Design and Construction of a Soft Actuated Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients
Razavi Zadehgan, Ali Akbar | 2014
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 47086 (58)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Mathematical Sciences
- Advisor(s): Ghafari, Ali; Meghdari, Ali
- Abstract:
- The main goal of this thesis is the design and development of a rehabilitation device for helping patients “to improve blood circulation” & retain and recover their abilities if possible that were lost during the stroke or a accident like that (my research in karaj/iran shows that it is possible by just movement of the specific body part). The focus is on hand in this thesis because Injuries to the hand are common and can be very debilitating since our hands are our primary means for interacting with our world. For rehabilitation in case of human hand there are several practices that should be done for patients either in home or in a rehabilitation center, time and money that is supposed to spend in such exercises is considerable, so if there would be a robotic devices to do the trainings for them, there would be a great convenience. By searching and analyzing the exercises that stroke patients should do to improve their blood circulation, I have reached to this opinion that grabbing an object while every fingers interact in it would be the best exercise that will involve most of other exercises like stretching and flexing fingers and more. So it is decided to design a robotic device that be able to help the patients in the grabbing exercise. The device involve only one actuator and it is controlled by a microcontroller and safety option that will help the patients to do the grabbing exercise for rehabilitation. These are the important factors that I have considered in designing the device:
• The device should be portable
• It should be a light weight device as possible
• It should be easy to use for patients
• It should have safety mechanisms as every bio mechanic devices should have
• It should be as cheap as possible
The last word is my only purpose for choosing this topic was helping people to recover their lost abilities as much as possible - Keywords:
- Hand ; Stroke ; Exoskeleton ; Rehabilitation Device ; Disability
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