Effect of Mullite Content on HAp-Mullite Composite for Hard Tissue Application
Rahmani, Marzieh | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 45587 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Faghihi Sani, Mohammad Ali; Solati Hashjin, Mehran
- Abstract:
- In this study effect of various mullite contents, as reinforcement phase, on phase combination, fracture surface and mechanical propertiese of hydroxyapatite- mullite composite has been investigated.
The used hydroxyapatite powder was synthesized through acid- base route and further calcination. XRD results demonstrated partially decomposition of HA in to β- TCP and CaO during the calcination. SEM image of the prepared HA powder showed that they were spherical and agglomarated.
The mixed HA with various amounts of the ball- milled mullite (10- 40 wt%)were pressed and sintered at 1350°C for 2h. Dominant phase in all composite samplese after sintering was Ca9Al(PO4)7.
Phase composition of the sample, containing 10%wt mullite was different from others. SEM images of the sintered composites showed that addition of %10 mullite increased porosity and decreased bulk density. However further addition of mullite (more than %10), increased strenghts of the composites. Maximum compression and flextural strenghts were achieved for the 30% mullite containing composite.
- Keywords:
- Hydroxyapatite ; Mechanical Properties ; Mullite ; Composite ; Biocompatibility
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