
A Motivational Model for Building Virtual Auction

Sargazi Kousheh, Elham | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 43408 (54)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Amini Lari, Mansour; Beirjandi, Heshmat
  7. Abstract:
  8. Construction is a large industry in Iran, it engages in a wide range of products. The raw materials which are used in making a building are fairly standard items: iron, cement, glass, and so on. Because the technologies for making a building are well-known, contractor can solicit bids from variety suppliers for raw materials without worrying about the possible disclosure of trade secrets. Unfortunately bidding processing in Iran becomes very slow and inefficient. Each transaction required to request the relevant telephone number to supplier that might be interested in bidding on the item, it would often take purchasing personnel more than one week to gather the information, send it to potential suppliers, obtain and evaluate supplier’s bid, negotiate with the chosen suppliers, and place an order. These long delays were limiting the ability of the contractors. Applying a motivational model of web auction site to these purchase transactions is becoming more and more crucial in Iranian construction industry. The purpose of this study is to determine that which kind of auctions which are used in business to business e-marketplace through the world is enough motivation for Iranian business environment? This article also tries to build a conceptual framework to investigate the mechanism that converts consumer trust into intention to use in online auction. The proposed framework specifies a set of hypotheses among different constructs as personality, institution, cognitive, calculative and knowledge based trust. The questionnaires were sent to managers and senior experts of DTTTM' contractors that they were at all 92 of 113 population were received. Since all questionnaires are filled in presence of the researcher, 80 of them are usable in data analyzing process. The findings are crucial to the success of business organizations because, When Purchasing personnel need to buy something; they create a new purchase file that includes basic quality, delivery date, and delivery location information. Then from a list generated by a continuously updated supplier databases, they select supplier from which they request quoted, also for academics this model can be used as a platform to investigate that which kind of auction is the best auction for Iranian construction industry. The findings of this research based on three main hypothesis shows that between all models of e-auctions, reverse auction was the most proper one for buyers and Dutch auction was the best model for sellers. The third hypothesis proved that trust has an important impact on the success or failure of an e-auction and plays an important role as a modifying character for increasing the intention to use of an e-auction.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Safety ; Electronic Commerce ; Electronic Auction ; Willingness to Buy ; Reverse Auction

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