
Service Level Agreement Templates and Guides for Implementing, using eTOM

Mahdioun, Saeid | 2007

396 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 39122 (01)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Industrial Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Mostafavi, Mostafa
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nowadays, in communication industry, specially data network, in which service quality is a serious parameter, request for making connection with appropriate quality (Proportionate to demands) and necessity of clarification of obligations of service providers and customers, as well as customer awareness of submitted materials and offering various services with different qualities & costs, led service providers, specially IP based networks, to make agreements with their customers, entitled service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA specifies the service type, mutual obligations, related parameters, measuring methods, violation threshold, penalties and loss compensation. Whereas, applying such an agreement involves particular arrangements in the filed of quality management in service provider companies and compensate the loss of agreement without re-engineering of organizational procedures would be impossible, it is necessary to clarify the agreement framworks for the purpose of following up and implementation of the agreement on one side, and acquire scientific methods for re-engineering of inner-organizational procedures, on the other side. Considering the responsibility of Regulatory Authority of MICT, as the authorized commission for providing SLA framework to clarify service quality against its cost for IT, communication & postal networks, it has been tried in this research to provide the main frameworks of service, service threshold and SLA template, which can be proposed as an appropriate base to compile related regulations in Communication & Regulatory Commission. Mentioned in article 5 of MICT regulations. Subsequently, a guideline has been provided for the companies, interested in applying service level management with e TOM framework, for presentation of SLA. In this guideline, all stages of service level management, level 1 & 2 of a eTom framework, have been mentioned. For acquiring SLA framework, the related standards of international organization such as ITU, ESTI, ISO as well as experiences of active & efficient companies, whose models are in close conformity with Iran internet market, are applied
  9. Keywords:
  10. Service Quality ; Internet ; Costs ; Agreement

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    • Sharif University of Technology
    • Student Information                  
      • 1-Name:
      • 2- Student Number:
      • 3- Degree:
      • 4- Department:
      • 5- Field
      • 6- Course
    • Thesis Information                    
      • 2- Thesis Type:
      • Experimental
      • Theoretical
      • 3- Supervisor: Dr. Mostafa Mostafavi
      • 4- Advisor: Dr. Mostafa Mostafavi
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