
Design of a Ultrasonic system for a Multi-purpose Production Logging Tool (PLT)

Hassannejad, Masoud | 2015

445 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 47392 (05)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Electrical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Movahhedian Attar, Hamid
  7. Abstract:
  8. In the oil industry, a better understanding of the well condition leads to improve the management and increase the oil production. Production logging tools is a set of tools for measuring different parameters such as density, diameter and flow in oil and gas wells. These tools are considered among high-tech tools in the oil industry. The reason is that they should work in harsh conditions, i.e. high temperature about 170 ° C and pressure around 15000 psi, and at the same time give an accurate measurement of the quantity. Current production-logging tools measure the fluid velocity and the diameter of an oil well by individual mechanical tools, and the density by a radioactive densitometer. In this thesis, a measurement system is introduced and designed based on the ultrasonic signal. The advantage of using ultrasonic signal is that it is easier to produce than other signals such as gamma, and also it eliminates moving mechanical parts.This system is capable of simultaneously measuring three parameters of density, diameter and flow. In this system 24 transducers are used to send and receive ultrasonic pulses. By measuring and processing the travel time of the signals, a wide range of information can be obtained including the dimensions, the density of the fluid and flow rate. The system is implemented in two different ways: one based on FPGA, and other on the integrated circuits specially designed for pre-processing the ultrasonic signals. The various aspects of the system are simulated by proper software such as Comsol, Modelsim and Matlab. Due to the harsh condition of oil wells, the study of the reliability of the system in those environments is very crucial. So the reliability of the system is analysed and the life time prediction by using the well-known methods of reliability prediction. This project can be considered as a promising path to the construction of a single device that would be a good replacement of three existing tools
  9. Keywords:
  10. Diameter ; Reliability ; Density ; Flow Measurment ; Production Logging Tools (PLT) ; Ultrasonic Signal

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