
Investigating the Effect of Innovation Partnerships on Iranian Firms Innovation Performance and Compare It in Different Industries Based on National Innovation Survey

Khatami, Mohsen | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50595 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Maleki, Ali; Souzanchi Kashani, Ebrahim
  7. Abstract:
  8. The thesis attempts to investigate one of the factors influencing enterprise innovation, namely, innovation cooperation, its types and its diversity by using the data of about 2,500 companies in different fields of industry of national innovation survey that had been collected in 1395 hijri. In this research, firstly, by reviewing the literature on the field of innovative cooperation and the performance of enterprise innovation, the model of the association of colleagues with innovation performance has been extracted. In the following, it answers to this question is whether the cooperation with colleagues is essentially affecting the innovation performance of Iranian firms or not? The results of the research show that cooperation with a number of colleagues on the performance of Iranian enterprises can be effective. In partnership with some of its colleagues, this has been a positive effect and in collaboration with others, there has been a negative impact on innovation performance. Also, in this research, it was found that the diversity of the potfolio of partners does not have much effect on the innovation performance of Iranian firms, or this diversity exists only in a limited industry. For example, among the six industries surveyed, only in the biotechnology industry, diversity of partners has a positive effect on the innovation performance of firms and in other industries there is no significant effect. Other outcomes of this research were to compare the effect of each colleague as well as the colleagues 'portfolio on the performance of firms' innovation in various industries of Iranian firms. In this research, it was found that all the partners in all industries have no equal effect on the output of firm innovation, and in some industries cooperation with a cooperative type may be useful, but in the other industry, this collaboration does not have much effect on innovation performance
  9. Keywords:
  10. National Innovation System ; Technological Collaboration ; Manufacturing Firms ; National Innovation Survey ; Innovation Performance ; Innovation Collaboration ; Partners Portfolio

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