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    Photoresponse enhancing in nanostructured WO3films by slight change in heating ambient

    , Article Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; Volume 693 , 2017 , Pages 871-875 ; 09258388 (ISSN) Naseri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    Providing solar hydrogen as a clean energy resource is one of the human challenges for future. Controlling oxygen vacancies as well as surface morphology in metal oxide semiconductors enables developing PEC H2production in some understood ways. Here, the influence of simple change in annealing atmosphere, air and pure oxygen, on photoresponse of nanocrystalline WO3has been studied completely. Results revealed that such slight change in annealing procedure increases effective surface interface and donor density by 77 and 72%, respectively. These effects and also retarding recombination of photogenerated electro-hole pair resulted in photocurrent enhancement under solar like illumination more... 

    An introduction to the next generation of radiology in the web 2.0 world

    , Article IFMBE Proceedings, 30 April 2010 through 2 May 2010 ; Volume 32 IFMBE , April , 2010 , Pages 459-462 ; 16800737 (ISSN) ; 9783642149979 (ISBN) Moein, A ; Malekmohammadi, M ; Youssefi, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    "Web 2.0" refers to a second generation of web development and design, that facilitates communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. The truth is that Web 2.0 is a difficult term to define, even for web experts. Usually phrases like "the web as platform" and "architecture of participation" are used to describe this term. Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups and folksonomies. The Internet is changing medicine and Web 2.0 is the current buzz word in the World Wide Web dictionary. Radiology in the Web 2.0 probably refers to... 

    Designing a Framework for Power Exchange in Local Energy Market of a
    Microgrid Using the Concept of Blockchain Technology

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezaie, Farhad (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaee, Moein (Supervisor)
    By entering the concepts of transactive energy systems, microgrids and peer-to-peer networks into the local energy market, it has made it possible to implement local energy market in the microgrids more than ever. In transactive energy systems, with the elimination of the intermediate entity, exchanges take place directly between the different parts of the system, which results in increased system flexibility and reduced system costs. In this study, by applying blockchains in local energy market and in micro-grids and transactive energy systems, a framework is proposed to implement local energy market in an energy micro-grid based on blockchain. By using blockchain features and structure,... 

    Implication, Testing and Application of Composite Patches for Aviation Industry Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moezzy Moein, Hossein (Author) ; Abedian, Ali (Supervisor)
    An aerial structure can be at the disposal of the owners of damage or intellectual property during its lifetime, under the supervision of static and dynamic loads and providing information in the field of recognizing temperature, humidity and environmental pressure with high-speed gradient. Capable Composite patches are used to repair damaged areas. Composite patches have unique properties such as high strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance. In structures modified with a composite patch, various failures occur during loading, including: fiber breakage, matrix fracture, separation of fibers from the matrix or the latest patch from the main structure and failure of the metal... 

    Developing a New Framework for Bidding Strategy of Prosumers in Transactive Energy Markets

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davoudi, Mehdi (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaie, Moein (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, the bidding strategy of prosumers in transactive energy markets is analyzed. Considering the repaid increase in utilizing installations that convert multiple energy together, the concept of multi-carrier energy studies has been highlighted. Moreover, with the advent of district heating networks, thermal energy markets have gained much attention lately. The agent who participates in such markets can appropriately benefit from the inherent interdependencies between various energy carriers depending on their prices in different energy markets. This market player is technically called to pose an energy hub. In this regard, to deploy the inherent abilities of such an energy... 

    Introducing a Novel Method of Loss Allocation Based on Power Tracking in the Transactive Energy Market

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Koochaki, Mohaddese (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaie, Moein (Supervisor)
    The issue of loss allocation is one of the most important issues that has long been considered in electricity networks, including distribution and transmission. With changes in distribution networks over the years and the penetration of distributed energy sources, the allocation of losses has become more of a challenge than ever before. Hence, there is a need for a loss allocation algorithm that can be implemented in any network and with any topology. In this dissertation, a new, simple and at the same time efficient algorithm for allocating real losses in all networks (distribution - transmission) and with any structure (radial - circular) is presented. This algorithm first tracks the... 

    Developing a Framework for Reliability Studies of Distribution Energy System Comprised of Multi Energy Hubs with Heat Storages

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Qasemi, Milad (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaie, Moein (Supervisor)
    Using energy storage systems has been remarkably improved the energy systems efficiency and reliability indicators of the system and also reduced the operating costs of these systems. Thus using them in an energy system would count as an advantage. Lately, the procedure of implementation of these systems has been studied widely and various motives behind implementing them have been reviewed. For example, the effect of cost optimization in electrical vehicles on reliability indicators from the load management perspective can be addressed. Therefore this thesis has studied the effect of electrical and thermal storage systems on the reliability indicators of an energy hub and the effect of... 

