
Study of Traffic Flow Characteristics in Frontage Roads in Iran

Poorjafari, Mohammad | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 44102 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Vaziri, Manouchehr
  7. Abstract:
  8. Frontage roads are widely used to separate the main and the local traffic flows in multilane highways. Based on the studies conducted by Texas Transportation Institute, the delay imposed by ramp junction is considered for calculating the average speed in frontage roads in addition to the control delay caused by traffic lights. This delay and the capacity of frontage roads are analysed using gap acceptance theory. In this study, two different sections consisting of a basic section and merge area are selected along Tehran-Karaj special road as case studies and the required data are collected by video recording. After classifying and analysing the data, a wide range of macro traffic-analyses including speed-density, traffic volume-density and capacity analyses are conducted on the basic sections and the merge areas.Afterwards, free flow speed, jam density and capacity for the basic section, as well as for the upstream and the downstream section of the merge areas and their on-ramps are computed and compared with the values recommended by Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2010). Furthermore, the equation presented by HCM2010 for calculating the traffic density for the on-ramp influence area is calibrated in this study. Moreover, some various models for capacity of merge area are developed in this study based on the gap acceptance theory in order to conduct the traffic micro-analysis in micro-merge area. These models are developed through analysing the headways in the selected on-ramps and considering different statistical distributions. In the end, the most appropriate model for analysing traffic flow in merge area is presented based on comparing the observed and the calculated delays in the merge areas of the selected frontage roads
  9. Keywords:
  10. Gap ; Delay ; Frontage Road ; Capacity Analysis ; Traffic Condition in Iran

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