
Sustainable Development Model of Energy Sector Based on Exergy Flow Concept

Khajehpour, Hossein | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 51359 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Sabouhi, Yadollah
  7. Abstract:
  8. Sustainable development of the energy sector, as a resource-consuming sector with high environmental emissions, is essential. Especially in energy-intensive countries such as Iran with a sensitive environment, the sustainability considerations are more critical. The sustainability may be achieved when all pillars (economic, social, and environmental) are considered in a balanced manner. Previous economic experiences show the incapability of the market view in proper consideration of the ecosystem assets. Therefore, and in contrast to the economic view, in the physical approaches the limited capacity of the cosystem bounds the economic activities for meeting social welfare. In this view, the proper identification of the ecosystem limits is a must. Furthermore, changing the approach from economic to the physical costs can better reflect the real burden on the ecosystem due to resource depletion and environmental impacts. Hence, the exergy concept, as the potential for making changes in the system, is used for assessing the costs of the development.In this research work, first, the limited capacity of the ecosystem for handling the environmental emissions is estimated. This cap is then used for an integrated environmental management. Then, according to the notion of correspondence of the emission of the pollutants and the exergy destructions, the environmental responsibilities of the sub-systems of a complex energy system are assessed. Thereafter, based on the exergetic productivity of the production factors (labor and capital), a novel method is developed to overcome the shortcomings of the previously developed methods, e.g., the Extended Exergy Approach (EEA). In this approach, the exergetic opportunity costs are assessed based on the potential ability of the production factors to substitute exergy destructions in an economic sector. Also, in the developed method, the environmental damage costs are used to reflect the pressure on the environment instead of the abatement cost which are usually used in the literature. The effectiveness of the developed method is compared with the economic and EEA approaches in the case study of Assaluyeh (an important energy zone in southern Iran). The optimal production basket in the zone is assessed under different sustainability scenarios and constraints. Moreover, the development and retrofit actions in the region are prioritized based on different sustainability assessment approaches. The results show that the physical approaches can better reflect the resource depletion and environmental costs than the market-based economic approaches. Also, it is shown that the developed approach in this research work can present a more balanced view among the different production cost factors and environmental costs
  9. Keywords:
  10. Sustainable Development ; Energy ; Environment ; Exergy ; Exergy Costing Method ; Environmental Responsibilities

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