
Influence of martensite volume fraction on impact properties of triple phase (TP) steels

Zare, A ; Sharif University of Technology | 2013

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.1007/s11665-012-0312-2
  3. Publisher: 2013
  4. Abstract:
  5. Ferrite-bainite-martensite triple phase (TP) microstructures with different volume fractions of martensite were obtained by changing heat treatment time during austempering at 300 C. Room temperature impact properties of TP steels with different martensite volume fractions (VM) were determined by means of Charpy impact testing. The effects of test temperature on impact properties were also investigated for two selected microstructures containing 0 (the DP steel) and 8.5 vol.% martensite. Test results showed reduction in toughness with increasing VM in TP steels. Fracture toughness values for the DP and TP steels with 8.5 vol.% martensite were obtained from correlation between fracture toughness and the Charpy impact energy. Fractography of Charpy specimens confirmed decrease in TP steels' toughness with increasing VM by considering and comparing radial marks and crack initiation regions at the fracture surfaces of the studied steels
  6. Keywords:
  7. Martensite volume fraction ; Room temperature ; Triple phase steel ; Charpy impact energy ; Ferrite bainite martensites ; Fracture surfaces ; Fracture toughness values ; Heat treatment time ; CVN-KIC correlation ; Test temperatures ; Fractography ; Fracture mechanics ; Fracture toughness ; Martensite ; Microstructure ; Volume fraction ; Martensitic steel
  8. Source: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance ; Volume 22, Issue 3 , 2013 , Pages 823-829 ; 10599495 (ISSN)
  9. URL: http://link.springer.com./article/10.1007%2Fs11665-012-0312-2