Synthesis and Fuctionalization of Graphene oxide for Thorium Adsorption
Doram, Amir | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 46432 (46)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Energy Engineering
- Advisor(s): Outokesh , Mohammad; Ahmadi, Javad
- Abstract:
- In this work, graphene oxide (GO) and Amino ethyl phosphonic acid (AEPA) functionalized graphene were synthesized using chemical method. In addition, reduced graphene was prepared by chemical and supercritical methods. Physical, chemical, morphological properties of as-synthesized materials were investigate using XRD, FTIR, RAMAN, UV, TEM, TGA, and BET. Thickness of monolayer GO which synthesized using Hummer’s method was evaluated 1 nm using AFM. FTIR and CHN results were affirmed the presence of AMPA onto graphene nanosheets. Adsorption properties of functionalized graphene for Th ions from aqueous solution was examined. Isotherm adsorption results demonstrated that maximum adsorption capacity of functionalized graphene (182 mg/gr) was higher than pristine GO (150 mg/gr). Moreover, isotherm data fitted well with Langmuir model (R2=0.99597). Kinetics results represented fast adsorption properties which was in good agreement with second order reaction model. The effect of Na as interfere ions was investigated and the results indicated that increasing of Na concentration displayed no effect on adsorption capacity of functionalized graphene while it could attenuated adsorption power of GO. pH effect as one of the important parameters in adsorption process of Th was studied. Functionalized graphene exhibited high adsorption capacity in high acidity and increased with rising pH values. However, GO was shown lower adsorption properties at acidic solutions due to protonating of oxygen functional groups
- Keywords:
- Graphene Oxide ; Functionalized Graphene ; Absorption ; Thorium ; Amino Ethyl Phosphonic Acid
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