
design, Analysis and Motion Control of Microrobot Based on Cantilever Rotary Beams Due to Piezoelectric Actuation

Ghorbanian Kerdabadi, Vahid | 2016

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 49346 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ahmadian, Mohammad Taghi
  7. Abstract:
  8. With regard to daily developments in micro and nanotechnology , the use of micro robots, In a different of applications increased extensively. The aim of this research was to introduce a mobile micro robot and analysis its behavior. this micro robot has several microlegs which are formed from microbeam mechanism and piezoelectric actuators. The degrees of freedom by taking any micro beam, any of these microlegs are able to move in a three-dimensional space. The mechanism used in this research for each of the microrobot legs, as was the consecutive series and its increase, in manor motor .In this research, unlike the previous tasks, piezoelectric actuators are considered as end effectors and actually the movement transmission mechanism has been deleted. as a result The reduced dimensions and weight eventuated the ability to design microrobot which handled much smaller dimensions. manipulation and motion for different targets in micro and nano dimensions, can be mentioned as the main tasks in this microrobot. in this project, first the kinematics equations and statics of each microlegs and a follower of the microrobot, extracted and analyzed. Then with developing the inverse kinematics equations, microroobot workspace can be evaluated and finally the microrobot trajectory can be determined. In the part of the control motion and dynamics, at first the dynamic equations of microgripper ,then microleg and finally micro robot are extracted .Using the Lagrange method and with consideration of the effect of piezoelectric, air damping and external forces exerted to the microlegs, equations of motion have been extracted, and based on that microrobot’s motion and vibration parameters have been calculated. in the dynamic section and microrobot’s motion control, General movement is devided in to a sling section of the microleg of the foundation and move to the front or the sides of final desired position of microleg end point. In the section of the microrobot’s motion to the front or the side, the equations assuming no sliding condition. With apply voltage to the piezoelectric actuators, microgripper, microleg, and microrobots dynamic response evaluated .and finally timing of stimulation and control of movement of micro robots has been focoused to have a soft and continues motion. In this study, beside offering analytical models, finite element models and abaqus software are employed to compare and check the accuracy of the results
  9. Keywords:
  10. Micro Robot ; Dynamic Modeling ; Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) ; Piezoelectric ; Elastic Micro Robot ; Microbeam ; Locomotion Control ; Cantilever Beam

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