the cracked rotor vibration behavior and suitable for vibration control. In order to create such model, the pure bending of a cracked beam is analyzed at first. This analysis is performed for two different orientations of the crack with respect to the beam and the bending vector. In this section a continuous bending model with continuous model for crack is developed which can predict the full deformation of the cracked beam in bending and can estimate the stress distribution in the beam with good approximation. Comparison... 

    Design and Construction of a Soft Actuated Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Razavi Zadehgan, Ali Akbar (Author) ; Ghafari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    The main goal of this thesis is the design and development of a rehabilitation device for helping patients “to improve blood circulation” & retain and recover their abilities if possible that were lost during the stroke or a accident like that (my research in karaj/iran shows that it is possible by just movement of the specific body part). The focus is on hand in this thesis because Injuries to the hand are common and can be very debilitating since our hands are our primary means for interacting with our world. For rehabilitation in case of human hand there are several practices that should be done for patients either in home or in a rehabilitation center, time and money that is supposed to... 

    Haptic Device Application in Virtual Training

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mansouri Boroujeni, Misagh (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Haptic Interfaces have been used as cooperative systems to reproduce and simulate human actions. The Haptic Interface (HI) can be used as a tool capable of interacting dynamically with the operator using haptic technology. By controlling the haptic interface and constraining it to move through the desired trajectory which is required for most of the training systems such as Hand Writing Learning System, Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulation, virtual welding training and gaming applications the users can easily interact with virtual environment through the sense of touch. Haptic device application in virtual handwriting training was investigated in this thesis. Two different modes of... 

    Design, Fabrication and Model-based Control of Brachiation Robot

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini Lavasani, Mohammad (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    In the beginning of the 90’s a new type of robot was introduced by Fukuda. The brachiation is a type of mobile robot that moves from branch to branch like a long-armed ape. Here, as a new innovation, optimal control is used to obtain the optimal trajectories for two different problems. The first problem is “Brachiation between fixed branches with different distance and height” and the second is “Brachiating and catching the moving target branch”. Theoretical results show that the control effort in the proposed method is reduced by 25% in comparison with the “Target Dynamics” method which was proposed in prior articles for this robot. The obtained optimal trajectory also minimizes the... 

    Swarm Robotic: an Experimental Investigation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nemati Estahbanati, Alireza (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, World is witnessing an epidemic increase in Robotic Concepts and its usage in diverse fields such as Explore and Rescue Missions, Conservation and Guarding of Environments and various Millenarian Applications. While, different Goals like increasing the precision and speed of missions performance, and decreasing the costs have been always the major priorities in design and building robots. One of the best methodologies to achieve aforementioned goals is to replace a highly capable robot with a group of simple and restricted robots. This suggestion is inspired by the nature and lots of its animals, like birds, fishes and insects. These creatures use socializing in order to forage and... 

    Modeling,Design and Simulation of Falling and Landing Process in a Robotic Cat

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadati, Mohammad Hadi (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Motion dynamics of cat species has always been attractive to be studied. Flexibility in motion due to specific skeleton and complex muscle-skeleton mechanism, control concepts, special way of running, high speed direction change while moving, ability of twisting the body during free fall, and landing on four limbs were widely investigated in literature and the results have been used in different branches such as control, robotics and aerospace.In this project, kinematic and dynamic equations of cat species falling maneuver are derived using quaternions for a simple two-link robot, a three-link robot with tail, and a more complete eight-link model with the addition of legs which is designed... 

    Real-time Simulation of Soft Tissue in Virtual Environments Using a Haptic Interface

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heydari Kamarroudi, Mehdi (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    Surgical simulators present a safe, practical, and ethical method for surgical training. In order to enhance realism and provide the user with an immersive training experience, simulators should have the capability to provide haptic feedback to the user. Accurate modeling of the interaction between surgical instruments and organs has been recognized as a key requirement in the development surgical simulators. Researchers have attempted to model tool-tissue interactions in a wide variety of ways, which can be broadly classified as (1) continuum mechanics-based,(2) discrete elements-based methods.
    This thesis presents an improved model of static Long Elements Method (LEM), a new method...