    Developing a New Algorithm for Detecting Electricity Theft in Crypto-Currency Miners

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bagheri, Mohsen (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaei, Moein (Supervisor)
    Cryptocurrency miners by solving complex mathematical calculations are responsible for verifying the transactions made in the blockchain network as well as maintaining its security, and as a reward for these activities, they receive bitcoins from the network. The devices used to mine cryptocurrency in order to perform the aforementioned calculations need high electricity consumption, so that the main cost of mining is related to its electricity consumption. For this reason, the ever-increasing development of the blockchain network, as well as the significant growth of the value of Bitcoin, has increased the number of cryptocurrency miners, especially in countries with low electricity costs.... 

    Presenting a New Model for Planning Studies of a Multi-energy Microgrid to Achieve a Low-carbon Society

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nasiri, Tohid (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaie, Moein (Supervisor)
    With the growing population and the development of human societies, the demand for energy increases. And it is expected that for the next few decades, fossil fuels will continue to be recognized as the main sources of energy supply and used to meet energy demand. One of the biggest disadvantages of fossil fuel consumption is the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which raises the Earth's temperature and has devastating effects on the climate and the lives of its inhabitants. On the other hand, fossil fuels are recognized as non-renewable sources and their lifespan is only for the next few decades. Today, one of the major concerns of societies, especially in developed... 

    Developing a Framework for Providing the Flexibility of Active Consumers of Energy Distribution Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ostovar, Sara (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaie, Moein (Supervisor)
    The power systems’ net-load variability and uncertainty would aggravate significantly as the penetration of Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) in power systems increases. In response, power system researchers have introduced a new concept, namely flexibility, to quantitatively and systematically deal with unavoidable features of RERs. In power distribution systems as the connection point of power systems with customers, there are many opportunities for improving the flexibility level of systems. Nowadays, the emergence of prosumers has created new opportunities for distribution system operators in providing the system with different services of flexibility in distribution systems. Therefore,... 

    Fault Diagnosis of Lithium-ion Battery Pack of Electric Vehicles Using Machine Learning Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Noori, Fatemeh (Author) ; Moeini Aghtaei, Moein (Supervisor)
    In the current era, the urgent need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and limit carbon emissions has highlighted the importance of shifting from traditional gasoline-powered vehicles to electric vehicles. The evolving landscape and challenges in the field of electric vehicles highlight the importance of ensuring the safety and reliability of energy storage systems. Lithium-ion batteries play a central role in electric vehicle technology, requiring thorough research efforts. Notably, the detection of internal short circuit, a common issue in lithium-ion batteries, has become a focus of researchers in recent years. This study aims to investigate the internal short circuit fault in lithium-ion... 

    Developing a New Model for Energy Management System of Electric Vehicles Considering Battery Aging

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dadjo Eshghi, Mahdyar (Author) ; Moeini, Moein (Supervisor)
    Today, hybrid electric vehicles are known as one of the approaches with high potential to reduce and control emissions and fossil fuel consumption in the transportation sector, so that it can be a bridge between conventional vehicles and fully electric vehicles. One of the main weaknesses and obstacles to the widespread use of these vehicles is the habit of drivers and the lack of full evolution of the technology in the battery and its management. The one of solutions to overcome this problem is structural optimization and identification of factors effecting battery health and design of energy management system considering battery health. In this thesis, an energy management system has been... 

    Performance Management of HSE Management System based on BSC Framework-the Case Study of Mapna Corporation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naseri, Amin (Author) ; Sepehri, Mehran (Supervisor)
    A Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model is proposed to evaluate performance of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management systems. This model includes key performance indicators at three integrated levels. It has been tested and verified in a project-based organization in Iran, active in the area of power and energy. Results show that the company has done well in implementing HSE management processes, but no so well in growth and learning. This model may be used as a basis for comparing different companies and various proposed programs in the field of HSE management systems. The model includes indicators and sub-indicators in each category particularly related to stakeholders, processes, and... 

    Kinetic Modeling of Hydrocracking of Synthetic Wax from Fischer-Tropsch

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naseri, Fatemeh (Author) ; Khorasheh, Farhad (Supervisor)
    Fischer-Tropsch process (FT ) is one of the most important processes gas-to-liquid (GTL) conversion. This process converts synthesis gas into hydrocarbons. Depending on the catalyst and operating conditions of the process, heavy paraffins (Wax) are the most important products in this process. These products can be used to heavy paraffin catalyst hydrocracking in a process for the production of diesel fuel and gasoline to lighter products are suitable to be converted. The aim of this project is to develop a suitable kinetic model to describe the process of producing heavy paraffin hydrocracking process Fisher - Tropsch to be lighter products. In this regard, each 5 continuous mass model... 

