Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Coating with Hydrophilic Polymers as Paclitaxel Anticancer Drug Delivery Systems
Jokar, Safura | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45118 (03)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemistry
- Advisor(s): Adeli, Mohsen; Poujavadi, Ali
- Abstract:
- Nowadays, there is no perfect drug delivery for cancer therapy; also the healthy tissues can be damaged more than tumor tissues. To resolve this problem, the new drug delivery system based on nanostructured materials is useful. Graphene oxide (GO) is one of the most important graphene derivatives and a potential candidate for drug delivery system. It has high specific surface area so that it can load and deliver the drug in a good manner. Hydrophobicity of graphene restricts its application in nanomedicine. In order to improve its solubility in water, graphene should be modified by hydrophilic polymers. Therefore, in this study, in order to activate the graphene surface and increase its solubility in biological environments, graphene surface was modified with hydrophilic polymer such as polyethylene glycol and albumin protein by covalent methods. In the next step, Paclitaxel which is hydrophobic anticancer drug was loaded on the surface of functionalized graphene by strong π-π interactions. The synthesis and the interaction (covalent and noncovalent) of this nanocarrier were confiremed by FT-IR, CD, TEM, UV, AFM, DLS and Fluorescence techniques and the drug release was investigated in tree pH regions (5.4, 6.8 and 7.4). The release profile of drug showed that in the pH=5.4, the amount of drug release increased in compared to other pHs, because of the reduced interactions among albumin, drug and graphene
- Keywords:
- Graphene ; Albumin ; Drug Delivery ; Pacli Taxel (PTX) ; Nanomedicine ; Anticancer Drugs
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