
Fabrication of Vertically Oriented TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Using Organic Electrolytes

Hamedi, Mojtaba | 2009

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 39387 (07)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Askari, Masoud; Hakim, Manochehr
  7. Abstract:
  8. Titanium dioxide, due to its specific semiconductive properties, has been a highly investigated material for a variety of applications including gas sensors, hydrogen generation by water photoelectrolysis, photocatalysis, dye-sensitized solar cells and purification of water and air. Several recent studies have indicated that titania nanotubes have improved properties compared to any other form of titania for mentioned application. Titania nanotubes have been produced by a variety of methods including deposition into a template and hydrothermal processes. Anodic oxidation of titanium foil in a fluoride-based solution is one of the best methods to produce of titania nanotube arrays. Highly ordered vertically oriented TiO2 nanotube arrays fabricated by potentiostatic anodization constitute a material architecture that offers a large internal surface area without a concomitant decrease in geometric and structural order.
    In the present work we explore the formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays at different fluoride concentrations, anodization time, and potentials in ethylene glycol and also, dimethyl formamide based electrolytes containing small amounts of fluoride ions. It was found that in the ethylene glycol base electrolytes, for potentials between 20 and 60¬V tubes could be grown with any desired diameter ranging from 35 to 140 nm combined with tube length from 1 to 100 µm. In the dimethyl formamide bath depending upon the anodization voltage, the inner pore diameters of the resulting nanotube arrays range from 40 to 170 nm. The morphology, crystallinity, and composition of the as-prepared and annealed nanotube arrays were studied by XRD, SEM and EDX. The as-prepared nanotubes are amorphous but crystallize with annealing at elevated temperatures
  9. Keywords:
  10. Titanium Dioxide ; Anodizing ; Self Organized Control ; Nanotube Production ; Nanotube Arrays ; Ethylen Glycol ; Dimethyl Formamide

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