    Modeling of the Biomechanical Properties of Articular Cartilage

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naseri, Hossein (Author) ; Firoozbakhsh, Keikhosrow (Supervisor)
    Articular cartilage Function is vital to joint tasks and its motion. The main biomechanical tasks of articular cartilage are a) the distribution of loads occurred in joints; b) providing joints with frictionless surface. The particular mechanical properties of articular cartilage make it possible for the Cartilage tissue to do its duty successfully. The biological factor that causes articular cartilage to damage is still unknown. It is believed that mechanical factors are the main reason for the cartilage destruction in osteoarthritis. Factors like age, heavy exercises and impact can begin tissue destructions and result in change in mechanical properties. To study the process of the... 

    Line Simplifcation Using the Hausdorff Distance as Error Metric

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naseri, Shahlla (Author) ; Zarei, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Due to recent advancements and wide usage of location detection devices, huge amount of data are collected by GPS and cellular technologies which exhibits moving objects trajectories. Using this information, it is possible to track a set of objects over a long period of time, as happens for instance in studying animal migration. Always, in these situations it is undesirable or even impossible (due to process and storage limits) to store the complete stream of positioning data. Then, simplifying a trajectory as a data reduction technique is the option for resolving such problems. Moreover, there is an increasing interest in queries capturing ”aggregate” behavior of trajectories as groups like... 

    Optimizing Co Nanoflakes Growth Parameters and Modifying Their Electro-catalytic Performance Using Carbon Nanostructures for Water Oxidation Reaction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pourreza, Mohammad (Author) ; Naseri, Naimeh (Supervisor)
    Ease of solar hydrogen production using water splitting and its environmental benefits, distinct hydrogen from other energy carriers. Hydrogen is the most abundant material in the world that make up more than 90% of the world compounds. So applying this material as a clean fuel is the best way to prevent environmental problems caused by fossil fuels. For efficient hydrogen production from water, a suitable electrocatalyst with low overpotential, high mechanical strength and reasonable catalytic activity must be utilized. In this research, cobalt based electrocatalyst was used considering that electrodepositon conditions play an important role in its final efficiency. On the other hand,... 

    Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Study of a New Heterobinuclear Bis(Cyclometalated) Complex Containing Pt(II) and Au(I)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naseri, Soroush (Author) ; Jamali, Sirous (Supervisor)
    The bis-cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes [Pt(ptpy)2], 3, and [Pt(fppy)2], 4, in which, ptpy = 2-(p-tolyl)pyridine and fppy = 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyridine have been prepared. The reaction of 3 with one equiv [Au(PPh3)]+ (prepared from the reaction between AuCl(PPh3) and AgOTf) gave the heterobinuclear complex [Pt(ptpy)2Au(PPh3)].OTf, 5, by formation of a Pt→Au dative bond. The structure of all complexes were characterized using multinuclear NMR spectroscopy in solution phase and the structures of 4 and 5 determined using X-ray crystallography in solid state. The structure of heterobinuclear complex 5 shows an unusual Pt-Au bond that supported by Au-Cipso bond. The absorption and... 

    Evaluation and Optimization of Physical Properties of Graphene Oxide Nano Flakes to Confront Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Najafi, Fahimeh (Author) ; Naseri, Naimeh (Supervisor)
    Antibacterial resistance towards existing antibiotics has become a major problem in medicine and health in recent years. Therefor it has become a challenge for scientists in different fields to find new antibiotics. Graphene and its derivatives, specially Graphene Oxide has gained attention in this area due to their unique physical properties. Graphene Oxide is considered to be a promising 2D nanomaterial for biomedical applications, due to its ease of production, stability in water, unique chemical and mechanical properties and its biocompatibility compared to other nanomaterials. In this study, graphene Oxide was synthesized using modified Hummers’ method. In order to investigate the... 

    Modifying Hole Transport in Branched hematite Nanostructures for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farhoosh, Shima (Author) ; Naseri, Naimeh (Supervisor)
    Regarding increasing world population, air pollution and depletion of fossil fuels supplies, hydrogen production via photoelectrochemical water splitting is a promising approach for providing a clean and renewable source of energy. Hematite (α-Fe2O3), the most common natural form of iron oxide, with a suitable band gap, high stability, earth-abundant nature and low cost has been widely acknowledged as a photoanode. However, intrinsic drawbacks of hematite like low electrical conductivity, short hole diffusion length and high recombination rate of electron-hole pairs hinder its photoelectrochemical performance with high efficiency. In this research, hematite nanostructures were synthesized...