
Online Monitoring and Condition Assessment of Power Circuit Breakers in Transmission Network to Enhance their Reliability through Maintenance Scheduling

Razi Kazemi, Ali Asghar | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 45015 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Vakilian, Mehdi; Niayesh, Kaveh
  7. Abstract:
  8. Maintenance management of power system components has been always one of the main challenges among the power system operation concerns. Experiencing the fast developments in power industries, and the power networks rapid expansions (as a consequence of power system energy consumpsion growth) while utilities have limitations on their annual investment budgets and the operational costs. Therefore, a more cost-effective maintenance plan is searched for. Various types of maintenance have been nowadays implemented in power systems, all over the world. Among them, reliability-centered maintenance and condition-based maintenance (CBM) can be addressed. Circuit breakers (CBs) from long ago are recognized as one of the most critical components in a power system. Since their failures or imperfect operations would severely affect the performance of power system operation and control. In response, an accurate and regular maintenance schedule should be developed for CBs. Among the popular maintenance patterns, CBM has been reported as the most efficient one for power system CBs. Online monitoring system is the main requirement for establishment of CBM on CBs. This thesis presents a comprehensive approach for implementation of online monitoring (OLM) system on CBs. A decision making problem is defined to find power system most critical CBs and accordingly to allocate the maintenance resources to them. This essay contributes to propose a prioritization methodology for CBs OLM on the basis of both qualitative and quantitative concepts in which almost all the constraints experienced on real world and practical concerns are overcome. In the next step, the aim is to present an optimization framework for determining the optimal number of CBs. Since one of the most important factors in decision-makings is the cost-oriented criteria, the offered optimization approach is based on the objective of cost minimization, including OLM investment cost, inspection cost, preventive maintenance cost and failure cost. Once the critical CBs are determined to be under OLM, challenges related to design of an OLM system are dealt with. As an imperative step, the impotence of monitoring parameters from both occurrence and severity of failures are investigated. Subsequently, In order to develop the proposed failure detection method, the impact of each specific failure modes on monitoring parameters are investigated. The failures and their causes are categorized based on the outcome of these investigations. Finally, a new algorithm using trip/close C.C. is proposed to detect the mode and cause of CB incipient failures. In this study, the C.C. patterns are acquired by measurements carried out on healthy and faulty CBs in Pars Switch Manufacture Company. Furthermore, this thesis proposes a framework to precisely and intelligently assess the condition of CBs using coil current charactrestics and timing of auxiliary contact as easy-to-access, easy-to-measure and non-invasive diagnosis parameters. Having identified the effective diagnosis features with less mutuality, data mining approach is employed to explore these captured features during faulty and healthy operations. The feasibility and applicability of the proposed methodology is verified using the experimental recorded data.
  9. Keywords:
  10. Circuit Breakers (CBs) ; Online Monitoring ; Maintenance ; Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) ; Reliability

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