- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 50183 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Nejat, Hossein
- Abstract:
- Microrobots have the potential to access small spaces for manipulation or for acting as a sensor. Magnetic microrobots are the most common types of microrobots. Magnetic microrobots have gained particular traction for medical applications due to safety of tissues. For instance, disease diagnosis, minimally invasive surgery and cell manipulation are potential applications of magnetic microrobots. The performance of a single microrobot could be improved by using multiple robots. For example each microrobot could carry a small payload to a goal inside a microfluidic channel, or could assemble fast and in parallel. In order to employ multiple robots, it is necessary to control each microrobot independently. But the applied magnetic field affects all over the workspace and as a result steering individuals to microrobots separately is a challenge. The main idea of this research is to generate magnetic field by using permanent magnets, which can control the motion of two identical microrobots independently. Permanent magnets rotate or translate to generate desired field. Based on these movements different configurations have been proposed to control two microrobots in one, two or three dimension paths. Workspace is considered a cube with side length equal to 2 cm and microrobots are 250 µm diameter spherical magnets. Proposed systems are controlled with different strategies including PI controller with a feed forward term and optimal controller
- Keywords:
- Magnetic Micro-robot ; Micro Robot ; Locomotion Control ; Micro-Scales ; Automation ; Micro Scale Automation
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